Blackmailed Resignation

Aug 30, 2006 08:14

Where: Weyrleader's office
Who: J'cor and Br'ce
When: Day 26, Month 4, Turn 2 of the 7th Pass
What: Br'ce comes to J'cor to resign as wingleader, and tells him of the kidnapping plot.

Weyrleaders' Office

Much of the formal and informal business that concerns the weyrleaders is conducted here. As such, an effort has been made to keep this chamber comfortable out of respect for the long hours of work required to keep the Weyr running. The walls are bright with tapestries and the floors warm with thick rugs. A large sandtable holds pride of place in the center of the room, one half covered with a sheet of glass to serve as a writing surface. A second, smaller table holds whatever writing implements and record hides are needed by the staff. The chairs that ring this area are thickly cushioned but otherwise undecorated.
The stairs that led into the complex from the bowl continue up to the right, taking one into the Weyrleader's weyr. A large tunnel to the left curves down to the senior Weyrwoman's weyr, broken only by the smaller tunnel that leads to one of the junior's weyrs. The last tunnel, opposite the entrance, leads to the second junior's weyr.

The morning is a time to settle in for work - after a quick breakfast, of course. The Weyrleader has just finished his, and is exchanging a few go-nowhere pleasantries with the kitchen girl who came for his tray. Judging by the smell in the room (and the grease on the plate), bacon was involved, as were eggs. The kitchen worker manages to balance the tray in one hand as, excused by J'cor, she slips to open the door and get out.

There's a knock on the door, and in the frame appears Br'ce, immediately in the wake of the kitchen girl. He's looking haggard, with dark circles under his eyes. "Excuse me, weyrleader. I'm sorry to interrupt you like this, but I have matters of some import that I must communicate." It lookslike he's spent a sleepless night. "I'm afraid I must tender my resignation as Wingleader." There, it's out, and he looks somewhat dypeptic; the words souring in his mouth into something sullen.

J'cor glances up on the knock, the automatic smile he wears fading quickly when he notices the brownrider's haggard appearance. He studies him as hespeaks, eyes going wide at the last words, and ends with a quick gesturetowards one of the office's comfortable chairs. There for the taking."Your resignation?" Even the Weyrleader needs a few tries to process thatone, a frown forming on his features. "3C has flown extraordinarily well. A few injuries, while upsetting, do not mean that your efforts to lead thewing have gone amiss."

One end of the brownrider's lip curls up in disgust. By way of response, however, he pokes his head back into the hall to see if anyone is standing out there, and then firmly closes the door before lowering himself into a chair, all coiled tension. There's a moment's marshalling of his thoughts. "I have greatly enjoyed leading 3C--it has been an honor and a privilege to work with those riders. However, due to ...developments in my personal affairs, it has become incumbent upon me to turn in my knot to you." The obvious pain that this action is causing Br'ce is hidden behind a thick forest of overformal words, as he gently unfastens his knot and, ever-so-carefully, lays it down upon the weyrleader's desk.

J'cor looks at the knot, watching the ceremony in silence as it is carefully removed and laid upon his desk. He swings around behind the desk, though he doesn't take his own chair but simply leans forward over it, his fingers pressing down on either side of the knot without touching it. "Your personal affairs," he repeats flatly. His eyes thin as again he stops to consider the brownrider. "It is not for me to involve myself in your life beyond your work, brownrider, and I am quite certain you have already considered the weight of your resignation against the call of private matters. Forgive me, however, if I am reluctant to accept such a decision without some knowledge, whatever you choose to give me, of the reasons behind it."

Br'ce looks back steadily at J'cor. "Yes, sir, my personal affairs. And I am prepared to give you a full accounting. It is a...difficult story." Lips are pursed and the chair-arms are clenched tensely, as he lets out a somewhat shaky breath. "A person...quite dear to me has been kidnapped." Okay, maybe not /that/ difficult a story. "I am directed to...step down, or else she will be returned to me in pieces." Another small pause. "It is my belief that this is aimed more at yourself and Yevide, rather than me." Oh, yes, it makes things so much easier for Br'ce when this isn't really personal.

J'cor's hands, braced beside the knot, abruptly slide back into fists. He presses his knuckles white against the surface of the desk, hunching even further forward as if by doing so he could get closer to understanding. "I will need to know several things," he says when Br'ce has concluded, as he draws his fists back from the desk. "How you were contacted. By whom - as much as you know. What was said, and how it related to your conclusion that such an action was aimed at the weyr's leadership." He glances over his shoulder at his own chair, but decides not to take it. Back to Br'ce: "Who was kidnapped."

