Heartbreak Lullaby

Jul 10, 2009 20:11

Title: Heartbreak Lullaby
Author: dephi
Pairing: RyoDa, sort of
Rating: G
Disclaimer: The plot is mine.. :D
Summary: life, breath, tears, heart, and loss. 5 words with different meanings.
A/N: I frankly don't know whether this is categorized as drabbles or one-shot.. And sorry, the title and the summary didn't make much sense. I'm running out of creativity juice. Unbeta-ed, sorry... DD:


When a baby was about to make its way outside his or her mother's womb, there were two ways in general to describe their struggle. First, the natural one. Without the so-called surgery, the mother suffered an unbearable pain; screaming and crying yet the desire to let another life appeared in this world surpassed its hardness. Once a new sobbing voice was registered, the process was ended while a new life was finally started. On the other hand, Caesar surgery seemed to be a popular choice nowadays. To avoid the pain which should have been endured, young mothers preferred undergoing one. Some was forced to endure it due to the health issue. Both results were pretty much the same; as long as the baby was safe and sound, any possible path shall be taken.

For Ueda, such a scene was nothing interesting. Well, not until he experienced how sweet love is. When you love somebody, you wish to give all you have to your beloved, even when it means there're things you have to sacrifice. The sentence appeared as a cliché one before, when the word 'love' hadn't infiltrated his list of personal dictionary, however when he finally met him, Ueda's point of view was instantly changed.

They did what couples naturally do when dating. Ueda admitted that the love was sweet, but it might not be long-lasting. They started off with hating each others. The circumstances and the environment they live in heated the competition. However, time played a big deal in making a change, including people's heart. As long as they were together, past was not a matter, future might be one. But most importantly, the present need to be treasured.

Standing right in front of the baby room, he smiled widely, trying to look for the baby of his relative. The small weak beings were too innocent, too vulnerable against the dark side of the world. Regardless that, they were supposed to be the most lovable being most couples wished to own.

How he wished he could have one with Ryo.


Respiratory system was one of the most crucial things in human's life. From your nose, trachea, lung; each organs formed a perfect coordination to support one's life, regardless whatever condition happening. When anything was amiss, no matter how unimportant it might have been, the system would lose its balance, slowly but sure reaching its own destruction.

However, that seemed to be ignored whenever their lips were sealed one to another. Minutes, perhaps, might have passed, but the desire for every touch was too huge. Lust and love were coordinating in a weird way, still, he couldn't care less.

When the lack of air finally became an issue, Ueda jerked back and breathed pantingly. The fire in his eyes hadn't faded; the urge to create another moment where he shared his kisses with Ryo wasn't forgotten.

Still breathless, Ueda laughed when he saw the story his lover told through his eyes. And a moment later, they pressed their lips together again.

It tasted exactly like the mint candy Ryo ate earlier.


Each drop of water, in any form, leaving human's body had its own purpose. When you were working hard or when the temperature was too high, your sweat will come out naturally, while your usual routine at the toilet will be decreased. Reversely, low temperature combined with water consumption would increase the work of your renal drastically. Those were something inevitable, something natural, something beyond your control. Tears, however, could be controlled at times.

Like other couples, fights were necessary in balancing a relationship. A happy going relationship without any friction wasn't always healthy; in fact there was a high chance that there were flaws purposely hidden, whilst truth and trust were the basic essences for every relationship.

Call him a crybaby, but Ueda couldn't hold it. Perhaps if he tried hard the tears won't come out. However, an invincible pain had been proven more hurtful than the visible one, at times. It attacked him psychologically. Unfortunately, he wasn't strong enough to defend himself against it.

Grabbing the tissue paper, he quickly swept the tears which refused to stop rolling down for the nth time. His face was red, and so did his eyes. Looking at his cell phone’s screen, he sighed.

Perhaps, it was time for him to call Ryo, instead of waiting with no certain guarantee.


They said one's heart was located in their chest. Well, scientifically it was incorrect. Like how the word diet had been wrongly used in the society; in which people mostly associate diet with eating restriction, while in fact it was the food people should have eaten. Heart's real location was way below the one generally assumed and its main function was blood regulation.

So, if our heart was hurt, our blood regulation should be affected as well, right?

That was what Ueda thought when he flipped the page of a medical journal while waiting outside the doctor's surgery. There was nothing wrong with him, exhaustion perhaps, nothing more. However a little check-up was needed to ensure his health, just in case anything happen.

Looking back, there were moments, especially during their junior days, when Ryo's sharp comments were successful in hurting him. No, they called that as insults. Not to mention how his heart would flutter whenever Ryo was around, well most of the time.

At the moment, realization suddenly struck him and Ueda paid attention to the cue no more. His eyes widened as a new determination was made.

Ryo will definitely have to pay everything if he got a heart attack.


It was heartbreaking, it was saddening. When there was a start, there was also an end. A break in between was sometimes necessary.

Their fights had eventually become worse. From once a week, now almost every day. Even the most trivial problem would lit a huge fire. They could not tolerate other's behaviour, not as patient as they used to in understanding their beloved's thoughts.

It was hurting, consuming their heart from inside.

"I-It's not an end. Let's keep a distance for a while..."

Temporary, wasn't it? Yet another scar was torn.

For the first time, Ueda had to learn how hard it felt to lose Ryo.


E/N: Nope, you're not seeing things if you're my old readers. dephi reappears, yes. I offer you no explanation, however, comment, please? ♥

*oneshot, r : g, p : nishikido ryo/ueda tatsuya

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