Fake [Chapter 7]

Jan 05, 2009 20:44

Title: Fake
Author: dephi
Pairing: PiDa (mainly), Akame, Ryoda
Rating: PG-13 now..
Disclaimer: We don't own them sadly... :(
Summary: Yamashita Tomohisa, the prince of the school. His crush to Nishikido Ryo lead him to meet Tat - chan or Ueda Tatsuya who is such a mysterious guy.
Notes: A collaboration fic between me and love_akira. I'll write the odd chapters while love_akira writes the even chapters.

Nothing was so different with Kitagawa high school today. All students went to school just like usual, there weren't any unusual routines. The school seemed so peaceful yet it wasn't for some students.

Tat - chan walked through the class corridor while putting those annoying attitude all around. Some people got real irritated yet Tat - chan did not seem to be bothered by it at all. In fact, he felt a bit amused by the annoyed face they showed.

He kept walking and walking until he reached the front of S class. Unlike usual, he stopped for a while before releasing a sigh and stepped into the classroom with a smily face again.

"Uchi~" he approached Uchi, again. It didn't look that different than usual, at least until this far, it didn't.

"Ah, Tat - chan." it was quite a rare chance that Uchi was not enjoying his sleeping time during break time, moreover with an excited mood.

Tat - chan grinned and took a seat beside Uchi. Murmurs were heard as usual. Of course members of the prideful S class wouldn't like someone like Tat - chan stayed in their class in a long time, while the said person had sat down which meant that he might even spend the entire break time inside their class. Some sighs of relief were heard when Tat - chan suddenly stood up again and moved to another direction, their school council vice president who seemed to have lost some of his spirit. By then some of them also took a notice of how soccer club's captain didn't look that energetic himself. This was indeed...strange.

"You dropped this, last time~" Tat - chan said in a playful tone before putting a small pen to Ryo's table.

What people noticed as the most unusual thing was how Ryo didn't bother to insult Tat - chan as usual. He simply stared at Tat - chan and said nothing. Seeing that kind of view, people tend to focus on Ryo, wondering if there was something wrong with this poisonous tongue man. Pi was one of them, or rather he was worried of him especially after what he saw last time.

No matter how hard he had tried, Pi couldn't seem to get over the scene he saw that time. Tat - chan cried? That looked so strange when we were talking about Tat - chan here. He should be the slut, or whatever, with an annoying attitude so he shouldn't just cry because of some random insults Ryo threw to him. Too bad Pi wasn't able to hear what they were talking about at that time. There was quite a distance between them but it only aroused his curiousity even more. Moreover, why did Ryo had that face? All of it were too confusing and hurt him. Pi could clearly feel the little pain whenever he remembered that incident again.

Sighing, Pi turned his gaze to Tat - chan, wondering how his smily face would look like. It turned out to be so surprising when Pi saw Tat - chan's expressionless face. It appeared only in a flash but Pi was sure that he had seen it. Tat - chan...definitely strange.

"Ahhh... Too bad my opponent doesn't seem to be quite energetic. I guess, that's all. See you later, Uchi - chan~" with that Tat - chan immediately haste his way quitting S classroom.

Before Pi was able to understand the situation, Ryo suddenly stood up. "I'm going to the toilet."

That was...strange. Pi knew that especially when Ryo suddenly became so energetic. Curiously he approached the classroom door and exited his class too. Other students found it strange but they didn't really want to butt in into this matter, especially when it had something to do with Tat - chan, thus they continued with their things. What nobody knew was that Uchi simply stared at the door for a long time and sighed.

"Complicated, eh?"


Ryo didn't know what had actually made him so depressed.

That day... He saw Tat - chan's tears. It was painful. He couldn't bear seeing tears coming out from that eyes. What was that kind of feeling? Pity...? Whatever it was, Ryo knew that he was the one who made him cried although he was not that sure for the reason.

When Ryo realized it, his feet had moved without him giving any order. Where did that guy go? Ryo couldn't be that sure but he had had a guess.

He arrived again, at the backyard of his school. As expected, Tat - chan was there. Ryo couldn't see his face but he could feel the gloomy feeling surrounding Tat - chan.

"Are you...alright?" Ryo asked, a bit unsure.

Upon hearing it, Tat - chan turned around and faced Ryo. "Oh, you. I am, just like how you see it."

"You don't look that good though for me." Ryo replied. Although he could see a smile, or rather a smirk, in Tat - chan's face, somehow he couldn't be convinced that it was a real one.