Oh, he can give this in the form of a formal report. Br'ce can do that,easily. Okay, synopsis. "I was eating dinner in the Living Caverns yesterday, when a note was left by my plate with a directive to come to the stables. I did, and I met two disreputable-looking people. OneDonavon, with a scraggly-looking beard, and another whose name I didn't quite catch. Their accents started out disreputable as well, but they became more erudite as time went on." There's a pause here, as he mentally edits the conversation. "They...attempted to convince me to resign. When I refused, they threatened me." This is the part that makes him very uncomfortable, and he shifts slightly in his chair. "They kidnapped Headmaster Sefton's assistant, Aida." Chin up, agitation in his eyes.

J'cor's expression does not seem to change, and yet there's a growing tension somewhere between the corners of his eyes and the base of his ears, as though the skin has somehow drawn tighter all on its own. "They threatened you physically, or with their ... promise?" The pieces. He allows Br'ce little time to consider that question, as he requires much information and has many more points to cover. "And I would like to know if they provided, overtly, a reason for this demand. I assume the headmaster has been informed, at this point by the absence of his assistant if not by other means. Have you been to see the captain of the guards?"

"Not physically. They threatened to hurt Aida." Fists clench. It would have been a lot easier to deal with if they had threatened Br'ce directly. Then he could have told them to go to hell. "They..." He sighs, looking down for a second before returning to direct eye contact. "They told me that they felt that you hold power here illegally, and that High Reaches deserves its own leaders. That you usurped your position through unfair means." A position that Br'ce happens to somewhat agree with, which may come out in the somewhat challenging tone. Nevertheless, his respect for authority still holds uppermost place. "They felt that my accepting a wingleader position from you was a betrayal. And that they wished to reduce your base of support, by removing any potentially loyal wingleaders. " He nods slightly. "I have informed the Headmaster, and he is...doing all that he can. I have not spoken to Captain Jensen." There's another small pause. "I would prefer not to unnecessarily agitate the kidnappers, sir. I believe that they are ruthless enough to carry out their threat, and..." He swallows, convulsively. "I do not believe the risk is worth any possible benefit that might accrue from trying to rescue Aida, when we know not where she is being held, or who else is involved."

J'cor raises his chin at that summation of his leadership, his eyes bright with anger but his expression, otherwise, still firmly under control. "No, I suspect the captain would agree with you on the risk, but it may be useful to him to have these descriptions of her kidnappers, as well as a thorough firsthand report on your own ordeal. This is his business; he will know more about it than you or I. Meanwhile -" he pauses for the first time, uncertainty making a brief grab for air amidst the impassivity of his features. "Aida's safety is paramount. However, we do not know whether we can trust these men to follow through on their word. I am not saying that I will not, at the very least, hold onto your knot. 3C must be removed from the fighting schedule, in any case, due to - the stress of the situation, as I do not believe you have trained in a wingsecond." He barely pauses here to raise an eyebrow, confirming, then continues on. "If Captain Jensen believes that your resignation is the safest step for Aida at this point, then that is the step we will take. Until he has weighed in, do not act in haste. Were you given a timeframe in which they expected to hear news of your decision?"

Br'ce shakes his head mutely. "I haven't appointed a wingsecond, I was waiting to see how some of them would fare up under Threadfall to decide." Which, in retrospect, seems like a less than ideal decision. Hmm. "I can't believe that they would think that they could renege on their word like that, without causing more trouble than it would solve." he objects. "I will speak to Captain Jensen next, then. Until, then, I would greatly appreciate it if you did not let word of the kidnapping leak out. I am already violating their instructions by telling you." He hesitates for a moment, then shakes his head again. "No, they didn't give any sort of time frame. Either for my resignation, or for returning Aida. I, ah, wasn't thinking too clearly at the time, and I ended the meeting rather precipitously." Surreptitiously, he rubs a thumb over his skinned and bruised knuckles.

J'cor's gaze flicks down to that moving thumb, and his eyebrows ascend a fraction, but he does not comment. "I imagine they could," he answers darkly, but without explanation. He leans forward, snatching the knot off the top of his desk and finding an open drawer in which to toss it. Little regard for ceremony, now. "Very well. As far as I know, nothing untoward has occurred. I suggest you be discreet when you seek out the captain, lest your conversation with him be noted by those who have given those instructions."

Br'ce watches the knot go, almost flinching as the drawer closes. Eyes close briefly. "I will. Thank you for your time, Weyrleader. I'm sorry that things turned out this way." The brownrider stands, offering a curt nod. "Aida is very, very dear to me. I will take every precaution necessary." he says firmly before heading towards the door, glad to have something to do other than sit and home and worry.

J'cor nods solemnly in response to Br'ce's firm declaration. "Thank you, Br'ce, for bringing it to my attention," is his own parting piece. He waits for Br'ce to be well out of the office before, at last, he allows himself the comfort of sinking into his chair.
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