Jan 14, 2008 14:15
Interlaced, the ancient oak trees overhead rustled softly in the late afternoon breeze. Sunlight danced briefly into appearance as it slanted through the dust motes and then disappeared again. A duffel bag next to her, the student on the bench bent over her reading as the last rays of sunlight played above her head and dusk settled in between the buildings. Few people were about; most had already left for home. She shifted on the bench, stretching, and snapped her book shut. While collecting her things, she stopped suddenly and looked around, puzzled. But she saw nothing in the deepening shadows. With a shrug, she hefted the duffle over her shoulder and followed the others off campus...
Oh, hey. Hi there. You like this, huh? Thanks, I'm just having fun with this, trying to come up with a story here...Maya stepped out from behind the trees with a slight frown. The girl should not have noticed anything nearby. She watched for a few moments, as if to satisfy herself that she was indeed leaving...
What? You're still here? Well, you're welcome to read if you want to.Her eyes closed, she listened to the night, young as it was. Small, petite, silky black hair neatly capping her head, she walked silently across the leaf cover and chose another path from the girl's. Within moments, she entered a bar across from the university with an alley behind it. Shortly afterwards, she came out with a young boy, giggling into his arms. He laughed back, not seeing the predatory look in her eyes, kept carefully down...
Too cheesy?? Whadd'ya mean, too cheesy?? I mean, she is a vampire. Hmmm. You think? Well maybe...Her eyes closed, she listened to the night, young as it was. Silently crossing the leaf cover, she chose another path from the girl's. Within moments, she entered a bar across from the university with an alley behind it. Shortly afterwards, she came out with a young boy, giggling into his arms. He laughed back, not seeing the predatory look in her eyes, kept carefully down...
Oh, my God. I'm not going to get anything done here at this rate. This is MY LJ!! SHUSH!Reaching up, she kissed him and stroked one side of his face with her hand. "You're such a little thing, I could pick you up!" he breathed into her ear. Amused, she nodded, and he did so, grunting slightly in surprise at her true weight...
D'you mind? This is my LJ. You were expecting something else? What? Hey, I don't do this for anyone but myself. Don't like it? Door's over there. Don't let it hit you on the way out.
Sheesh. Some people.
lj idol