Fake [Chapter 5]

Oct 29, 2008 08:19

Title: Fake
Author: dephi
Pairing: PiDa (mainly), Akame, Ryoda (in this chapter)
Rating: PG-13 now..
Disclaimer: We don't own them sadly... :(
Summary: Yamashita Tomohisa, the prince of the school. His crush to Nishikido Ryo lead him to meet Tat - chan or Ueda Tatsuya who is such a mysterious guy.
Notes: A collaboration fic between me and love_akira. I'll write the odd chapters while love_akira writes the even chapters.

The school was as noisy as usual as it was during break time, that was also applied to the S class, although it was the best class. After all, the students are boys too and since the school organization president was that Uchi, the rest of the students were quite expressive.

Bunch of girls were outside S class again, making some noises over the boys while the boys inside were trying to look as cool as possible, most of them. The second party was the studying type, ignoring the noises completely. The third and last party included Uchi, Ryo, and Pi who didn't really care about the noises. Jin was acting as if he was the coolest over them all while actually he was so silly. However, he did was a popular guy, except for his silliness. Pi could only laugh as he saw Jin trying to drag Uchi greeting the girls but being ignored completely by the said person and when he almost tried to ask Ryo instead, he decided not to do so as he received the glare from Ryo.

"Baka Jin!" Ryo complained as he saw Jin's silly acts. Pi threw another laugh as he heard that but stopped as Ryo suddenly stared at him. His heart was beating hard as he met Ryo's eyes, but suddenly he heard the familiar annoying voice again.

"Uchi~" a man's voice was heard from the class door which diverted Pi's attention. Pi moved his eyes to see who it was only to see Tat - chan there.

"Argh.. You again.." Ryo groaned as Tat - chan tiptoed his way inside the classroom, approaching Uchi's desk. Chatters were all around the room as usual as Tat - chan was finally inside the classroom. The boys despised his existence, so they didn't really care if he would be hurt by it. After all, Tat - chan had never taken it seriously.

"It's none of your business~" Tat - chan sing-song then looked at Ryo with a smirk plastered in his face, "..midget~"

Ryo was so furious when he heard what Tat - chan called him especially since he hated whatever mentioned about his height. "Y-You!!"

Tat - chan, completely ignoring Ryo's protest, approached Uchi quickly and put boxes of bento in the table in front of him. "I bring lunch~" he said before looking around the room to see the strange gazes from the boys and sighed.

Uchi managed to notice the sigh escaping from Tat - chan's mouth but did nothing as he didn't want to interfere with other's problem. And Uchi also knew that Tat - chan could handle that just fine. After all, he's not just a regular student here.

"Ehh, bento? Just like a girl." Ryo suddenly retorted but he took something from the box and ate it instantly. There was a sudden change in his face as he ate that. “Ehm.. This is not as bad as I thought it would be. You can eat it safely, Hiroki." Ryo finally admitted.

"Huhu.. You finally admitted it, huh, Ryo - chan~" Tat - chan teased as he heard Ryo's reply.

Pi didn't really understand what was happening between them all as he could only watch the scene as if he was somewhere outside the frame. He didn't like something like this. Why did everyone leave him alone? Why did Tat - chan replace him there? He didn't like how Tat - chan fit the scene completely, others than the negative chatters from others. He didn't like how Tat - chan and Ryo retorted easily, and he didn't like how he interpreted it differently. He didn't like how Jin could easily blend with the situation without any awkward feeling at all. He didn't like how his heart was slightly hurt when he saw all of this. He didn't like how he actually wanted to be a part of that, not as an outsider.

"Eh Ouji - sama, why are you spacing out alone?" Tat - chan teased Pi which brought Pi's mind back again. But before Pi could give any reply, Ryo opened his mouth first.

"Stop making those stupid nicknames, fishlips." Ryo retorted.

Tat - chan glared instantly to Ryo before a smirk was formed in his mouth. "I guess the chibi vice president is way better than I do in making nicknames." he smiled victoriously.

Pi didn't like how it continued, how Ryo answered Tat - chan in his place. He moved his eyes to see Ryo only to see Ryo's face turned into red. Ryo was too furious until he didn't really care with his surrounding. He just hated how he couldn't win against this mere Tat - chan.

"Y-You! You're just nobody!" Ryo said half shouted. "I bet your family must be so abnormal until you become this strange. Or maybe you should just seek a psychologist or something to cure your madness!"

The chatters were silenced when Ryo finished his sentence as there was a sudden change on Tat - chan's face. Ryo realized that he might have said it too far, but he had to protect his pride himself, so he insisted on keeping his sentence. Tat - chan looked down to the floor before looking back to Ryo with such a sad stare. "What if I really am, huh?" he said before exiting from the classroom and ran immediately.

