A Year Ago....And Change

Jan 28, 2011 17:43

Reid spent a couple minutes digging around for the candles he knew had to be somewhere. Think like Luke…. where would he put them?  Reid had never owned candles in his life. The only reason there were some in the house now was because Luke had brought some with him when he’d surprised Reid with Thanksgiving dinner a couple months ago. Thanksgiving night….good food, great sex….Two things to always be thankful for.  That was the first night Luke had ever topped. Reid smirked remembering his boyfriend’s shyness. The eager way he’d taken instruction and how quickly Luke had figured out just how turned on he was capable of making Reid. Maybe a repeat performance is in store for tonight….If I play my cards right.

It had been four days since their fight about the idiot Doogie. Luke had been to a couple of meetings since his short trip to Oakdale. He promised he hadn’t had any more urges to drink but Reid was glad he was going to meetings anyway. Talking was an important part of the process, or so he’d always been told. Reid hoped that Luke would continue to seek out that support. He was reassured at least that Luke had trusted in him enough to tell him about almost drinking. He just hoped for both their sakes that was as far as it ever went.

As timing had worked out, this was the perfect day to remind Luke just how much the doctor’s life had changed for the better by having him a part of it. Reid even laughed at the shocked look on Sue’s face when Reid filled her in on his plans. He also let it slide when she joked that she would be marking the day in her calendar….the day Dr. Reid Oliver became a sentimental sap. Reid didn’t care. This day was as much for him as it was for Luke.

Checking the oven to make sure the food was staying warm but not getting over done he scanned the scene he was setting with a critical eye. Table set…check. Fancy sparkling water crap….check. Lights dimmed….check. Soft romantic music in the background…..check. Now all he needed was Luke.

Reid got his wish less than ten minutes later as the door opened. He was waiting and practically pounced on Luke before he even had time to set his shoulder bag down. Reid’s long lean fingers grasped each side of Luke’s face and drug him in to connect their lips. As the softness of them both melted together, Reid’s thumbs gently rubbed semi-circles along Luke’s cheekbones. Reid heard Luke’s appreciative sigh and reluctantly released him.

“Wow” Luke smiled. “That was a very nice greeting.”

“I have my moments” Reid quipped, smiling back. “How was your day? Did you get to another meeting this afternoon?”

Luke finally set his bag down and removed his jacket, hanging it the closet. “Day was good, might be taking on a new client overseas, just trying to work out some of the details. And yes, I made it to the 4:30 meeting at the hospital. I’m doing good Reid, I promise. I’m not going to jeopardize what we have by taking a drink.”

Not wanting to ruin the night he had planned Reid let the comment go. He didn’t want Luke’s sobriety to be about him, or them, but that was a discussion for another day. Instead he took Luke’s hand and led him toward the kitchen. Luke stopped when he saw the table. “What’s going on?”

Reid turned back to face him trying to cover his enthusiasm with frustration “do you not know what today is?”

Luke quickly searched his memory banks….no birthdays, wasn’t any kind of anniversary he could think of, and they were still a few weeks away from valentines….he was at a complete loss. He frowned, feeling bad. “Um, sorry, I guess I don’t.”

“One year ago today we saw each other for the first time.”

Reid enjoyed seeing the surprise on Luke’s face. “Really?” The surprise gave way to wistfulness. “Wow, I guess you’re right. Amazing how much a person’s life can change in a year.”

“For the better I hope. I know it has for me.”

Luke leaned forward giving Reid a kiss “absolutely for the better. I feel incredibly lucky to have you in my life.”

Reid nodded his head in agreement. “So, to celebrate” he waved his hand over the table.

Luke sniffed “It smells good. Did you stop somewhere and get takeout?”

“I cooked” Reid replied with absolutely no inflection.

Luke laughed nervously “ok…..I’m sure it’s going to taste fantastic.”

Reid couldn’t keep the straight face he was working so hard on. “You are so gullible. Of course I picked something up. I went to the new Italian place we’ve been driving past the last month. The owner clearly wants me too.”

Luke didn’t like the sound of that. “Why?” If some guy was coming on to his boyfriend Luke would have to make sure and put an end to that quickly.

“I caught her checking out my ass as I was leaving.”

“Her?” Luke laughed.

“Yeah….but thanks for the ego boost. I saw that green eye immediate flare up Luciano.”

Luke lightly backhanded him in the chest “that wasn’t nice. Maybe next time I’ll just let whoever it is have their way with you.”

“Sure you will.”

Luke just laughed. “Shut up and feed me doctor.”


“Mmmm, that was really great” Luke sighed contently as he pushed his empty plate away. “Looks like we can add another place to our list of menus in the drawer, but from now on, I’m going to get it. I can’t have anyone ogling my boyfriend, no matter what sex they are.”

