Super Mystery #4 Baby-Sitters' Christmas Chiller

Mar 22, 2010 21:47

Oh boy, this is the first time I've snarked on one of the Super Specials. Better yet, a Super MYSTERY! Oh boy oh boy! *rubs hands together with glee*

The cover? Kristy and Abby are totally ignoring the fact that someone has knocked over a vase, tilted a picture frame and yanked all sorts of electronics from the shelf. However, they are aghast that someone has left muddy footprints on the newly cleaned carpet. The preppy adolescent boy next to them....oh, wait, that's Mary all, "I didn't do it!" and shiftily sticks her hands in her pocket. She's crying on the inside, I'm sure.

This book begins with a prologue, written in Jessi's handwriting. *sighs* GREAT. Here I go. I started this, now I gotta finish it.

Jessi goes on about how she's been a member of the BSC for a while now, and she should know by now that wherever they go, something is bound to happen, so why should Christmas be any different? And dude...I'll say it now. If I were to type out what Jessi wrote, it'd take up maybe a whole page, but her swoopy handwriting spans four and a half freaking pages!

Chapter One: Jessi

GAAAAAH, not more of her handwriting!!!!!

Anyhoo, the boiler at SMS broke on their last day of school before Christmas break. So guess what? Christmas va-cay starts a day early!

Where are we? At a Bull-Shit Cult meeting, of course. Dawn's back in the 'Brook for the holiday, and everyone's thrilled. Here's what each BSC member has planned for the holiday:

Logan--going back to Kentucky
Shannon--ski vacation
Claudia and Stacey--going to NYC
Abby--Hannukah party on Friday night

Okay, by now, you should get that this is the intro chapter, so I'll spare you the deets because you should know this shit by now. What, you DON'T?! *sigh* OKAY. Sports-artsy-crybaby-sophisticated-crunchy-nerdy-dancer-boy-overachiever-allergies. There. Ya happy?

Thirteen-and-a-half pages later (seriously!), Janine knocks on the door and alerts Claudia that "Mrs. McGill has arrived to provide transportation to the train, I believe." Seriously, Janine? Even she is a cliché in the later books. I know you're a smarty-pants genius and all, but quit trying to sound like a robot. So Stacey and Claudia get to leave the meeting early, much to K.Ron's chagrin. But Christmas has begun!

Chapter Two: Claudia

Stacey and Claudia are on the train going to NYC. Claudia's having second thoughts about going to NYC again, in case Stacey abandons her for Ethan again, but Stacey reassures her that won't happen.

More talk about NEW YORK CITY and how it's Stacey's hometown. Then the train arrives, and EVERYONE gets off. And DAYUM, that's a lot of people. They find Stacey's dad and he manages to get them out of the crowd before they're mugged/raped. Off to Mr. McGill's to drop off Claudia's luggage before they go eat at Two Boots for dinner. Yum!

Chapter Three Kristy

Karen, Andrew and David Michael wake Kristy up from her slumber yelling "THERE'S A THIEF IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD!" Turns out it was the Hsus. The kids want to go visit Timmy and Scott. Kristy tells them maybe later. Karen says....very disappointed, "You won't take us to visit them?" Probably gave Kristy the cutey-pie pouty face and everything.

Goddammit, Karen.

While Kristy's trying to speed-eat breakfast and put on her boots, she's pressing Watson for details. He tells her he doesn't know a whole lot. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, KRISTY, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! (But she can't do that, or else we wouldn't have this book!) Then she--say it with me, class...


Hey, all of a sudden, maybe the Hsus could use a little baby-sitting help right now! So she rushes over to the Hsus and yes, they could use some help. Their kids need to get to school and not to be around the house since they've been robbed, and the kids are probably traumatized. So she helps the kids round up their school things while snooping around paying attention to detail around the house. The place looks like it was hit by a tornado. The only thing that isn't a mess are their suitcases, still on their beds unpacked. (The Hsus were out of town visiting their grandmother.) Nothing seems to be missing, though. But Kristy spots the word "NAUGHTY" spray-painted in red on a wall in their house.

After school, she meets up with the Hsus to take them on a "clue hunt" around the neighborhood. They stop by the Kilbournes' place, and Shannon and Kristy talk about it. Shannon says the thieves must've been watching the Hsus' house and knew they'd be out of town. Great. I think I've seen this before in a movie...

All Kristy wants to do is solve the mystery and take credit for it. Let's be honest. She isn't meddlesome for nothing. None of their other neighbors were aware of anything suspicious. Kristy goes back to the Hsus with the kids, and bothers the cops some more. The cops are sure Kristy will let them know if she sees or hears anything suspicious. Blah.

More bad handwriting and chopped-up storylines next time!

claudia, christmas, super mystery #4: babysitters' christmas, horrible covers, kristy, meddling in other's business, super mystery, jessi

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