The Chains They Revere (PG13)

Aug 18, 2014 20:44

Nobody in the world is waiting for this fic. Except possibly snickfic. But that's okay. It's only meant as a present for her, on account of some guesses she made about Masquerade that may or may not be partially correct. Or not. Anyone else who reads is just freeloading ;)

(I really, really can't write hockey fic. Sniff. This is my one shot.)

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Comments 7

snickfic August 19 2014, 01:42:45 UTC

This makes me so ridiculously happy, I can't even tell you. The Slayer girls doing magical criss-crosses across the rink to keep the Hellmouth at bay! Lydia Chalmers being all competent and stuff! Geno with an axe! Sidney thinking he's going to die and building himself a whole scaffold of rituals to prevent it, and then not being sure who's left once the need for scaffolding is gone! And then Geno, waiting all this time for his shot because he didn't feel like there was room for him, but now there is. :DDDDDDDD

Seriously, I adore it. I love it to ittle bits and pieces, and I'm definitely going to be rereading it.


brutti_ma_buoni August 19 2014, 16:59:32 UTC

I was going to say that only you and I will ever love this fic, so it's great that you love it, but now I have a whole nother reader so... Nah, I'm still thrilled you liked this, all weird and crossovery as it is and yet also tailored to a particularly Snickelish taste.

(Of course pining. You think I'm going to write my only hockey fic and not have guys pining? *shakes head at you*)


downjune August 19 2014, 15:23:36 UTC
This was so greattttt!!! And I'm counting it as a present for me, too, because you posted on my birthday and it's just so sweet and lovely and I'm keeping it for later rereading.

Also, are you on tumblr? I'm msmarielark. I feel like I've seen you around forever but I've been that anti-social jerk who never actually makes an effort to say hi! So, HI!


brutti_ma_buoni August 19 2014, 17:58:21 UTC
*g* I'm counting anyone apart from Snick even reading this as a gift to me, so gifts all round!

And hi! I... have a tumblr (same name) but I'm purely a lurker over there. Someday I'll work out how to use it apart from following a bunch of blogs posting the ice bucket challenge. (Damp muscled men, I am dealing with it.) I'll follow you though!


zanthinegirl August 20 2014, 02:15:06 UTC
I don't know the hockey backstory bit at all, but it worked for me as an outsider POV to Faith & the slayers. Very cute!


brutti_ma_buoni August 20 2014, 15:14:15 UTC
Aww, thanks for reading! Glad it worked as a slightly odd outsider POV.


snogged October 19 2014, 22:41:30 UTC
I'm not familiar at all with hockey at all, but I did enjoy your story. Loved seeing Lydia Chalmers unleashing her inner Wicca bad-ass.


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