
Feb 11, 2025 06:49

All fanfiction, which is listed in the sticky post, is public and will remain public.

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Comments 5

goddesstar February 23 2010, 03:10:52 UTC
Hello! Wanted to say hello. I wanted to check out your fic for SPN and F&F.



brynwulf February 23 2010, 03:17:22 UTC
All my fic should be public and can be found on my sticky post up front. Let me know if you have any problems. Thanks!!


defriending iamthedirtgirl September 15 2011, 00:53:12 UTC
I know I dropped off the map since I got married. I also got tired of the bad attitudes on lj and the constant spoiling. Plus everyone seemed to have gone elsewhere and I didn't know where and it seemed a big ole secret. I've been trying to rearrange things so I can be checking in on my fav folks here. If I get super active I'd like to go to dreamwidth. If I do, will you want to reconnect? It's ok if you don't. Hope I can still drop by here and send a hey how are ya and get an answer cause I still dig you after all this time. It's not even about the fic. You've been a really good friend to me when you didn't really know me at all and I value that. I hope you are doing really well and hope to be able to keep up with you in the future. Much love. Tara


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brynwulf January 25 2012, 18:31:47 UTC
Not at all. I'll add you back, but I don't really post over here much anymore. Everything is on Dreamwidth now. I just leave my fic over here mostly.


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brynwulf January 25 2012, 18:42:02 UTC
Either or both. :)


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