The Brain vs The Heart - A Battle Royale

Nov 15, 2010 10:44

Chapter 16

This was the first Friday night that Reid could remember not laying in bed reading medical journals willing himself to fall asleep. Instead, he was laying there staring down at the most amazing sight he’d seen in his bed, well ever. No one but Reid had ever slept in this bed, until now. It’s not that Reid lived the life of a monk, he had just always been careful to keep his private life just that. Any guy he had dated in the past never came over. It was their place or a hotel, no exceptions.

Reid’s brain couldn’t help but take a mental inventory of all the things that had changed in the last month. He never would have guessed when he picked up the phone during his lunch that day 3 weeks ago what was about to happen to him. The attraction he had felt toward Luke last winter was nothing compared to what he felt now. I never would have guessed that he’d have such compassion and bravery to go along with the face and body. Hard to believe it’s been such a short amount of time and he’s gotten completely wrapped around my heart. Hard to believe there was an actual heart in there to wrap around. This guy, a decent bit younger than him, who Reid hadn’t even had sex with yet, had somehow managed to make Reid something he never thought possible…..happy. With thoughts of happiness to sooth him, Reid too drifted off to sleep.


They spent most of Saturday morning with Reid continuing to kick Luke’s ass at chess. Luke refused to give up though promising that one day, he would win. Reid made sandwiches for lunch then promptly ate all of his plus almost half of Luke’s. Luke was ready to get out and see some of the Dallas sights.

“All right, that’s it. We’re getting out of here. What’s there to do in this town?”

“I don’t know. What do you have in mind?”

“You’re the one that lives here Reid. What’s there to do?”

“I dunno.”

“All right, show me some of your favorite places then….favorite bar, club, lounge, restaurant?” The longer Luke took in between places, the longer Reid’s no’s were getting by the shake of his head. “Ice skating rink, bowling alley?”

“I went bowling once…I was nine years old.”

Luke laughed a bit sadly “no fun, no life….you Dr. Oliver are a sad, sad man.”

“Why thank you” he replied with a smile on his face.

“Seriously though, how can you live in a place for years without stumbling upon at least one cool place to hang out?” Luke didn’t really wait for Reid’s reply. He grabbed his cell phone and started pressing keys with a purpose.

“Not everyone has a loaded bank account and tons of free time. I was busy actually fixing people’s brains.” A shot like that about Luke's money usually got some sort of snarky comment back. “Snyder….Snyder…. why do I bother? He’s not even listening to me.”

Luke looked up from his phone and asked “Is your wallet handy?”

“My wallet? Why?”

“You’re going to need it. We’re going out.”

“Please don’t tell me….the nearest gay bar.”

Luke couldn’t help but smile “not exactly.”


“You have got to be kidding me” were the first words out of Reid’s mouth when he saw the mechanical bull in front of them. He didn’t know what the hell Luke was thinking but there was no way he was getting up on that thing. Although, watching Luke ride it wouldn’t be all that bad. To be honest he was more afraid that some back water redneck hick would want to kick his or Luke’s ass just for being in there in the first place.

“Yipee Ki Yea” was Luke’s reply as he stared at the machine.

“Why would anyone with a synapse in their head want to have their bodies thrown around like that?”

“Because it’s fun. You have heard of fun right? There must be some part of your brain that handles that.” Luke stood up and decided it was time to show Reid just how much fun it could be. He didn’t stick around to hear him ramble on about single pleasure centers and chemicals and electrodes. When Reid looked up again he saw Luke on top of the bull with the biggest smile on his face. As Luke rode Reid did everything in his power not to smile back, but in the end he couldn’t help it, the kid was just too damn hot.

When Luke made it back to where Reid was standing he encouraged Reid to have a go.

“I’ll have you know there are specific injuries associated with mechanical bull riding, including fractures of the second metacarpals as well as the index fingers due to the extreme torque forces applied to the extremities during the severe gyrations.”

“Damn you are so sexy when you talk doctor to me” Luke said, staring up at him with half-closed eyes. “It’s a hand injury thing, and you’re a surgeon, I get it” he continued in a way that was almost taunting Reid.

That spurred Reid into action. “On the other hand, pun intended, a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.”

Luke grabbed onto Reid’s arm, afraid he had pushed him to hard. “Reid wait, you don’t have to do it. I was just teasing you, really.”

Reid looked at him with such intensity Luke knew not to second guess his decision. Instead he squeezed his arm for luck and watched as Reid swung his long leg over the back of the mechanical bull and gave it a good ride. Luke was so relieved when Reid came back all smiles saying he wanted to do it again.

Instead, Luke decided he was ready to go. He rubbed up against Reid so he could feel how turned on Luke had become seeing Reid up there. “I have a better idea” Luke whispered. “Let’s get out of here.” Reid happily followed behind him.


