The Start of a Sin [Chapter 8]

Jan 08, 2009 08:32

Title: The Start of a Sin
Author: dephi
Pairing: Pitego, Ryotego
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Own the plot, not the characters
Summary: There were times when you were put in a situation where you would have to choose between two while each of them were completely different from each other. There were times that your choice would lead into an eternal pain or guilt. And there were times when you had to make your final choice, although you didn’t want to but the condition forced you too while you might regret it, forever...
Notes: There’ll be character’s death later. Beta by redturtleotaku

It was 7 o'clock in the morning.

The sky was so bright. It was so contradicting compared to yesterday, or even the day before yesterday, when rain was pouring hard. It looked peaceful, yet it wasn’t.

Yamashita sat on a couch inside his bedroom. There were black circles around his eyes while his face was expressionless. A half full coffee pot and a cup were on the table beside him. His mouth let out a sigh before he reached the cup and took a sip out of it.

An image of the previous day's sight was portrayed clearly in his brain. He had tried to push it away from his mind but he couldn't. It was...tragic. At night he forced his eyes to close but that image didn't disappear at all. It didn't take long for him to open his eyes and barge into his bathroom just to wash his face as his memory haunted him, before he returned back for another attempt to sleep. The same thing happened on and on until he grew tired of it and stopped pushing himself to sleep. At the end he concluded that the best counter for it was to remain awake. That way he wouldn't have to remember the scene over and over as if he was watching a film inside his brain. That happened two nights straight, thus the result was that he didn't get any sleep at all.

Each human has their own limit, no matter how powerful they might seem. Yamashita was so tired. His eyes asked to be closed while his brain kept reminding him to stay alerted. Other than that, he couldn't think of anything anymore. The dominant thought on his mind was that he should stay alert. He looked more like a living doll than a human in this state.

No tears. Nobody would put him at fault, or rather nobody would be able to see it if he wanted to cry. But he didn't. It should have been natural due to the amount of shock and sadness. But he didn't. Yamashita had thrown away his pride from the time Tegoshi accepted the shot in his place. There should be no more shame in letting out a few droplets of tears. But he didn't.

Yamashita could feel how sad it was. It was as if his heart had shattered into pieces. No, it was not the kind of feeling he got because of rejection, it was way deeper than that, pierced right through his heart. It was miserable. He would rather experience the visible scar than the invisible one.

Another long sip of coffee was taken. This was hard. His eyes were begging for rest, and was his body, but his mind wouldn't allow it, at least not until he had settled his feelings. Fear... Yamashita had never known the feeling of losing someone dear until yesterday.

He was afraid of death itself. But then he found out that seeing someone dear die, moreover because of his own mistake, was the worst. Yamashita thought that he would have been able to endure the pain of losing someone before this happened. Unfortunately, the facts said differently. He would gladly trade his life if that meant Tegoshi would be revived. But, it was impossible, right? Even a primary student understood that, although of course, a primary student wouldn't be able to understand the pain.

Yamashita could still remember clearly how hysterical he was, approaching Tegoshi and all. Tegoshi's body was stiff and weighed. He could feel it when he tried to shake his body. But his hysterical self made him unable to think clearly.

Nishikido... He couldn't even do anything when Nishikido took Tegoshi's body away. He was too shocked, too desperate, too helpless. He realized at that time that compared to Nishikido he was inferior. He was able to think rationally during that kind of situation. Or perhaps, that was just the type of person Nishikido really was, cold and heartless. The second one was the one Yamashita chose to believe in order not to let his pride down.

But no matter how much he thought about it, Yamashita couldn't convince himself that Nishikido was the one at fault. No matter how much he hated him, he just couldn't. Indeed, Nishikido was the one who brought the gun, moreover shot it. But then, that was all.

And Yamashita was somehow reminded that the matter hadn't been settled, at all. It should have been settled last time by the talk, if only that unexpected incident hadn’t occurred. Instead, it got even worse because of that.

Yamashita looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It was still early, no later than 7.30 a.m. He was tired and sleepy. His energy started to disappear bit by a bit but his mind knew well what he should be doing. He would go there and settle this once and for all, while wishing that he would be able to ease his worries and return home for a nice, long sleep, from which he would awaken from forgetting everything…


Knock... Knock...

