The rest of Bath

Jul 27, 2019 20:03

A roundup of the rest of my time in Bath, where I went to two whole new museums. This place just keeps on giving. (I have photos below, though my phone camera is playing up a bit so they are a bit dodgy in places ( Read more... )

photo post, travel

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Comments 10

curiouswombat July 27 2019, 19:52:08 UTC
That sounds like the ideal apartment. And so much better Bath than Boris.

Those interiors looks lovely. I remember thinking about going to the American Museum when I visited Bath, and deciding it looked like too much trouble in the hot weather that year. I really should go again.


brutti_ma_buoni July 28 2019, 18:34:42 UTC
Yes, it was a very welcome break all round.

The American museum is really worth seeing. You can get a cab (it turns out, when I was chatting to the guard, that it's cheaper than the bus if there are two of you), and it's well worth seeing. But then, I feel that way about anything in Bath, so I heartily agree with you going back!


kazzy_cee July 28 2019, 05:57:23 UTC
You visited all the places we didn’t have time for so I shall note those for next time we visit. Was it a SACO apartment? Looks lovely.


brutti_ma_buoni July 28 2019, 18:35:48 UTC
There's so much to see, really. But these were well worth adding to a list.

This is a new outfit called Hiding Space. They have a couple of newer blocks, but if you can get into St Catherine's Hospital, it's right out the back of Thermae Spa and the courtyard architecture is just lovely.


thismaz July 28 2019, 06:06:28 UTC
Sounds like a really enjoyable break. I'm glad you didn't get caught up by the train disruption we were hearing about in the heat down south.


brutti_ma_buoni July 28 2019, 18:37:06 UTC
Yes, I was very lucky, GWR were fine while all the trains heading north were dreadfully affected. I was also very glad not to be going anywhere except up in the hills on the very hot day.


sparrow2000 July 28 2019, 18:22:53 UTC
Lovely photos as always. It sounds like a very enjoyable trip.


brutti_ma_buoni July 28 2019, 18:37:41 UTC
It was. It's just a lovely place to be, and feels very homey now. I don't think I could live there, but sometimes it's very tempting.


snogged July 28 2019, 19:50:43 UTC
Beautiful photos!


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