Collide [Chapter 2]

Jan 13, 2009 20:28

Title: Collide
Author: dephi
Pairing: Akanishi Jin/ Kamenashi Kazuya
Rating: PG - 13 for swearing, curse, etc.
Disclaimer: The plot is mine, and I wish I own all characters appearing here.
Summary: What would you do when you were given the second chance to live? Kamenashi Kazuya was once on the verge of death and gained his life again but he lost his memory. There Akanishi Jin came and changed his life...

Meet Akanishi Jin, a 24 years old idol with his sexy voice and 'dangerous' dancing moves. A talented guy with a rather unique personality.

People looked at him as a silly guy. It was not a big secret anymore of how he sometimes acted as one. But not much knew that he was not just a mere idol who could be underestimated easily.

Jin was born in a real rich family. The position in a big company had already been on his hands since the day he started living in this world. Without having to put much effort, everything was available for him. What was left was him taking over it all when the time was right.

His parents always gave whatever he wanted. He wanted a toy? The thing would be lying in his bedroom straightaway. Any workers got on his nerves? He wouldn't see them anymore as they would be fired immediately. A friend made him angry? A real bad fate had awaited he or she and the rest of his or her family.

At the first glace, everyone would be jealous over him. Who wouldn't? Rich, powerful, and great future in his hands. But then, Jin knew that he wasn't able to get what he really wanted at all. That was love. Indeed, his parents provided all of his needs completely. Jin would never know how it felt without money. His wishes would be materialized immediately. But they had never showered him with love.

His father and his mother had never been at home. His father was always busy with his business on working hours, while looking on other woman at night. Yes, even from small, Jin knew that his father was an unfaithful one. While his mother kept her eyes closed from what Jin's father did. She simply went outside, or sometimes to other country. Jin was left alone in the big house with only some maids.

Jin was lonely. Love. He had never known that. He grew up to a selfish guy because of that.

It was until his high school time that he was finally able to see another view of the world other than what he had seen all of this time. Singing, or rather being popular. Jin didn't know how much he would love to be praised until the day he first performed. The shouts, the crowd. Jin knew that he wanted more and more of it.

He decided to walk the path to be an idol. Not just singing, he wanted to obtain it all. His father granted his wish immediately as he thought that it was just one of the gamea Jin wanted. But what he didn't know was that Jin was serious. Jin's father realized his mistake at last, but it was too late to make Jin stopped his job. Jin was way too far to be stopped.

J&A was his destination. His path was not as smooth as what he usually had. Instead, it was hard to achieve. Yet he knew that this was where he wanted to be. There were times when Jin wanted to stop, but he didn't. His debut with two of his best friends was what he wanted the most. Ryo and Yamapi. When he had settled in his position, they had become the most popular idols in Japan.

An idol shouldn't have made any scandals. Jin knew that well, so he kept his affairs hidden. But he was way too pissed off that noon. He drove his car fast through the hard rain. That was when the unexpected incident.

It was a guy. At first Jin thought that he's a girl, but it turned out that he wasn't one. Guy, yes. The crowds made a big circle surrounding them, but luckily none of them noticed him as the famous Akanishi Jin. But then, Jin was feeling rather disappointed that nobody recognized him. He's so popular right? A real popular guy.

But the reality struck upon him again. He hit a guy for God's sake, and that guy was bleeding so much. He would die if nothing was done in this state. Jin didn't want what those newspapers would put on the headlines. Akanishi killed a guy? No no, that couldn't have happened.

When Jin realized it, he had arrived on the hospital, waiting in front of the operation room. Desperate. That was the first thought reaching his mind. What would happen to him from now on? Jin had no idea at all. All he knew was his future would be ruined if the guy really lost his life, leaving him no other choice but to inherit his family's business. That was the thing Jin least wanted.

"It's alright, Jin. He would be fine." Yamapi tried to console him in his shocked state. He had contacted his manager and his band mates. Too bad, Ryo was out of town, so it was only manager - san and Yamapi came there. Jin could see how his manager was busy with the hospital administration.

"This is serious, Pi. I know that."

"The doctor would surely do something. Don't worry too much. He'll be saved." Pi tried to convince him.

A moment later, the red light turned into green, as the surgeon came out from the room. Sighs of relief were heard as he explained how the patient managed to be saved, but he would lose his consciousness for quite some time.


A week had passed since the accident. Jin took a rest from works for a while. That was what the agency management said, but in fact he was on the hospital all of this time, waiting for the guy he hit to open his eyes. Thankfully, there was the identity card. But then, it was clearly stated that he was not from around, so Jin couldn't contact any of his relatives. Whatever. Everything would be fine when he woke up, right?

Jin was sitting on a bench while wearing his disguise. It would endanger her if anyone recognized him in this hospital. This would definitely make a big scandal. Sighing, Jin sipped his coffee.

"Excuse me, sir. The patient has regained his consciousness." a small woman's voice was heard. When Jin turned around, he saw the nurse in white clothes.

"Ah, really?" Jin immediately stood up and stepped into the hospital room immediately. "Sensei?"

"Ah, Akanishi - san." the doctor greeted him. The guy he hit... He really had awaken. Thanks God Jin wouldn't have to go here in hiding anymore. Besides, he missed his job, although he had to admit that he sometimes felt so lazy to do it.

"Who is he, sensei?" a soft sweet voice was heard.

"A-Akanishi Jin. I-I am the one who hit you. I-i'm sorry about that." Jin stuttered. "Sensei, so, how is he...?"

"He..." the doctor took a quick peek at the lying guy. "...has this temporary memory loss. He would need to do some tests again, but I suppose he could be released in two days time. But the main problem is..."

"What is it, sensei?" Jin asked in a worried tone.

"Hello? What are you guys talking about? Hit? And can anyone tell me who I am?" the same guy Jin hit asked again in a confused look.

"He doesn't remember anything at all. Even his real identity."

Jin was left frowned. If he couldn't remember anything, then he would have nowhere to go after the release time. Now what should he do? Jin's stupid action had put him into a pinch. What would he do if he asked for Jin's responsibility?

"A-Alright. For the time being, you can live with me after being released. I'll think of some other things later."

What a rash decision he had made, especially without even confirming it with his manager first. But that was what Jin could possibly think about for now. Ginning widely, Jin stared at the small guy.

"Anyway, your name is Kamenashi Kazuya. So I'll call you Kame - chan from now on~"


The angel Subaru walked while reading a long list of the people he would have to pick up for that month. The list was too long, even after he had worked for a few days, it hadn't reached even a quarter of it.

"Arghh... When will my holiday come?" he groaned in irritation.

Subaru looked at his tiny fluffy wings again and sighed. "When will I be able to do something if I couldn't get a day off?"

How he hated his wings so much. And talking about wings, he was somehow reminded of the human guy a few days before. Subaru took the small crystal from his robe pocket and let out another sigh. "Are you alright, Kamenashi?" another sigh. "My career would be ruined if anything bad happen to you."

Subaru kept murmuring his complaints while looking at the crystal, completely unaware of another's presence.

" - chan~"

"Y-You!" Subaru was startled.

"Eh... What are you holding there? Crystal, eh?"

"N-No. It's not. It's not. You're seeing it wrongly."

"We have a lot to talk about, eh. Let's have a nice chat, Subaru - chan~"

E/N: Short chapter, and boring, but needed. Funilly, I've just finished re-watching Fly Me to Polaris. I don't know what to say.
Anyway, thanks for reading...^^

p : akanishi jin/kamenashi kazuya, r : pg-13, *multichapter

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