Master and Commander (J2, NC17)

Aug 27, 2014 19:41

*waves* I am so tired. In Newcastle. Fourth different bed in five days (and one of those was a mattress on my parents' living room floor sigh). Not having a brilliant week, in consequence. Everything is fine, I'm just exhausted and dislocated.

This is probably the last of the spn_masquerade prompts that I'll claim, unless I woman up and own my kink. But this one's easy - and it was a rush job, late in the fest so didn't get many comments, if you'd like to give it a look. No pressure :-)

Title Master and Commander
Rating NC17
Pairing J2
Words 1400
Prompt Jensen is a Starfleet commander and is off-planet a lot, leaving his newlywed husband Jared behind who gets lonely a lot. They talk/Skype every single day, sometimes 3-4 times a day so it's less that he misses Jensen, and more like he misses Jensen's cock ;) Amused, and almost as a joke, Jensen sends his husband a gift - an android that looks like Jensen in every way! *hint hint* Cue loads of robot sex, Jared servicing himself using the android in different sex positions, making videos and sending them to his husband at all inopportune times, doing it live on camera in front of Jensen even. So now the tables have turned - it's Jensen who feels jealous and horny and misses his husband like crazy :D bottom!Jared only please.

Time's almost up, and the queue outside the comconsole is probably impatient already. Jensen's not gonna rush, but he can't ignore them forever… "Happy birthday, babe," Jensen breathes, and Jared mirrors his hand on the screen. Forty seven light years apart and eighteen months tops from actually touching… it's not enough.

Jared smiles, but it's a little wobbly. Last year, they held his birthday celebration a month early, when Jensen knew orders were imminent, just after their wedding. "Miss you." They both always knew this was how it would be. Hell, their courtship took five years and the barely spent a year of it on the same planet. But now- Now they're married, it feels different. Their rings connect, on screen.

"You too, babe. Sent you a little something," says Jensen. "Set it to program 2 when it arrives, okay? It's not much-" he doesn't want to give too much away "-but I was thinking of you, you know? Don't want you getting lonely."

"Jen- We have enough pets…" Jared's mouth twists on that, because for Jared, it's possible nothing is actually enough when it comes to pets. But he gets past it. "It's not companionship I'm missing, it's your cock, man. Right up inside me, nailing me into the bed-"

"I know."


Next day, it's Jensen's slot again, and he can't wait. Just can't wait.

Jared looks…. He's not sure, actually. But that means, "Got your present, huh?"

"Yeah. I really, really did," says Jared. "Program 2, huh?"

"Did it work?"

Jared swallows hard. "If you mean did I for one second think you were back from you mission especially for my birthday? Yeah. I did. And then I said, 'What's programme 2?' and he- you- that thing sang me happy birthday and gave me a kiss. He's really not you, Jen."

Jensen tries hard to avoid it, but there's disappointment in his voice. "You don't like the bot?"

"He's not you," Jared repeats. "I get that you don't want me to be lonely, but a bot's no company."

Jensen grins. "So… you didn't find out what program 1 was?"

By the dumb shake of head and Jared's continuing look of irritation, that would be a no. "Straight up blowjob, babe. I programmed him myself. All the other programs too. He goes up to 11."

Jared swallows, and then laughs. "Seriously? He goes up to 11? Couldn't resist, huh?"

"Love me some classic cinema," Jensen agrees. "But seriously, Jay. You gotta try him out. I want to know everything. I never had myself a bot, not a personal one. Just brothel bots, and they don't know you from any other john. Tell me if he does it for you like I do-"

He can see Jared getting hot just from the thought. "You put a lot of effort into this, didja? Thinking of me? How we fuck?"

"Yeah, babe, yeah, I really did-"

And the comcall descends into jerkoff, the way it usually does. Jensen tries not to hear the sighs outside as he overruns his scheduled slot again. As he's tucking his cock away, ready to leave, he adds a last, "You gonna try him? Promise me you'll tell me everything."

"I will," says Jared, laughing and breathless. "I'll tell you it all."

Jensen switches up his comslot to the unpopular 3am one, because damned if he's gonna rush this shit.


"I didn't wanna, you know, get greedy," says Jared, "So I just went program 3 last night."

"Classic, huh?"

