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So, because the world needs one more Veronica Mars finale post. I haven't read anyone else's reactions yet, so this is just what I've managed to cobble together on my own.
Spoilers! )
Comments 11
*falls off chair*
I'd actually seen a fair amount of speculation about Beaver in the past couple of weeks, but I really didn't want it to be him because that kind of damage in a human being is painful to see. As it was. (And in a lot of ways, Woody Goodman really did make that bus crash. What he did destroyed so many lives.) But it was extremely lame that one of the big clues--that Beaver had learned to make bombs from Curly Moran--was something Veronica found out offscreen and never mentioned until now. It felt like the writers were hiding vital information. We actually saw the kid who told Veronica about the bombs and Veronica interact last week, but they didn't show us this very important conversation, and I call foul on that.
Lying to police about Logan's whereabouts the night Lilly died.
Going along with Dick and Logan's pool burning.
The transgender prostitute prank also struck me as mean-spirited.
The Land Trust looked like it was going to be a massive scam even though it turned out not to be.
Just lots of little moments. Mac always felt similarly mercenary(she made all that money off the purity test, remember?) so I thought they were a good couple. Obviously she lacked Cassidy's cruel streak.
I was thinking about this one, and that was the impression I got in respect to what the dream was, but it sort of made sense that she'd be with Logan, not Duncan. If Lily hadn't died, Veronica wouldn't have slept with Duncan, and he'd still be thinking she was his sister with no one to ever go figuring that stuff out. Maybe. ;D
The vid! OMG. Have I mentioned the love? SO MUCH LOVE.
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