game of thrones vampire au ficathon

Jul 16, 2012 00:27

game of thrones
vampire au ficathon
a ficathon. for game of thrones. but they're vampires. plot twist!
anything goes.
except sparkly vampires, because that's not cool.
yay have fun.

fills. )

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bronson July 17 2012, 18:37:02 UTC
viserys/aerys. "that's a good boy."


gingaginga July 18 2012, 03:49:05 UTC
He can't remember when the castle fell to ruin. A hundred years ago, two hundred, seven. He'd been a knight then. His breastplate had had a red dragon on it, its shape picked out in tiny rubies. They'd sprayed from his chest when the hammer hit him. He imagines he can still feel the blow if he touches his ribs in just the right spot, thumb and forefinger pressed to bone that, beneath his ice-cold skin, still bears the tell-tale, faded humanity of a crack. He misses pain. He can feel it, but it fades. Too shallow to leave a lesson, too fleeting to inspire meaning. Aerys had drained the pain from his limbs and filled them again with nothing.

The drawbridge is too rusted to be raised, and he knows that's the only reason it's lowered. His maker's madness has heightened over the years into a restless paranoia. No one was to be trusted, every defense must be foolproof. He's forbidden knives in his presence - knives, which could cut him but not kill him, not after a thousand gashes - and made child after child to guard him, ( ... )


gingaginga July 18 2012, 03:49:36 UTC
Rhaegar hides the alarm he feels. It's not possible for their kind to have children, not in the traditional way. Death could not make life. Aerys is mistaken. The woman tricked him, purred flattery in his ear, put his hand to her belly. The children could not be his. Rhaegar meets the boy's uneasy stare and has to repeat himself - they can't be, they can't - when he sees the familiar, hunted fear in the boy's eyes, the cruel sneering line of his lips, the lift of his chin. The witch had made two children in Aerys' image, but they couldn't be his.

The girl is brought out, half the age of her brother, dragged along by his hand on her wrist. "She's scared," he sneers, and the girl doesn't even flinch. Her eyes are on the floor in careful, trained temerity ( ... )


gingaginga July 18 2012, 03:50:21 UTC
I could kill Aerys now. I could take the children. They still have a chance. Their hearts beat, even if the blood they pump is wrong, is death in their veins. And if they can't be saved... Daenerys crouches slowly to lead a thin spider up onto her finger, and she looks at it with such timid adoration that Rhaegar's resolve withers in his chest. Gods, Aerys, what have you done?

"No," Aerys says angrily. "No, he's not. He never was my true son. Now he rejects my own blood. You'll leave, Rhaegar. Now. You'll leave and if you come back, I'll have the sun burn your bones to ash!" Rhaegar goes still. Banishment would be a relief if he hadn't seen the creatures Aerys means to replace him with. To leave them would be cowardly; to stay would mean he must finish Aerys, kill him like he's flinched away from doing for centuries.

He'd missed pain, but now that he feels it again he wonders why. This is their pain in my bones, the boy's blood still in my mouth.Aerys pulls Viserys' head back by his hair and lunges at his throat. ( ... )


bronson July 18 2012, 18:51:11 UTC
I could kill Aerys now. I could take the children. They still have a chance

sobbing asdfjasldfjasdf

;_; omg i love this asdfas


impossibility July 18 2012, 18:58:30 UTC
fuck you and your writing ability and these feels I DID NOT ASK FOR THESE


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