The Brain vs The Heart - A Battle Royale

Oct 31, 2010 16:33

Chapter 7

Two hours later they were back at the cottage.

“How many days until you think he will be released?”

“Just a couple…Are you worried about that idiot Hughes not taking proper care of him because if you are, I can stay….That is if it’s what’s best for Ethan.”

Luke’s heart skipped a beat at the thought of having Reid in his house for another two days but he knew there was no reason to put off the inevitable. “I’ve, we’ve, already kept you away from your patients long enough. I know you have things you have to get back to. There isn’t really anything else keeping you here.”

Reid almost answered ‘you’ but just nodded in agreement. He imagined it was going to be hard enough trying to forget Mr. Snyder a second time without prolonging the torture. “I guess I’ll call the airline in the morning then and get a flight back to Dallas.”

Luke shook his head “private plane remember. Let Richie Rich take care of this one for you.” Luke called the charter company that handled his family’s planes and told them to get the jet fueled and ready for an 8 am departure. “There, it’s all done.”

There was such a finality in the way Luke said it that Reid’s heart began to ache. It felt like a vice had clamped on and was squeezing until his heart just gave out and stop beating. He almost grabbed onto Luke for support as his legs began to feel weak. He couldn’t let Luke see him like this. “I… ah…better get packed then.” Not entirely sure his legs would hold him, he took as long of strides as possible to get to the bedroom quickly. He closed the door hoping to shut out all the pain as well. He tried to convince himself he wasn’t about to make the biggest mistake of his life by getting on that plane. ‘What other choice do I have’ he asked himself. I’m a surgeon with patients that need me. That’s all I have…without that I don’t know who I am.


They stood on the tarmac at the small airport, used exclusively it seemed by the Snyder/Walsh family. Reid felt like it was ripped from that scene in Casablanca or something. He was afraid if he said so to the young Mr. Snyder one of two things would happen. Either Luke would have no idea what he was talking about and he would feel even more like a creepy old guy then he already did for some of the impure thoughts he’d had about Luke over the last couple of days, or the movie comment would remind Luke of the ex-boyfriend which might be even worse.

Luke nervously scratched the back of his neck not ready to have this moment end. He’d spent most of the last three days hoping to just get Dr. Oliver back home to Dallas without revealing how he felt but now that it was about to happen he wasn’t ready to say goodbye. “So I know I’ve said thank you already but I mean it. I don’t think I can ever repay you for just dropping everything and coming here to operate on Ethan. You saved his life. You really are an amazing doctor. It’s too bad more people don’t know it’s because you care so much.”

Of all the things Luke could have said, none would have gone straight to Reid’s heart like that did. After that there was no way Reid was getting on that plane without finding out if Luke Snyder tasted as sweet as he’d envisioned he would.

After just a moment of hesitation, he gently grabbed onto both sides of Luke’s face and pulled him into a kiss. It started off soft. Not tentative, but not overly demanding either. Reid just wanted to make it last as long as humanly possible. When Luke didn’t immediately pull away Reid changed the angle and deepened it slightly eliciting a sigh from Luke in response. It was the sigh that was Reid’s undoing. As he slid his tongue over Luke’s teeth asking for entrance he moved one of his hands down to Luke’s waist and pulled him closer. Luke’s mouth opened immediately and both his hands grabbed onto Reid’s hips for support. The assault on his senses continued as Luke’s tongue started to tangle with his. Then one of Luke’s hands moved to the back of his head tangling into his hair molding their lips even closer together. They pulled back for only a fraction of a second to change angles and both dove back in, the scent of their breaths mingling in that moment. Reid finally reluctantly broke the kiss and stepped back, letting his hands fall to his side.

“Mmmmmm….. even better than I thought….and I’ve thought about it a lot. I’ve been wanting to kiss you for a long time.” Reid returned one hand to Luke’s cheek and gave it a quick love tap. He picked up his bag and walked up the steps toward the interior of the plane. Before he rounded the corner and disappeared out of sight he took one last look down below at that beautiful face that was staring up at him and said almost as a sigh “goodbye Luke.”

Hearing his first name spoken by the doctor for the first time ignited Luke into action. ‘Oh the hell you will’ he said in frustration and took the stairs two at a time until he too was inside his family’s plane.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” Luke was a lethal combination of turned on and pissed off. “You can’t just give me what might very well be the hottest kiss of my life and then turn around and walk away like it didn’t mean anything. How dare you. You say you’ve wanted to kiss me for a long time….fine, but what about what I want? What if I want to know how you taste, how your bare skin feels under my hands? Huh? What about that? It’s about time I get what I want. You kiss me like that then you better be prepared to be kissed back.”

Luke didn’t wait to see the kind of reaction he would get before he pushed Reid down into one of the plush first class sized seats and climbed on top straddling him. This time the kissing didn’t start out so soft. Luke went in with full force, demanding his desire be matched. Reid had no problem reciprocating. Luke was hot, while at the same time oozing with affection. It was an intoxicating combination. Reid let him take the lead and was happy when Luke started unbuttoning Reid’s shirt. “Hands on your body right now” Reid heard Luke mumble as he was licking and nipping at his neck. Reid grabbed onto the sides of the chair and his head rolled back to give Luke a clear shot to continue what he was doing.

They didn’t notice they were joined by a third party until he cleared his throat to make himself known. “Excuse me Mr. Snyder, I apologize for interrupting but the flight plan has already been turned in. We have to take off in the next ten minutes or it will have to be resubmitted.”

Reid was slightly embarrassed to be caught like this by the pilot so he tried to shove Luke off his lap. The younger man however didn’t budge. “That’s fine Jordan. Just call in and add one more to the manifest and you can take off immediately.”

Reid looked at him incredulously “you’re going too?”

Luke smirked back showing he was quite satisfied with himself “why not? It is after all my plane so it has to come back to Oakdale eventually.”

A big thump….thump….: Brain…. 3 ½, Heart 4 ½

rating: pg-13, fan fiction, !author|artist: broncotvgirl, luke/reid

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