
Oct 29, 2008 20:12

Title : Reconcile
Author : dephi
Pairing : Ryoda
Rating : PG - 13 for the angst
Disclaimer : I own the plot only. The title is taken from Juana's song.
Summary : No summary now since I couldn't think of anything currently.. T.T
Notes : A sequel of Goodbye fic which was requested by karla_chiro. Beta-ed by annatanhe

It has been 3 months since that eventful night. Nothing had really changed between the both of them; at least that was how others saw them since nobody knew that there was actually something between the two of them in the first place. It was hidden, the relationship, or actually did anything really happen between them? They were not friends, people around them knew how they were always fighting with each other, but they were not enemies either, he wouldn't even give any comfort if they were enemies, right? Lovers were so out of question. No, they couldn't have been lovers. Then what were they?

Ueda sat in his comfortable couch inside his room while taking a sip of hot tea. He poured more tea to the cup when he realized that it was empty and continued gulping it down again. It had been 2 days... No 3 days...or more than that, he couldn’t remember since when he started being in this state. He has been always sitting at the same spot drinking tea at the same time each day ever since he asked for some days off from the agency. Tomorrow he had to return back to work again but he didn't feel like it. He felt as if his heart was empty, as if something was gone. Why couldn't he just stay home and not returning to work? That would be irresponsible of him, he knew, but his heart kept asking him to avoid returning to work.

It was not a matter of what jobs he would get. He chose this field of work himself so he shouldn't have any protests about it. It's just...something else. He just wanted to escape from something and he felt that his apartment was the safest place now. He felt so relaxed and secure here but when he remembered that he had to resume working tomorrow no matter what, he felt depressed.

Ueda took a short peek at the calendar hanging on the wall. Has it been a week already? He didn't think that a week could pass that fast. Ueda had been keeping all of his negative feelings these three months until he reached his peak. That was when he asked for some days off. He was granted a week. And now a week had passed. Why was it that fast? And nothing was solved in this one week; the burden in his heart did not lessen. As Ueda seemed to have kept it in the depths of his heart and locked it, not intending to open it anymore.

After staring at the calendar for quite some time as if trying to burn some holes in it, a sigh was released from Ueda's mouth, the sigh which came from the deepest side of his heart. It was useless, thinking of this over and over. It was just a matter of time for him to face it again. Releasing another sigh, Ueda stared at the calendar for the last time before turning back and going inside his room. Whatever would happen, he would deal with it later...


Ueda met the usual sight he always got whenever he went to the jimusho. Some juniors were greeting him along the way. Not an unusual sight. He went straight into KAT-TUN's dressing room only to meet one of his band members, alone.

"Ah, Uepi!" Junno greeted as excited as usual. "How's your holiday?"

Ueda couldn't help to giggle a bit as he saw this band mate of his. After all he did miss Taguchi's amusing acts. "Ohayou, Taguchi. It was quite relaxing, I suppose." Ueda replied as cheerfully as he could. He then swept his gaze around the room. "Where's everyone?" he questioned as it was unusual to see nobody around at this time.

"Ah, they are at the practice room. Haven't the manager contacted you yesterday?" Taguchi explained but when he saw Ueda's confused face he sighed. "Well, let's go then, Uepi."

Both Taguchi and Ueda were walking along the corridors until they reached a certain familiar place. It seemed as if it had been ages since Ueda came here and had some practices, although it couldn't have been more than a week. But for Ueda somehow it felt way longer than usual. He could see some familiar faces he had missed the whole week. Ueda didn't know that he would miss his job this much. But somehow there were more people than he had expected. More...

"Tat - chan! Glad you're back now!" Jin shouted before running in Ueda's direction, intending to hug him. Luckily Ueda managed to dodge it before Jin was successful on doing so. "Ahhh, Tat - chan~" Jin whined, showing his puppy eyes.

"Stop it, Jin. You know that it won't work on Tat - chan." Kame said sarcastically.

"Ahh.. This is so annoying. How long are you guys going to delay our training? Why should NEWS have a joint training with KAT-TUN at the first place?" a familiar voice was heard behind Kame and Ueda didn't really dare to look at who the person was. He knew who said that but he did not want to acknowledge him.

