The Start of a Sin [Chapter 5]

Dec 11, 2008 21:11

Title: The Start of a Sin
Author: dephi
Pairing: Pitego, Ryotego
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG - 13
Disclaimer: Own the plot, not the characters
Summary: There were times when you were put in a situation where you would have to choose one between two while each of them were completely different from each other There were times you’re your choice would lead into an eternal pain or a guilt. And there were times when you had to make your final choice, although you didn’t want to but the condition forced you too while you might regret it, forever...
Notes: There'll be character's death later.

Tegoshi woke up and caught the whole new view welcoming him. That reminded him how he had currently been residing at Yamashita's place for these couple of days, not his own house, or actually it's Nishikido's place. This was the first time he disobeyed Nishikido's wish, moreover he didn't return to Nishikido to at least give his report.

He found it strange how Nishikido didn't even bother to look for him, especially when he went missing during the mission Nishikido gave him. But at the end Tegoshi concluded that Nishikido was only sacrificing him for something or perhaps Nishikido had another plan already in his head. Whichever it was, the fact that Nishikido seemed to have forgotten Tegoshi proved that Tegoshi was not that important in Nishikido's eyes as what Tegoshi used to think. It disappointed him so much, but he did realize that he was not a part of the family in reality, although he wished he was.

Nothing he could do to change that and Tegoshi knew that well. He let out a sigh before he stood up and proceeded with exiting the room.

Yamashita's place was as grand as Nishikido's, but everything about this place seemed to be so different with that of Nishikido. Tegoshi could barely feel that since the first time he stepped his feet into this house. There was this feeling he had never felt inside Nishikido's house, the warm feeling. It was as if everyone cared for each other so much, although of course that was not what Tegoshi really meant about. Nishikido's house was full of coldness and people distrusted other. Not that it was that strange, especially Nishikido Ryo's works were all about secrecy things, but little did Tegoshi know that he actually longed for this warm feeling all of these time.

But still, it didn't change the fact that Tegoshi missed his life at Nishikido's house all of these time. It was indeed not as nice as Yamashita's house, but Tegoshi was pretty accustomed to it, so when he was parted from it, it was as if a part of himself was missing, somewhere. But perhaps the main reason was because of the guy who owned it himself. He still couldn't forget him, even for just a few seconds. The disappointment he felt was mainly caused by Nishikido's ignorance, especially about him.

But there was no way for Tegoshi to return there. He had to admit that he did feel guilty for betraying Nishikido, or rather his feeling towards Nishikido. It only happened once, yet the guilty feeling had consumed most part of him. He, for whatever reason it was, had betrayed Nishikido.

Another sigh escaped from Tegoshi's mouth as he walked outside his room. He kept his way and went down through the big stair on the center of the house. Although he had used to live in big mansions, he couldn't help to keep admiring how grand this place was, certainly.

"Ah Tegoshi, you are up already?" that was the first greeting Yamashita gave when he saw Tegoshi.

It felt strange indeed, but Tegoshi had to be accustomed to it soon as he would live in this place at least for some time. Tegoshi knew well that there was no way he would be able to stay here long, but at least for a few moments until he could make sure that Nishikido had lost his intention on harming Yamashita. He was responsible for this after all, even for just a bit.

"Ah, senpai..." Tegoshi murmured and unconsciously his face turned into a bit red when he remembered how thing was a few days ago.

"Breakfast?" Yamashita offered, and when Tegoshi realized it he had been seated right beside Yamashita while the two of them were enjoying the breakfast.


Tegoshi thought that he owed Yamashita for an explanation so he tried to prepare the answer if Yamashita suddenly decided to confront him all of a sudden. But not even a question came out from Yamashita's mouth, not even once. In truth Tegoshi wasn't really prepared for any answer yet it felt so strange that Yamashita didn't ask it at all. Tegoshi had tried to kill him for God's sake!

Yamashita gave him the warmth he needed, gave him the place to live in, gave him the protection. That all were more than enough for Tegoshi, so he shouldn't have had any complaint about it. Yet, he couldn't get the thought about how strange things were out from his head.

Tegoshi was such a stupid boy. Even until now he couldn't decide which side he should be. But no matter what, he knew that he should face Yamashita soon to clear things up, even if he had to take the risk that Yamashita might hate him after this..

'Yamashita senpai...'

'Tegoshi? What's wrong?' Yamashita looked at him with a puzzled face before suddenly there was a shade of pink in Yamashita's face. 'I-I am sorry for the previous night. It's.. It's...'

Tegoshi chuckled when he saw Yamashita's reaction, but when he remembered his initial intention, his expression turned into a cold one again.

Yamashita noticed that as he approached Tegoshi and patted his head. 'What's wrong, Tegoshi?'

'I-I.. I should be the one who said sorry. I-I, that night..." Tegoshi couldn't continue his sentence. He bit his lower lip while his eyes didn't dare to meet that of Yamashita's. 'You shouldn't be this kind to me. I-I.... Why don't you ask anything, senpai?'

