Blood and Water [ Chapter 10 ]

Nov 19, 2008 10:34

Title: Blood and Water
Author: dephi
Pairing: Akame , Jinda , Ryoda (sorted by the first letter)
Rating: PG - 13 yepp.. Angst and some swearing...
Disclaimer : I wish I own them all, but sadly I only own the plot..
Summary: Family is where you share Happiness and Pain. Your family is where you share victories and failures.But this time, can you also share the heart of the one you love to your family?
Notes : I'm soo sorry for the super long update. And this is the last chapter. Beta-ed by annatanhe, thanks dear... ♥

Kazuya woke up late today, again. He couldn’t really remember when exactly but it was around the period when he saw his brother together with Ryo that he started to sleep and wake up much later than usual. It was not his intention to bother about that matter so much but he couldn't help but to do so. Every time he came out from his thoughts, he would find that it’s already late into the night.

That thought had been bugging Kazuya's mind these days. He didn't know how to react or what to do about it. Kazuya suspected that his brother was having an affair, and he wanted to know what the hell was going on all along.

His own feelings... He couldn't judge well because of that. Kazuya knew that he was not allowed to have feelings for his own brother's boyfriend, especially when Tatsuya was the only kin he had now. Tatsuya had sacrificed his own life and worked hard just to pay for Kazuya's needs. Kazuya was so grateful because of that and he loved his brother more than anything. But he couldn't deny his feelings towards Jin. Nothing like this would have happened if only he didn't meet Jin on that fateful day. He should have met Jin as his brother's boyfriend earlier. In that way Kazuya wouldn't even have the slightest feeling for Jin even if he was his saviour...

Sighing, Kazuya took out his cell phone and dialed some numbers. He had to ensure everything for sure...


Tatsuya found it strange how Kazuya suddenly decided to throw a dinner for the 4 of them together but he decided not to think much about it as he was too overjoyed by the change in Kazuya's attitude. Humming, Tatsuya decided to prepare the table when he caught sight of his younger brother coming nearby.

"Ah, Kazu."

"Nii - chan. Let me help." Kazuya offered as he took the plates and set it on the table nicely. "Nee, nii - chan..." Kazuya tried to say when he heard the bell rang.

"Ah, I'll open the door." Tatsuya said with a smile before leaving Kazuya alone.

A sigh escaped from Kazuya mouth as "MISSION INTERROGATION NII-CHAN: FAILED" once again. Something always had to disturb him while he tried carrying out his mission, whether it was someone coming or just the lack of courage to do so.

Shortly after that Tatsuya returned with both Ryo and Jin in tow and approached Kazuya. "Can we start our dinner now?" Tatsuya asked, grinning. He had a plan in mind actually and that was why he was happy that Kazuya suggested this dinner.

The dinner went on quite smoothly as the four of them talked about random stuff. Kazuya didn't talk much himself since he was more into observing what his brother was doing. The other three oblivious men didn't even realize it as Kazuya didn't really like to talk much in the first place and so unfortunately none of them realized that Kazuya was eyeing them.

There was a hint of jealousy whenever Kazuya saw his brother talking with Jin, laughing together. He kept reminding himself in his mind that Jin was his brother's boyfriend so he had to erase his jealousy since he didn't want to snatch his own brother's boyfriend. But the jealousy was replaced by anger as he saw how Tatsuya did practically the same thing with Ryo. Tatsuya was not supposed to do that in Kazuya's eyes. Everything was too confusing for him and he knew that he had to do something about it.

"Kazu? Why aren't you saying anything?" suddenly Tatsuya asked, looking all concerned about Kazuya's silence.

Kazuya said nothing as a reply to Tatsuya, still feeling confused with everything. There was a mixed feeling inside him between anger and jealousy. He knew that he had to think rationally yet it seemed like he couldn't do it in his current condition.

"Nii - chan... You... You are such a cheater." Kazuya finally said, giving Tatsuya a disappointed look.

Tatsuya and the two other men, who were too shocked by Kazuya's accusation, couldn't say anything at all, and they just stared at Kazuya confusedly.

"Y-your boyfriend is Jin right? Yet I have seen you out with Nishikido so many times. What do you want actually, nii - chan? You... You... I hate you.." Kazuya said and just as he was about to open his mouth again, a slap came from an unexpected person.

"Jin!" both Tatsuya and Ryo said in unison, looking shocked.

"You should apologize to your brother." Jin demanded, talking in a hoarse voice. His face was indescribable and none of the others dared to look at him directly, except for Kazuya.

Kazuya, confused by Jin's sudden act, glared at Jin before running away to his room, leaving them all alone in a deafening silence.

"Jin..." Tatsuya murmured, finally breaking the silence between the three of them.

"No Tat - chan. He and his mouth... He was talking as if you are the bad guy or something."