Nishikido Ryo was inside his own bedroom, awake and fine. The black circles around his eyes were still the same as ever. He was too used to sleepless nights. This was just merely two of those nights he had to go through remaining sober; nothing special about that.

Simply ignoring the knock on the door, Nishikido stared at his shadow in the mirror. Miserable. That was the thought that popped into his brain. He saw himself like that. Nothing was different; his cold stare, his expressionless face. He claimed himself as pathetic.

Another knock was heard.

So impatient...

"You may come in." Nishikido said in a straight tone.

The voice of an opened door was heard. Nishikido didn't bother to look at who it was, probably his butler.

"Breakfast is ready, Master. Where would you like to have it, sir?" it turned out to be his butler, talking in a fast clear tone.

"I'll be outside."

Nishikido had issued his command yet his butler didn't seem to have left his room. "What else?"

"Those people have submitted their current report, sir." he reported.

"Hmm... I'll check them after breakfast then." he replied, short. But then that was not the end. His loyal butler stood still in his initial place.

"What else?"

"A guest is coming, sir. He asked to meet you immediately, sir. He said his name is Yamashita. He's on the waiting room now."

Ryo stopped whatever he was busy with instantly as he heard the mention of Yamashita's name. He comes, eh? It left him silenced for a moment as his butler was waiting for the order he would give.

"You may go for now." and with that the loyal butler finally left his master's place.


Yamashita got impatient.

It was already more than 20 minutes since he arrived at Nishikido's place. He knew that it was the consequence he might have to take to ask for an audience with the great Nishikido Ryo at such an early hour. He didn't want to admit how great Nishikido was or whatever, just some little sarcasms he tried to pull off to spend his waiting time. For how long would he have to wait again?

"Getting impatient?"

The sudden voice startled Yamashita. As what he had wished, Nishikido was the one who called him. Not that surprising. For some reason Yamashita could feel that Nishikido was that type of person.

"Not really." he denied.

"Well, you're coming during my breakfast time without any notice beforehand. I figured that the matter could wait until I finished my meal." Nishikido said in one breath, tone as cold as ever. "So, how can I help you?"

He was way too calm.

"Not much. Just... I thought that we had a problem that was as yet unfinished."

"Do we? I think it was settled during our last meeting, yes? I have no intention of doing anything to you anymore." Nishikido replied.

"B-But..." Yamashita stopped. He knew that it would be wiser not to drag the matter any further. "I see..." he took a deep breath.

"Was that all? Then let me take my leave."

Nishikido was about to leave when the sudden thought struck Yamashita's brain. "Hey... Can I... Can I see Tegoshi?"

"He's already dead." Nishikido immediately replied in a cold tone.

"His body; you're the one keeping it. So let me, just this once." Yamashita pleaded. The hell with pride, he knew that what had brought him to this place the most was his wish to see Tegoshi.

"You shouldn't. Your fragile heart would be shattered into even more tiny pieces making it impossible for you to return to how you were before." Nishikido advised sarcastically.

"It's none of your business. Let me. You don't have the power to forbid me. He's not your possession, not even his dead body." Yamashita wasn't able to think clearly anymore now. "I won't go until you let me see him."

"I don't care. Do as you wish.” That was the last words Nishikido said before turning away, leaving Yamashita alone. What he didn't know was that Yamashita was way too persistent to leave for his own good.

E/N: I know. Delayed update. I had no holiday at all, so when I have some days off last time, I decided to take a real rest. So yeah. Anyway, this is chapter 8. As Some of you might have realized, this fic is nearing its ending. About 2, er 3 if you include the epilogue, more chapters. And since my muse has returned, I guess my writing isn't as messy is it used to, not to mention that I' have a beta reader now, so it should me more enjoyable to read, although I think this chapter is rather...boring.

About the update, since my muse has returned, I've made a decision to update all of my mchaps, so it might take longer from now on to update this since I'm taking turns, or something. But then, I'll try to make it within 1-2 weeks time. 2 weeks maximum.

Sorry for long notes, and hope you like this...^^

g : angst, p : tegoshi yuya/yamashita tomohisa, p : nishikido ryo/tegoshi yuya, r : pg-13, *multichapter

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