MEME: five fics featuring women...

Mar 08, 2007 22:17

magnetic_pole's post about some of the fics she'd written about women got me thinking about mine. Here's five:

"Revisions" (Harry Potter/Dark Is Rising fandoms; Hermione Granger/Susan Bones NC17)
This was written for hp_valensmut last year, for zeldaophelia, and extends the Will/Bran/Jane relationship begun in her story When Sleep Comes. It's my one femslash fic (outside of stray drabbles), and I'd like to write more once my OTP-WSiPs stop kicking my ass ten ways from Thursday. Hermione/Susan was the pairing I liked best of the four Z suggested (the other three being Ginny/Luna, Susan/Ginny, Hermione/Tonks), in part because I ship Tonks/Ginny (for no good reason other than it's fun) and in part because I frankly enjoy breaking Hermione and Ron up. Yes, I know it's canon, but it just doesn't work for me, and I think one could have a lot of post-canon fun with "We thought we were destined for each other, but boy were we wrong."

Then again, I'm not sure I want to spend too much time with that theme, at least not with other people's characters. There's enough of that theme in my personal history that I fancy it would be best dealt with on my own playground (e.g., without the pre-characterizations (a/k/a baggage) that come with someone else's canon, and vice versa. Mind, those pre-characterizations are precisely why writing fanfic is its own mad addiction -- both because they make drabbles possible, and because it's wicked fun to engineer and explain improbable pairings -- but to each its realm.)

"Unwritten" (Harry Potter fandom; gen)
This was written for dames_magique "Fic-a-Feast" challenge, and includes Susan, Hermione, and Luna. It strikes me that I like to show different attitudes/approaches to food preparation, having run the gamut in my own time, and that I made a point (not consciously) of characterizing the three women via the comments on the meal. I should do more of that...

"Just So But Not Too Much" (Harry Potter and Lord Peter Wimsey fandoms; Molly Prewett, gen)
Another woman, another kitchen. I need to revise the part about the muffins someday.

"Hounding of the Baskervilles" (Harry Potter fandom, with hints of others; Snape/Lupin, PG-13)
Yes, it's a Snupin story, but the Tonks here received an almost obscene amount of love (I'm not kidding about the "almost obscene" -- one reader offered me naked pictures after reading about The Hat (*grin*)). And I'm pleased with my characterization of Tonks's mum, even though she doesn't actually appear in the story -- coming up with lines such as "Andromeda's hatred of headcoverings was legendary" is the sort of thing that makes me dance self-congratulatory jigs in the living room. *g*

Traces (Harry Potter fandom; Draco/Bella/Luna)
Another one for dames_magiques. Women's loyalties interest me. Again, same issues as mentioned above, but there's so much that can be done with (and to) Luna. I really do hope we see more of her in Book 7.

So where's the Tonks/Ginny, you may ask? Well, I do have stray drabbles scattered about, but what you should actually do is hop over to corvidae9's and start reading Come Together, which is almost finished and is wilder, bodacious-er, cheekier, and sassier than anything you're going to see from me. It's knowing and it's fun, and just thinking about it makes me break out into gigglefits.

tonks, ginny, index, snupin, susan, hermione, recs

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