"Mou Ryo - chan! Tat - chan was away for a week so he has to adapt to the situation again from scratch." Jin defended, pouting.

"Ah, I see. But that means he must have gained back his full strength now, right? So he shouldn't waste our time anymore." Ryo insisted then stared at Ueda, "...right, fishlips?"

Ueda, who had been watching the whole situation silently, kept his mouth shut as he didn't know what to reply. He gave a single weak nod just as someone barged into the training room. "Okay boys, we're sorry to inform you that we have to cancel today's training since the instructor is away today. You all would be updated with the new training date soon ." the manager informed before leaving the room.

"You're lucky, fishlips." Ryo retorted and right after that Ueda quickly exited the room to somewhere outside, resulting in death glares from KAT-TUN members to Ryo.


Ueda didn't know how or why but when he realized it he had been running until he reached this place again. The place where he parted with Ryo that night. Why did he come here? His feet guided him without him realizing it. Slowly, Ueda walked until he approached the small bench that was at the center of that place and sat down. He couldn't hold his tears back anymore and so he broke down. He was the one who dumped Ryo so it wouldn't be strange if Ryo hated him but he didn't expect Ryo’s attitude to change so drastically. It hurt Ueda, a lot...

It was almost the same for Ryo. He tried to act like what Ueda had wished him to. They were nothing anymore so it was all back to square 1. They were enemies, right? It would only bring some suspicions if he suddenly acted civilly to Ueda, especially when the said person had cut their ties. But it hurt Ryo to say that kind of things although it was all just an act. But why did Ueda react like that..? When Ryo realized it he had arrived at the same spot as that night 3 months ago.

He thought nobody was there, that he was alone, but suddenly he heard a sniffle, it was weak yet Ryo could still hear it. Scanning round the place, Ryo finally found the source of the sound. It was someone at the bench. Ryo walked closer and stopped when he was at the distance where he could see him clearly. There was no mistake, it must be Ueda. Should he approach him and provide comfort like before? That was what Ryo wanted to do but was it the right thing? That was why he just stood there, watching him silently. But as the sniffles got louder and harder than before, Ryo couldn't take it anymore and subconsciously he sat at the same bench and hugged the older guy.

"R-Ryo..? B-But why?" Ueda asked as he saw who had hugged him. "I-I'm not worthy of this." Ueda shrugged Ryo's hand off. "And you've declared our war again."

"I should be the one who asked why! Why, Tatsuya? Why did you cry? It was over, right?" Ryo demanded.

Ueda bit his lower lip when he heard that. Why, he asked? Ueda didn't really know why himself. "I-It's none of your business. And you're right, it's over, Ryo. So leave me alone!"

"I can't! I just...can't..." Ryo said which caused Ueda's tears to flow out even more rapidly than before.

"Why, Ryo? Why? Why do you care so much about me? Why can't I forget you? Why.. Why does your words affect me so much, Ryo? Why?" Ueda cried in Ryo's embrace.

"Hushh, Tatsuya. It's ok now.." Ryo patted Ueda's head. It's going to be okay now...


"Ah, Junno! Move aside a bit!"

"I can't Jin! Ahh... What are Ryo and Uepi doing there?" Junno shrieked but it caused him to get a smack on his head.

"Quiet, Taguchi! They can hear us, you know. Ahh.. I didn't know that there was this sort of relationship between them." Koki exclaimed, as he kept observing from his place.

"Hey, shouldn't we stop peeping at them now?" Nakamaru pleaded worriedly. He was too scared to be caught in the first place.

"Well, I guess. But we'll have to deal with Nishikido later, for making our friend cry." Kame said and the others agreed, with evil gleams in their eyes. Just you wait, Nishikido..


E/N : sorry for the super long delayed fic.. T.T
To be exact, this is not my favourite, but here it is. Hope you guys like this..^^
And I know that goodbye is a songfic, but I couldn't get the feeling for this. Sorry...

g : angst, *oneshot, r : pg-13, p : nishikido ryo/ueda tatsuya

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