Another claim from SPN kinkmeme

Mar 16, 2013 20:51

This was also me: a/b/o and h/c, I guess, but since the prompter asked for the trope to be subverted, it's not what that usually implies.

Title Hot Like Burning
Fandom/pairing J2
Rating R
Prompt subverted trope: J1 goes into heat and J2 doesn't take advantage


Jared's been saying nothing else all night. It's 4am now. He's been in this bed since almost ten last night. He's been stone hard throughout.

Jensen fucking Ackles has been scenting and dripping and whimpering and rubbing up against him for half that time, and the urge doesn't go away even when Jensen finally comes and pretty much passes out for an hour now and then.

And it's Jensen's damn fault that the whole thing happened. Omegas who get sick and run out of suppressants call their damn doctors in good time. Especially just before the weekend. There's no excuse for poor planning like this. Even if Jensen really was sick (Jared's heard him coughing all night for the past week, and the walls between their apartments aren't that thin). No excuse apart from Jensen being bedridden and genuinely sick and…

Poor guy. Yeah. That's a good thought. You can't perv all over a 'poor guy'. Jared tests the thought and finds it works. Poor Jensen. Poor, gorgeous, needy Jensen…


No fair. No fair in the world of Jared Padalecki, when the gorgeous shy omega guy one door along has, until now, been dedicatedly ignoring Jared's friendly overtures since he broke up messily with his boyfriend the month after Jared moved in. (The apartment walls aren't that thin, but also not that thick. Jared is pretty certain Jensen's aware that Jared was a horrified - yet also fascinated - listener to the week of screaming matches and insults that preceded the final break with Tom.) Dedicatedly perfecting the nod-smile-bypass manoeuvre common to neighbours that don't want to be friends, Jensen has been a gorgeous shadow at the back of Jared's daily life.

But - he's not proud of this - Jared may have jerked off to the thought of Jensen's mouth closing round his cock pretty much once a month since they first met. Okay, more, in the early weeks. And when Jensen's mild, controlled heats come on. So, quite often, in total.

But nothing more, till this evening. There's nothing mild or controlled about this one.


Coming home tonight, Jared smelled Jensen a block away. There were alphas circling already, two by the entrance to the apartment block, and they aren't even the ones Jared's really concerned about. There are twenty apartments in this block. Far too many guys with every reason to come in and get close. It's not secure.

Jared outright snarled at the outside lurkers. "Mine." It came naturally to his tongue. Worryingly so.

Jared doesn't believe biology is destiny. They all take classes in managing hormone surges, and most people live that way most of the time. He's not going to be one of those that slips. But sadly, the easiest way to keep alphas off a scenting omega is to have an alpha lay claim. So he did that part. And has to follow through.

He's held a spare key for Jensen since a while after Tom left, a mutual arrangement of convenience since they have viably similar schedules and nobody local to hold spares. So it wasn't hard to get into the neighbouring apartment. He found Jensen in the bathroom, sweaty and dripping lube, shivering with fever and still coughing badly. Jensen was still together enough to raise his head, shaking it fiercely. "I don't need a mate."

"Dude," Jared said, "I can see that. Did you call a doctor?"

Jensen nodded. "They'll be here in the morning. 'M not covered for night call outs." Shit. Not good news. But it's not unusual. Health insurers don't like omegas, they break too easily, and expensively; don’t make it easy to get good health plans. It's why keeping up to date with suppressants is damn important.

"Oookay," Jared sighed. "Well, I gotta stay then. Alphas are scenting you already, you need a bodyguard."

Jensen looked at him, eyes steady despite his feverish shivers. "I do not want to fuck you, Jared. Don't need a fuckin' knot."

Which: downer. But Jared sucked it up. "Dude, the mess you are right now? I'm not asking." It was lightly said, and even got a ghostly smile from Jensen. That helped. "Just gonna hang out here. It's only a few hours. You do what you gotta do."

"Thanks." It's all Jensen said.


And since then, Jensen's heat has built. Jared jerked off, twice, in the shower after Jensen crashed, but then Jensen came looking for him, trying to climb Jared's bigger body, hands seeking his cock, begging for the knot, and Jared's been in the bed with him ever since, trying to keep him as calm as possible.

Jared is a big damn hero. And Jensen is a poor guy, who doesn’t want to fuck Jared. Jared will make it through. Biology isn't destiny. Not even for an alpha who would gladly take this omega without any damn heat to help out.

It's now five minutes past four am.

Fuck. My. Life.


Jared makes it through, without more than about a half hour of sleep all night. He's actually a little worried about Jensen in general, not just protecting him from the alphas. The poor guy is sick enough without all the drama of heats to drain him further.

The call from the mating health team at just after eight am is so welcome Jared could sob. There's a site tech with an emergency suppressant with them in minutes, and soon after, the heavy fug of hormone starts to dissipate. Jensen stops looking frantic and goes back to looking half dead.

Jared looks at the wreck of Jensen's bed, decides he can't face fixing that, and heads off to his own bed, shambling like a zombie on his last legs.

He sleeps for a solid nine hours, and when he wakes, it’s already starting to get dark. He can hear Jensen coughing through the wall. Shit. But at least there are no heat hormones flooding the air, so that's all good.

Jared is also beyond starving. The Padalecki fridge is distressingly empty. This was supposed to be shopping day, not recovering-from-saving-the-neighbours time. But Five Moons takeout is never a bad idea, and he remembers to order extra soup. When the delivery guy arrives, Jared takes it straight into Jensen's apartment. The place reeks still, but mostly of sweaty ill guy. Jared's cock remains unmoved.

Jensen's on the couch, miserably huddled under a blanket, and head turning sharply at Jared's unheralded entrance. "Hey man. You look a little less dead. Want some soup?"

Jensen looks unenthused, but Jared dumps a carton in front him anyway, with a spoon. He falls on the remaining order with an increase on his usual starving coyote approach. When he looks up, belching lightly, two cartons are empty and he's made a decent start on the remaining two. Jensen is watching, fascinated or dazed. People often look that way when Jared eats. Or possibly Jensen's just exhausted, Jared remembers. But some of the soup has gone, which is good. He waves a little of the surviving food, reluctantly. "Kung pao?"

It's probably not the best idea for a sick guy, and it's not total selfishness that Jared is happy to see Jensen shake his head. More soup vanishes. Jared empties another carton. The TV volume turns up a notch, and Jensen moves visibly from 'surviving, barely' to 'watching TV and improving.'

It's some insane dating show, and neither of them cares, obviously. But somehow Jared stays for the full episode.

Jensen coughs, not sickly but as though he's trying to attract attention. Jared tears his eyes away from the "dream date" winners. Jensen smiles at him. "Did I say thanks?"

Jared waves a hand, deprecatingly. He is a modest big damn hero. Jensen snorts a little, like he knows how true that isn't, and he's smiling as he adds. "Because, thanks. Seriously. Was a bad one. Could have gone…"

"Yeah. Not a problem," says Jared, lying. "Would have done it for anyone." Which might even be true, or true enough. Jensen had been in bad trouble, and they both know it.

"Knew you were a good guy," says Jensen, and looks back at the TV. Jared sneaks a look, and sees a pink rim to Jensen's ears, and a flush on his cheeks that probably isn't fever or heat.

So. Jared's coming back tomorrow. With more soup, very likely. And when Jensen isn't sick and stinking and helpless with gratitude, they are going to be friends. At the very, very least.


Meantime, if you're more about the Jossverse, a little sb_fag_ends ficlet: I Only Feel Right On My Knees

unfaithful to buffy, trope bingo

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