The class was full of noises again as soon as Tat - chan was nowhere in sight. This was so not like the usual Tat - chan for sure but none of them dared to talk about it. Ryo was left frowning as he saw what Tat - chan did, especially when it wasn't the reaction he expected to get. Tat - chan should just laugh playfully and shrug it while throwing another thing to fight against Ryo's sentence. "S-such a dramatic princess."

"Ryo - chan~" Uchi replied playfully, staring at Ryo.

Ryo hesitated for a while but finally opened his mouth at last. "I-I had better followed him." he said before leaving the class quickly, looking for Tat - chan.

Ryo ran around the corridors to look for Tat - chan in vain. He couldn't seem to find the said guy anywhere even after he had looked over the classrooms. Ryo stopped running for a while when he reached the school's back to take a breath when he felt other's presence nearby. There was a low sound, he believed, somewhere so Ryo looked around and saw a girl, no, a guy's back somewhere leaning under the tree. Ryo walked closer to see who it was and sighed when he confirmed that it was indeed the guy he was looking for.

"You.. Why are you here, alone?" Ryo said when he was close enough from Tat - chan.

Tat - chan didn't give any reply as he kept leaning on the tree. That added the guilt that had bothered Ryo all along. Ryo didn't know what to do, in one side, he wanted to comfort Tat - chan but on the other side he had his pride. It was such a difficult choice for Ryo.

"Is it that bad if I come from a broken family? Is it?" Tat - chan questioned, still backing Ryo. "I don't really care about what people will say about me, but it still hurt me, this topic.."

Ryo's guilt was getting bigger as he heard that and without noticing it Tat - chan was already in his embrace, crying. Little did he know that Pi actually followed him and watched this scene which tore a deep scar inside his heart.


The incident he accidentally saw earlier at the class made Jin thought about it a lot. He didn't know that Tat - chan was quite sensitive. Maybe it had something to do with the guy from eroge? Jin couldn't find any suitable answer for that, and it was so strange for him. Usually his mind was always so simple but this time he had to think deeper than usual, and it was so unlike him.

Jin walked around his school yard as he skipped his football practice again. Pi would yell at him later, and he knew it well but he would deal with it later. There were just too much to think about now and for Jin it was way more important than attending a football practice. Just when he stopped walking and decided to sit at the grass, Jin caught the sight of a familiar guy.

"Ah, you are... Kamenashi, right?" Jin said cheerfully while waving his hand. Strangely, the said person didn't give any response to Jin's greeting, not even looked at Jin. Kame just walked past through Jin as if nobody called him.

"Strange guy..." Jin muttered while staring at Kame's back.


While walking around the road in Shibuya, Jin encountered the same cozy restaurant where he met that Kamenashi guy some time ago. That place brought a bad memory back to him as he almost had a fight with some members of F class, but somehow he was inside the restaurant when he realized it.

It was indeed a nice restaurant so it was not a wonder that Jin was attracted easily to this place. But somehow he unusually had the feeling that there was something behind his attraction to this restaurant. But hell with that, for now Jin would just approach the cute girl that was sitting 2 tables beside him.

"Hey, we meet again, here." a familiar voice was heard right before Jin approached that girl.

"A-Ah, you! Kamenashi!" Jin said shockingly.

Kame looked around the restaurant before setting his eyes on Jin again. "Alone? I've told you that you had better be more cautious of your surrounding, right?" Kame asked while casually sitting at the sofa at the other side of the table without even asking Jin's permission.

"I-I can take care of myself just fine!" Jin said back, didn't want to lose to this guy. Suddenly, he remembered something. "You! You ignored me earlier at school!"

Kame tilted his eyebrow a bit as he heard Jin's accusation. "Ah, earlier? Well, I thought it would bring a bad image if someone who comes from S class like you know someone from F class." Kame answered casually while looking through the menu.

What Kame said brought Jin to think about it for a while. It was the truth; it would bring a bad image. Then what should Jin do? Kame's his savior after all. Thinking about these complicated things really wasn't for Jin.

"Arghh.. I don't care. You're my friend anyway. Call me Jin ok." Jin finally said as simple as usual. If he couldn't think about those complicated things, then he would just have to make it simpler.

Kame stared at Jin with a strange look as he heard Jin's exclamation and burst into laughter at last. "You're so interesting, A- no, Jin. So, I'm Kamenashi Kazuya. Er, Kame is fine for me, or Kazuya or whatever." he said before continuing his laughter.

"Ah, Kame - chan, then!" Jin exclaimed and both were laughing together.

E/N : Sorry for the super delayed update.. >.<
It has been what? I guess it has been long since this fic has been updated.
So this chapter contains Ryoda and Akame. Well, what do you think?
Comments are love...♥

p : akanishi jin/kamenashi kazuya, r : pg-13, *multichapter, p : ueda tatsuya/yamashita tomohisa, p : nishikido ryo/ueda tatsuya

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