Title: Words in the Dark
Disclaimer: I neither own nor profit from SPN (or Merlin. This ‘verse is clearly some kind of hybrid, like a coydog).
Characters: Sam, Dean, John
Warnings: positively portrayed religion?
Rating: PG (and this only because I tend to round up)
Word count: 1482
Spoilers: none: preseries AU
Summary: Sam reads every night in the chapel
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Comments 6
I adore this story, not just because it's so wonderful (it is) but because I love this series.
As a token of my love, I leave you with this new icon. It gives me giggles.
And I enjoy tea. Though maybe in moderation? Unless it's Good Earth Sweet and Spicy tea. THAT STUFF IS ABSOLUTE WIN, both the red and black varieties. (wow, tea tangent just came out of nowhere right there...)
I'm so happy you love this! And their world! I have ridiculous amounts of fun writing it, maybe because I'm also using it to be a reading-geek. And a medieval geek (though I'm purposefully NOT giving in to research urges, because then I'd have to find and stick to an ERA and a LOCATION and silly things like that, and I would much rather just have fun with "IT'S MEDIEVAL MWAHAHAHA." *grin*
Maybe I'll come back and comment for real later.
I really REALLY like this verse
I wish for more, but I'll take what I can get and keep rereading this until this becomes my canon *g*
I used to have plans for more in this verse (Sam ended up monster hunting in seminary, and him and Dean kind of ran into one another and then they SAVE THE WORLD) but they've faded since. I'm so glad that you liked what there is. It still has a sweet place in my heart.
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