Reid smiled over at Luke. He enjoyed the feeling of contentment that so easily washed over him when he and Luke spent time together. “No one stands a chance. Not when I have you.”

“Prove it” Luke teased which had Reid producing his best pout and replying “if I must.”

They stood and blew out the candles. In a subtle but completely endearing move Reid placed a soft affectionate kiss on Luke’s cheek when he grabbed both plates to bring them to the kitchen sink. Luke walked up behind Reid and rubbed his hips against the contours of Reid's ass pinning him against the counter. Enjoying the immediate heat it caused Reid leaned back pressing further into Luke. His hands reached behind to hold high onto Luke’s thighs. Luke reciprocated by continuing to sway while he leaned his head in to suck along the base of Reid’s neck where his hair hit the collar of his shirt. The sensation elicited an appreciative moan. Luke loved feeling in control every once in a while and the encouraging noises coming for Reid led Luke to reaching around the front to unsnap his boyfriend’s jeans and unzip Reid’s fly so he could gain access to his already growing cock.

“Oh…yeah……Luke….yes” Reid breathed out as he licked his lips as every nerve ending in his body was going on high alert.

“You feel so good” Luke cooed in his ear. “I can never get enough of you Reid. Never.”

Reid couldn’t take the exquisite friction being created between the rock hard bulge at the front of Luke’s pants and his jean clad ass any longer and turned around to remedy it. His hands quickly went to work on the zipper while Luke grabbed his head and pulled him in to connect their lips, this time in hunger. Their hands worked to push their own pants and underwear down before mingling again against their sides. They frantically unbuttoned shirts, not wanting any barriers between them, no matter how thin. Somehow managing to step out of the heap of clothes pooled at their feet they staggered over to the couch. Their bodies leaned in to the back rest both half-knelt, half off, groping for each other and rubbing their hardened naked dicks against each other’s stomachs.

“Want you inside me” Reid breathed into Luke’s mouth as they continued to kiss. Luke’s head pulled back and looked at his boyfriend, his eyes intensifying with desire.

“Don’t go anywhere” Luke ordered, pointing at him and took the stairs two at a time up to their room. Reid chuckled a bit at himself for taking the order and at Luke for his rapidness in returning back to the couch with lube and condom in hand.

“Eager much” Reid said.

“Hell yes” Luke replied as he sat back down and pulled Reid on top, straddling him. He wasted no time lubing his fingers. He slid two into Reid and he involuntarily clenched down around them, a bead of sweat springing up on his forehead. “So tight” Luke whispered, looking into Reid’s crystal blue eyes. He kissed the sweat away and slowly began rotating his fingers while Reid breathed, relaxed and gave in to the pleasure Luke was giving him. When Luke knew there was room he inserted a third finger and then a forth. With Reid’s arms wrapped around the back of Luke’s neck, he bent, kissing and licking along his Luke’s chest and collarbone riding Luke’s fingers and opening himself. He let out a small whimper when Luke removed his fingers to cover his dick with the condom and lube.

“Turn around” Luke said as he spun Reid’s hip so he was facing away from him. Sitting as far back against the couch as he could with his knees together Luke grabbed Reid and pulled his cheeks apart exposing that beautifully open hole ready to be filled. He slowly pulled Reid down until inch by glorious inch he was fully sheathed inside Reid. They stayed like that for a few seconds while Luke just circled his hips around getting comfortable. Reid lightly stood a little and came back down as Luke’s cock slid across his prostate sending a volt of electricity down his extremities.  The small up and down they managed built an amazing hunger but soon wasn’t enough for either of them. Reid lifted his feet so they were on the couch opening himself even more for Luke. He grabbed the armrest with his left hand for balance and leaned back until his back made sweaty contact with Luke’s hair filled chest. Luke used his hands to easily lift Reid almost all the way off him before shoving him back down until he was completely filled again. They gave over to the hypnotic rhythm, the side of Luke’s face and Reid’s touching as they were tilted back moaning and mumbling non-words of ecstasy.   The pressure building inside Reid desperately sought release. He grabbed himself and stroked in time with Luke's motion. When he couldn’t hold out any longer Reid came, shooting his orgasm along his chest and down his hand. The pleasure rippling through him made his ass clamp down on Luke. It was more than enough to send him over the edge as well and he slammed one final time into Reid.  Luke’s body shook, the aftershocks of the orgasm rocking through him. He released Reid’s hips to join his boyfriend’s hand milking the last of the come out of Reid’s cock and smearing it between their hands. Luke turned his head to sprinkle kisses along the back of Reid’s neck.

“I never could have guessed this is how things would turn out when you came storming into Oakdale, full of disgust for me.”

Reid laughed a little still on his lap, with Luke still inside of him. “That makes two of us.”

rating: nc-17, fan fiction, !author|artist: broncotvgirl, luke/reid

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