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Comments 32

rtms August 24 2011, 05:30:43 UTC
I've never understood some of the things presented in this ep. Having never read the books I'm only seeing this through the TV series. The first thing that confuses me is how did Kahlan and Denee go from being virtual slaves to their father to hanging out in Thandor? and learning about confessors and hanging with the rest of them. We know there were quite a few of them until the first season when they were wiped out, so when and how did Kahlan find them? The second thing is Nicci and the whole Richards Han is hers now. I don't see how that could be, since her original body died, shouldn't it have given Richards Han back to him? How can she still have it in her new body ( ... )


meridian_rose August 24 2011, 14:51:06 UTC
I'm tv verse only too. I don't think it was mentioned how Kahlan found them or how they found her. You'd think, given the supposed importance of the Confessors, someone would have come to fetch them the moment their mother died, that they would always have been on the Mother Confessor's radar.

The blood vs soul thing might apply here. Some magic is attached to the body; Darken loses his magic when he is resurrected into a new body. Other magic is attached to the soul, and can't be lost in this way. But I'm only trying to apply what logic I've heard addressed to other situations in the show.


hrhrionastar August 24 2011, 15:14:40 UTC
Without it ever actually being stated, I got the impression that the Sisters of the Light found and rescued Kahlan and Dennee when Kahlan was about eleven (since she says she hasn't seen her father for fifteen years, she was about five when her mother died, and I'm assuming she's around twenty-six in season 2), and that's when they relocated to Thandor. (Although I have no idea why the Sisters of the Light didn't come sooner.)

The Mother Confessor had a son who was evil, we know from Sacrifice, so she might've been a little preoccupied around that same time I suppose.

The blood vs soul thing might apply here. Some magic is attached to the body; Darken loses his magic when he is resurrected into a new body. Other magic is attached to the soul, and can't be lost in this way. I think this makes sense - or at least as much as these debates about the different kinds of magic ever make sense. The only magic that seems attached to the blood is the inherited Rahl bond, and Confessor powers are explicitly not a matter of the body, since ( ... )


rtms August 24 2011, 15:55:29 UTC
Right, in other words those that are born with magic already in side them don't necessary lose them on death but those who have to learn magic like Darken did lose it completely and have to relearn it.We know he had to learn his magic since the captain of the blood guard made it clear that young Darken was learning dark magic. Hence why Denee, and Nicci could die and still have their magic when coming back in different bodies. On the other hand that still doesn't explain why Richard, who was born with magic didn't get it back when Nicci died. Sure she got her own back which makes sense but Richards Han should have gone right back to him when she died. Essentially she was forcing his Han to stay with her. It should have sought him out the moment she died.


hrhrionastar August 24 2011, 15:08:44 UTC
Bound is one of my favorite episodes, mostly for Nicci's character development. The moment at the end when she decides to quit the Keeper is just so fabulous - Nicci isn't going to let herself or her choices be dominated by others anymore. Really, it's a message of hope, that she can escape being bound, and be in charge of her own life. (Somewhat undercut by how she's Darken's prisoner at the end of the show, perhaps, but even then Nicci's made the choice to be in charge of her own destiny, and there's a difference between being a prisoner and being a slave ( ... )


brontefanatic August 24 2011, 18:46:43 UTC
The whole subject of Confessors and confession is fascinating ( ... )


meridian_rose August 24 2011, 19:04:07 UTC
'Does this mean that Richard is the first person in history who's ever loved a Confessor this much?' Yes, because of their Epic Love/sarcasm. LotS does pile on the improbabilities with the Seeker turning up after hundreds of years, and the spell that can only happen once a millennium or what have you. It does seem ridiculous, especially when the Seeker/Confessor love affair seems almost predestined, as we see from Viviane's doomed affair.

A non-Confessor child; a squib in Harry Potter terms. That's a very interesting idea. How would you tell, since children don't get their powers immediately - though the age they gain them doesn't seem to have been clear. And would a male child be allowed to live if he couldn't Confess, or would the danger of his powers just lying dormant be too risky. This deserves more thought.


brontefanatic August 24 2011, 20:41:27 UTC
A male child without confessor powers - it's an interesting idea.

We're told that ALL children of Confessors are born confessort - it's inate. I'm not a geneticist, but it would seem to me that there had to have been a few exceptions over the past 3000+ years.

And how would the sisterhood of Confessors react to a child who never develops the ability - I would think the child/young woman would be, if not shunned, at least considered an embarrassment to her mother - a cause for shame. That would be a heavy burden to bear.


meridian_rose August 24 2011, 16:43:48 UTC
I think this does a lot to criticize organised religions; the Confessors, who have multiple points of Christian symbolism, are shown to be guilty of using Confession not just to protect themselves but to then use the Confessed as they will ( ... )


hrhrionastar August 24 2011, 18:19:26 UTC
A more thoughtful Prelate would have suggested forgiving the man while keeping a big stick in one hand in case Nicci needed to beat the Creator's love into him. Or something. I don't see why Nicci had to go back there at all. Forgiveness also works at a distance, right? I would think she could pray for his soul without going back into his cell.

That whole thing made me dislike the Prelate even more, and I was already upset with her in Perdition when she votes to just leave Richard to die and lies to Kahlan about it.

Mother Confessor Serena is the one who attacked Zedd; Lara Confessed a whole village. (I don't know why I know this stuff...)


meridian_rose August 24 2011, 18:23:51 UTC
You're right, of course, but if for some reason Nicci did have to go in person she shouldn't have gone alone or unarmed. The Prelate is a really unsympathetic character from working against Richard to Nicci's tragic backstory.

Thanks for the correction. I have a blind spot for a lot of the minor character names lately, and I was too lazy to Google :P


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