The ride back to Reid’s place was an adventure to say the least. Getting to the bar had been easy because Luke was running the GPS system on his phone. Since Luke was now too busy putting his hands all over Reid in the car Reid tried to do the return route by memory. Not that he really minded too much taking a couple of wrong turns because it just gave Luke more time to rub and pinch and suck any spot on Reid he could reach.

Since the day before when Luke had finally touched Reid intimately, the younger man couldn’t seem to keep his hands off Reid. Reid was overjoyed at the thought of taking things to the next level. Sex he understood, sex he was good at, feelings on the other hand were still widely a mystery to him. Luke was nothing if not relentless in his effort to arouse Reid. By the time they made it to the door Reid was very afraid he was once again going to come with all of his clothes still on. Since he figured this was still Luke’s show as to how far things got, he decided to try and play things by ear. He wanted some of the control though so he took the lead once they were in his house. He took his jacket off and stripped Luke of his, tossing them on the back of the couch. When he came back over to Luke they found each other’s lips, turning small light kisses into longer deeper ones. Reid could not figure out why they were kissing in the most hopelessly romantic way. He wanted hot, but was somehow content with giving Luke romance too. They let out a sigh in unison that had them bringing their foreheads together. Reid pulled Luke’s hips to him and reached around to cup Luke’s ass in his hands.

“Do you want to go upstairs Luke?”

He bit his lower lip. Yes! Yes, more than anything I want you to take me up there and rip my clothes off and do so many things to me. “Um, I think the couch might be safer for now.”

“Ok, the couch it is.” Reid grabbed Luke’s hand and led him over to it. He sat down and pulled Luke onto his lap before winding his hands inside Luke’s shirt, stopping briefly on Luke’s scar before continuing up his back. “I’d like to take your shirt off Luke. Would that be ok?”

Suddenly feeling shy Luke just nodded yes. Reid kept his eyes on Luke’s as he lifted it up and over his head. Breaking eye contact when the shirt hit his eyes, moments later Luke looked on as Reid’s eyes wandered up and down his chest and stomach memorizing every ripple. Luke felt so incredibly wanted, it was amazing. Reid sat up and leaned over, tilting Luke back until Luke’s shoulders were up against the armrest of the couch and Reid was hovering over him on one knee between Luke’s legs, his thigh grazing against Luke’s crotch. Reid’s mouth stopped less than an inch from bare Luke’s body and just breathed in and out, blowing air on Luke’s chest. It made all the hairs on Luke’s arms stand on end in anticipation. Luke licked his lips. “Ugh, Reid, please….please. Touch me, kiss me.” Reid’s tongue moved slowly out of his mouth and across Luke’s nipple, his breath again not far behind it. He moved to the other side and repeated himself. Goosebumps danced across Luke’s hair covered chest. Luke arched his hips upward, rubbing himself as best as he could on Reid’s thigh. Reid continued to tease Luke with his tongue and Luke continued to rub himself against Reid’s thigh until Reid could tell Luke was incredibly hard. Reid moved his hand over Luke’s fly and asked “do you want me to?”

“Yes Reid, yes I want you to.”

Reid unzipped and opened up the top of Luke’s jeans. He went to work in the same manner Luke had the night before, rubbing him through his underwear. “Are you going to come Luke? I want you to come for me.”

“I…oh god…Reid….that….yes I’m going to…ummm.” Luke’s eyes rolled up into his head and he bit down on his lip to keep from making a whimpering noise that was trying to escape from his mouth.

Reid leaned up kissing Luke while he continued to work on getting him off and then whispering into his ear “I got ya, let go….I’m right here and I promise I’m not going anywhere.”

Luke let out the most exquisite moan and came in his pants.


Luke went to sleep without a shirt on for the first time that night.  It was like Luke had taken down an invisible barrier between them. Reid leaned down and traced his fingers along the bare skin of Luke’s transplant scar. Looking at it intently, Reid felt grateful Luke trusted him to be like this. He knew the fear of what would likely come one day for them was still there and would always be, but he also knew he would deal with it….no, they would deal with it, together.

Reid placed light kisses over the entire length of the scar whispering “it’s going to be ok” over and over again.

“Whas goin be k” a clearly groggy Luke mumbled leaning up onto his elbow and just barely opening one eye, trying to see what Reid was doing.

“Nothing, no…. sorry I woke you, go back to sleep.” Reid rolled Luke over to his side and pulled Luke’s back up against his chest. It became the position they slept in from the very first night, even though Reid had never been the type to cuddle in the past.

Luke, already mostly back asleep slurred out “um k, lub you.”

Holy SHIT!!!!!!! Played over and over in Reid’s brain until he finally fell asleep.

Take that brain…… Brain 6, Heart 10

rating: r, fan fiction, !author|artist: broncotvgirl, luke/reid

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