"But judging from his statement... It seems like he misunderstood things." Ryo finally spoke.

"Misunderstood? Oh my, you were right, Nishikido." Tatsuya replied while giving a little nod. "He thought we are still together Jin."

"Ah... Eh, then what should I do?" Jin questioned, getting panicky all of a sudden.

"Follow him. That's all..." Tatsuya replied and without wasting time, he and Ryo dragged Jin to Kazuya's room.


Kazuya ran straight into his room, feeling shocked and upset by Jin's slap. No, that was not what he had expected. His brother was the one at fault yet he was the one getting this treatment from Jin.

Suddenly he heard someone opening his room door and that was when he realized that he had forgotten to lock his door earlier. Jin was there, standing in front of the opened door as Kazuya took a peek on it. Sighing, Kazuya opened the door inside his room which led to his balcony and stepped outside, looking at the starry sky.

"I'm sorry..." Kazuya heard Jin murmuring from behind. "I didn't mean that."

"It's ok, Jin - kun. I might have talked too much." Kazuya said while turning around, facing Jin. "But why did you let them, I mean, you are Tatsuya nii - chan's boyfriend, right?"

There was a strange look at Jin's face for a moment before he burst out into laughter. Kazuya who knew absolutely nothing was confused by the sudden change, moreover found it a little rude. Pouting, he turned back to look at the sky, ignoring Jin again.

Jin realized that and stopped laughing. "I'm sorry. You know, you've misunderstood." Jin said before laughing again. "Tat - chan and I, we're not lovers anymore. Just friends. Haven't he told you?" he added between his laughter.

Kazuya raised his eyebrow, trying to remember if his brother had mentioned anything but he had no clue of what Jin was talking about as he realized that he had practically ignored his brother all this time. His brother might have tried telling him before but his efforts were in vain. Kazuya suddenly felt guilty for accusing his brother.

"We are friends, best friends. Nobody is at fault and I..." Jin said when he finally stopped laughing, approaching Kazuya and staring at him with a serious look. "I love you..."

Kazuya's eyes widened when he heard that and when he realized it both of his and Jin's lips were locked together and he closed his eyes while hoping that this was not just a dream...


"Oh my, they're kissing each other now." Tatsuya beamed excitedly, still keeping his voice as low as possible as he didn't want either Jin or Kazuya to discover that he and Ryo had been watching all this time.

"That was just a kiss. Nothing more. You are over reacting." Ryo remarked in a sarcastic tone although he himself was quite amused of how Jin and Kazuya were finally, finally together (if this could be considered as together, well at least literally).

"Shut up, Nishikido." Tatsuya said, glaring at Ryo. "But this means that I'm all alone now. Ah well..." he murmured.

"Hmm... Since you look just like a lost stray cat now, I don't mind tagging along with you. It’s an honor for you."

"Who did you just call a stray cat? And I am not pathetic to the extent that I need help from you, Nishikido." Tatsuya retorted but secretly a smile was forming in his face.

Tatsuya and Kazuya…

They are siblings.

Separated at such an early age because of the accident that caused their parents’ death,

Tatsuya , the older one , was taken by the Uedas who was their father’s little sister. His aunt would have gladly taken them both but her husband opposed, only wanting one son to pamper.

Kazuya was then adopted by their neighbor who was their parents’ best friend.

They grew up away from each other. But their bond as siblings never faded. They maintained contact through occasional e-mails and frequent calls.

Unfortunately, when Kazuya was twenty years old, hi sadoptive father died due to health reasons. Once again, Kazuya was left alone to fend for himself.

When Tatsuya found out about the incident, he mourned with his brother and offered to take him in. Tatsuya was already 23 years old and was given the chance to move out of his adoptive parents’ home. Kazuya immediately accepted his older brother’s offer. It was their chance to make up for lost time.

It has been 2 years since that happened.

They have gone through happy and sad moments together. But from now on they will live with their happiness,



E/N : Oh my, I've finally finished this... *throws confetti for myself*
And well, I didn't realize that I haven't updated this for about 2 months or something if it was not because of cherrylady6 poking me. Oh my, I'm soooo grateful since you poked me.. :D

So, firstly I shall say thanks to miyukaii and annatanhe for beta-ing this all along. Oh my... You guys rocks. Especially for beta-ing my terrible grammar.. :DDDD

And then of course, to all readers and commenters. I'm soo sorry if I've made so many mistakes, or for the suddenly lame stories, and especially now for this chapter. ahaha. I feel that this is just sooo lame. But thanks for all of your comments. They made me so happy ♥

Well, so this is it. Thanks for reading until the last part. I might not be able to write anything for a while, but I'll try. And comments are definitely ♥

g : angst, p : akanishi jin/kamenashi kazuya, r : pg-13, *multichapter, p : akanishi jin/ueda tatsuya, p : nishikido ryo/ueda tatsuya

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