I have been AWAY

Sep 25, 2020 18:00

Oh man, I am both glad and sorry to have been elsewhere for this strange year, and perhaps especially for this strange and sorry week, where all the progress of the summer has come right unzipped. London is on watch, which means more lockdown coming, and judging by the range of substitutions in my Waitrose deliver today, there’s panic buying ahoy ( Read more... )

meme, photo post, travel

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Comments 6

kazzy_cee September 25 2020, 18:14:50 UTC
How was the train to Bath? We’ve been a bit put off as we’d have to get the tube as well as the train but I’d love to go back again.

Looks like you had excellent weather.


brutti_ma_buoni September 25 2020, 18:24:22 UTC
It was absolutely fine - about 4-5 people per carriage each way. There's no reservations, and the conductor was emphasising mask wearing and distancing.


thismaz September 26 2020, 09:15:00 UTC
I love the Holburne; such a wonderful variety of things to look at and the air of organised chaos is very attractive.
Your accommodation really does look beautiful.


brutti_ma_buoni September 27 2020, 17:17:11 UTC
Yes to both - the Holburne is just about the perfect size for me, and so well curated. And the flats are beautiful. I'm glad to have been back.


sparrow2000 September 26 2020, 18:59:52 UTC
Sounds like a positive trip all told. Every time you post Bath pics I always regret that I've not been. One for the itinerary when we're next over - if we ever fly again....


brutti_ma_buoni September 27 2020, 17:23:33 UTC
It was good, but I'm so tired! It's a lovely city, though. Definitely one to watch.


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