9/24: The eagle has landed

Sep 24, 2008 05:56

Yesterday my mom informed me that Howie will be on Filipino TV on Sunday. I'm tempted to go over to my mom's friend's house to watch it, even though my mom's taping it and, you know, it'll probably be online within 24 hours. I am ridiculous ( Read more... )

other: lance bass, other: sarah geronimo, *kriss: history, howie dorough, news, misc: etc.

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Comments 7

inconsolable September 24 2008, 15:36:44 UTC
I hate that that's how he's labled now, the gay guy from that group :(


euphoric_beauty September 24 2008, 15:48:37 UTC
I second that. He's still Lance, still a person. People are so...close-minded? *sigh*

Love the icon, btw. :)


inconsolable September 24 2008, 15:52:33 UTC
yes exactly. He should be labled as my husband!!!! lol


inahurricane September 25 2008, 06:12:24 UTC
I don't think she was being close-minded or insinuating he's less of a human for it. It was just the first description that popped into her head probably because describing him as "the one with the blonde hair" could've fit anyone.


justhitstatic September 24 2008, 17:22:04 UTC
LOL. Also makes a note to watch DWtS. My mother thinks he's the cutest thing alive. But back to Howie! Yay!


inahurricane September 25 2008, 06:09:32 UTC
My mom didn't realize at first that it was Lance I met back in October so when I reminded her she got all excited haha. It was cute :)


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