"I told him to surprise me. But I guess it won't have surprised you."

"Hands and knees? Fingered you open, fucked you gentle? I was thinking from our early days, before-" Jensen's reminiscent, remembering. He'd been shy, and Jared had been so young, new to half what Jensen was showing him, they'd barely gotten past vanilla for that whole first leave. It had been the separation that got them sharing fantasies.

"Yeah… It was good, Jen. So good." Jared smiles, sweet and blurry, like he's remembering too. Jensen rubs a hand over his aching dick.

"Wish it was me, babe."

"I know."


By the time Jared gets to program 7, Jensen's jealous of his own damn robot. He put a lot of himself into that program.

"-licked me for fuckin' hours, Jen. Sloppy and begging, like I tasted so good he just wanted a little more, a little longer, like he couldn't bear to stop-"

"Yeah, that's right, that's how it feels, that's how I want you, babe-" How I want you. Not with some skinwoven critter I taught everything he knows licking you till you scream.


"I, uh, I tried program 11 last night," says Jared. He looks weirdly bashful.

"Yeah?" Jensen tries careless, sounds offhand.

"Jen- Do you not want to talk about this any more?" Jared sounds… hurt?

"No," says Jensen, immediately. "No, I wanna hear it all. I just- I didn't know how much I'd wish he was me."

"He is you," says Jared, sweetly earnest. "You taught him everything. I know that. It's like you're still with me, even though you're so, so far. But he's not a replacement. Just keepin' me warm for you."

Jensen smiles back, relaxing. That sounds okay. He can deal with that. He tries to overlook the nag at the back of his brain.


"So… you only programmed 11, right?" says Jared, and it's faux-casual.

"Yeah. All my best moves, babe," Jensen agrees. "You can mix 'em up a little, you know?"

"I know," says Jared, and it's obvious he's been doing that. He showed Jensen his ass the other night, red-rimmed and sore from the intense, endless fucking the bot can achieve. No whiskey dick, no office bullshit making him less than focused some nights. Just Jensen, on his best days, endlessly reusable. But Jensen knows what Jared's gonna say next.

"Would it be okay if-"

"If you programmed him with some new shit? Stuff that isn't me? Made yourself a new little boyfriend fucktoy- Oh, shit, Jay, I'm sorry," Jensen says, before Jared's even had time to react more than a flicker. "So not fair. I meant for you to have fun with him. Truly I meant it. I just- I'm a little jealous."

Jared's fleeting frown is wiped away. "Little jealous. Whole lot horny," he teases. "I know babe. If I were in your spot, that'd be me, right there with you. But- Wouldn't it be fun?" He pauses, presses his hand to the screen, waits till Jensen joins him, fingers together. "We can plan it, together. And it doesn't have to be all tell - wanna get a little show in there?"

Jensen gulps so hard the click of his epiglottis transmits across the galaxy. Jared snickers and turns it into a smirk. "Knew you'd be with me, babe."


It's 3am. Jensen's still five months and change from home. But his call's coming through.

At first, it's just pink and dark, a moving blur. He's learned it takes time, those times when Jared hasn't agreed the scenario in advance, and he doesn't fret, just waits till he can see what they've got going on.

Jared, open and slick, the bot pistoning into him from in front, inhumanly on the rhythm, hitting the spot every time judging by Jared's familiar yowl of nearly-too-much pleasure. But what's that- Jared in a cock ring. They've never been so much for toys before, preferring a headfuck to a bit of plastic or leather. But then, Jensen sent Jared about the most thorough sex toy around, so maybe he shouldn't be too surprised that Jay's moving into props now. He grins, unzips, and starts to get into the mood.

"See it Jen?" Jared pants it out.

"Yeah, I see you babe. All tight and ready, and nobody lettin' you come, is that the way it is?"

"That's how it is," Jared confirms. "You can. It's up to you. We don't come till you say." He shifts the camera out some, so's Jensen can see the bot and the setup. Blows a kiss in Jensen's direction, and says, "Ain't that right, Jen? Jensen's our master."

"Yes, Jared," says the bot, and bows his head, hips still hammering. "I do nothing without Jensen's command."

"You're so fuckin' good to me babe," says Jensen. But he still makes 'em wait to come till he's ready.

unfaithful to buffy

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