'It's alright, Tegoshi. I don't need the answer at all.' Yamashita suddenly said. 'I trust you.'

Tegoshi, shocked by what he had just heard, gazed at Yamashita, eyes were widened, while the lower lip was bitten. 'Well, you shouldn't! I-I... I am a friend of someone, someone who...' Tegoshi stopped right there. Friend? Did Nishikido consider him as a friend? No, obviously not. Noticing that, Tegoshi bit his lower lip again.

'But I want to. Just... You don't need to give the reason to me." Yamashita caught Tegoshi on him embrace while Tegoshi could only remain silent about this...


Since that day, Tegoshi had skipped all of his classes, but he knew that he couldn't hide for this forever. Besides, if Nishikido was really looking for him, he could just go here since it was obvious that Tegoshi was living here.

He woke up a bit late, so Tegoshi had to rush his way to his university. Yamashita had left earlier, perhaps he was having a morning class, so Tegoshi went to the University alone.

But the sight which greeted him was not what he had expected to have...


-End of the Chapter-

Yamashita's Side Story

Yamashita had understood well since forever that he would have to take over his family business in no time. That was the thought crafted in his mind since forever so for him, being the successor was everything.

Growing up in a rich family, Yamashita always got whatever he wanted in an instant. His parents had never forced him to do things like what they wanted and they didn't even give him any obligation on choosing partners. He was hot, rich, and clever. Every girls would be willing to die just to spend the night with him. But none of them interested him.

That was only until he met this guy named Tegoshi Yuya.

He didn't know that he would have an interest on another guy instead until that day, when he spilled his drink to the poor boy's shirt.

"Eh, I didn't know that you have a thing for cute boys, Pi."

The thing his best friend, Ikuta Toma, said that time kept ringing in his ears although he kept denying it in front of others. Embarrassed, perhaps. Or maybe he only wanted to treasure this feeling just for himself.

He purposedly asked Koyama to arrange his next meeting with Tegoshi, while trying to hide his embarrassment. The meeting was so sweet, at least in Yamashita's eyes. It amused him how Tegoshi looked so puzzled when he could only see Yamashita standing there, while Koyama and Masuda went home as what their initial plan was. He was different, different from anyone, and that made Yamashita interested in him even more. Yamashita couldn't even hide his happiness anymore when Tegoshi said yes for his stupid request.

From that day, he unconsciously tended to look for any sign of Tegoshi whenever possible. His best friends never said anything about it but he knew that they should have guessed it. But no matter what he wouldn't say it directly to them. Simply let them thought whatever they wanted.

But that was until they suggested him to confess to Tegoshi. That was absurd indeed, but Yamashita started considering that.

"What if I say I like you?"

That was how his stupid confession went. The smile Tegoshi gave as the reply was what hurt him the most.

It was even more silly when Yamashita decided to have a long night drinking but suddenly Tegoshi showed up there. That somehow reminded him on a party he went to a few nights ago...

'Hello, Yamashita.'

'Ah, Nishikido - san. Nice meeting you.' it was Nishikido Ryo, the one who was supposed to be one of his family business rival. Yamashita had never thought that the person would be this young. He should only be around his own age.

The formal chats went along just fine but Yamashita had to keep into his mind that this guy was dangerous. He had heard a lot from his parents so it would be better to be cautious rather than regretting it at the end.

'Come to think of it, I have an acquaintage going to the same school as you do.' Nishikido stopped, and for a moment Yamashita was sure that he was staring at him coldly. 'Who knows that it might be one of your friends.'

Not even giving Yamashita any chance to reply, Nishikido went away and approached other people, leaving Yamashita with a big question on his mind.

Could it be...? But that was impossible. Suddenly Tegoshi got drunk, leaving Yamashita no way but to bring him to his house.

But that was the night he didn't really want to have...

Tegoshi pointed a knife to him. He was able to stop it. But Tegoshi cried...

Who knows that it might be one of your friends.

He didn't want to see those tears falling from Tegoshi's eyes. He wanted to washed it away. When he realized it he had his lips on Tegoshi's.

Who knows that it might be one of your friends.

The same sentences kept ringing in his head but his heart said differently. He wanted to trust Tegoshi so badly. No matter what, he would...

Who knows that it might be one of your friends.

I don't care about that. So what if he is? My heart had already been stolen...

E/N : First of all, sorry if this chapter looks so messy, I haven't really re-read it properly, so sorry... *bows down*
And this should have been longer, but it's not since I don't really have much time, while I was afraid that I would forget what I had in mind earlier if I delay writing this. So yeah, please tell me anything, any mistakes, etc, or if something is weird. Also, to uchihi, I decided to make a side story instead.. :D
There'll be Ryo's side story on the next chapter, well I mean some other chapters, I'm not sure in which chapter.. :)
And yes, the rating goes down again.. :D

g : angst, p : tegoshi yuya/yamashita tomohisa, p : nishikido ryo/tegoshi yuya, r : pg-13, *multichapter

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