"Hmm... You don't need to bother about last time. Something got into my eyes, and so... Never mind it, midget - kun~" Tat - chan replied playfully with a mocking effort.

"Oh, really? That was not what I remember though." Ryo ignored the mockery. "Tell me, what's wrong actually. I won't tell anyone."

The smile slowly disappeared when Tat - chan heard Ryo's exclamation. A sigh was heard before he walked closer to approach Ryo. The distance between the two of them was so close, or rather too close. "You don't have to know everything. You don't have to be involved with my problem."

"How can I possibly not bother about if after seeing your tears?"

A smirk appeared as the answer. "Who knows that I might just use my tears?" Tat - chan kissed Ryo's cheek in a flash. "A present. I'm a slut, right?" he said before he walked past Ryo.

"Are you really one? You know, I happen to look over the students’ data last time... Care to know anything I have seen, maybe?" Ryo said without looking at Tat - chan.

"Not really..." with that Tat - chan walked away, leaving Ryo alone.

"I am not going to stop after this far..."


The moment when Tat - chan returned back to the corridor, his smirk disappeared for a moment until he suddenly met another guy. Busy, eh?

"Ara... I don't know that I will meet Ouji - sama here?" he said in a mocking tone.

Pi cursed silently when Tat - chan caught him. He didn't really hide himself, yet of all people, why Tat - chan, especially when he had purposely followed Ryo which resulted on seeing a scene unfavourable to him. Feeling annoyed, Pi ignored Tat - chan's greeting.

"Hmmm... Are you having a toothache? It's not good for your image though. And..." Tat - chan's mouth curving up a smirk. "... Congratulation for taking the second spot on the previous exam. I've just seen it on the board."

Now Pi was getting even more irritated that ever. "I didn't get the first. Second spot doesn't mean that much for me."

"Hmm.. Ueda Tatsuya, eh?" Tat - chan giggled before he started moving his feet.

"Wait! You...with Ryo..." Pi took a deep breath. "What is happening between the two of you?"

That question simply made Tat - chan's smirk grew even wider. "Nothing. Ah, don't say that you saw earlier scene? Jealous?" he challenged while walking slowly to Pi's place before he suddenly stopped. "I'm not in the mood anymore though. Too bad, Ouji - sama." another giggles were heard before Tat - chan finally left Pi staring at his back with a hatred look alone with many questions.

Tat - chan...


It was such a tiring day, at least for Tatsuya it was. Not only he had to face Ryo, but also the strange Pi. Ryo... Tatsuya didn't know how much he had known but he didn't want to drag any more people into his problem anymore. While Pi... Interesting, but not as amusing as Tatsuya usually found him. But then, maybe it was because he was not in his best mood earlier.

The first time Tatsuya wanted to do when he arrived home was to take a nap, or at least resting a bit on his bedroom, but the sight he saw didn't seem to be that good. He might not be able to have his rest that soon.

"You are home, already." that woman... Tatsuya couldn't really make himself taking even a bit liking of her.

"Yes, oba - chan~" he didn't have his best mood at the first place so he didn't even bother to pay more attention to what he said anymore like he used to do.

That woman simply smirked. Tatsuya really wanted to tear that smirk away. Irritating.

"Don't be like that. I am not that old."

"Then what are you expecting me to call you with? Okaa - san?" Tatsuya blurted. "Don't make me laugh. Or maybe...slut?"

No matter how harsh Tatsuya had said, that woman didn't seem to be that effected by it. So annoying. Sighing, Tatsuya walked past her and stepped into the stair.

"I know you want me to leave you father's side." she suddenly said. Tatsuya couldn't help to stop when he heard that. "Though unfortunately, it wouldn't happen. Unless..." she stopped. An even wider smirk appeared when Tatsuya decided to face her. "There's this one option."

"And what it that?" Tatsuya asked in a cold tone.

"Hmm... I'm keeping it a secret for now although I'm sure you've got the idea." she giggled and Tatsuya really wanted to crush her even more now. "Take care of yourself and your pretty face. Have a nice sleep, Tatsuya - kun..."

As that woman decided to disappear that fast, Tatsuya had no other choice but to continue his steps. Tiring day...

E/N: I know that I'm such a bad updater.. Promise I won't delay updating again. Sorry all.. D:
Comments are love ♥

p : akanishi jin/kamenashi kazuya, r : pg-13, *multichapter, p : ueda tatsuya/yamashita tomohisa, p : nishikido ryo/ueda tatsuya

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