The Brain vs The Heart - A Battle Royale

Dec 24, 2010 09:09

Chapter 36

Luke and Reid were a tangled mess on his bed, limbs crossed, hand touching, fluids exchanged. Luke was just finishing licking the last drops of come off Reid’s stomach, kissing Reid and poking his tongue into his boyfriend’s mouth so he could taste himself on Luke’s supple lips. Their breathing was starting to deepen and heart rates were slowly returning to normal. Their bodies glistened with sweat and ached in all the right places. Reid wasn’t sure if he’d be ready to have sex again for at least a week.

“You’re a mess Mr. Snyder” Reid joked.

“I love you too Dr. Oliver” Luke replied.

Reid’s bedroom hadn’t fared much better. Clothes was scattered around as well as multiple condom wrappers on the floor. It had been a sprint from the hospital straight to Reid bedroom without stops in between. They’d both been impressed with themselves for making it upstairs before attacking the other.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you in all the excitement of your declaration of love that I have myself a new nephrologist.”

Reid used what little energy he had left to prop himself up on one elbow and looked over at Luke. “Are you going to keep referring to my forced outburst at the hospital as a ‘declaration of love’ forever?”

Luke smiled up at Reid “yep, I think I just might.”

Reid shook his head in mock irritation but couldn’t stop the smile from escaping his lips “whatever. Are you sure you’re ready to make a decision so soon? Who will be treating you? I didn’t realize you had seen all six I contacted.”

“Well, I saw or talked to five of the six, but it’s a done deal, Dr. Klein has agreed to take me on long term. She is the right choice, I know it. I went to Houston to get it all squared away before coming to Dallas to see you. In case you haven’t noticed, I can be pretty persistent when I want to be.”

“I have noticed that actually.” Reid took his free hand and brushed it against his boyfriend’s cheek. “Luke, I want you to know how much it means to me that you are taking your kidney’s health so seriously. Now that you’re here and really going to be here, I don’t think I could handle losing you.”

“Good, because I don’t plan on losing you either.”

“When is all of your stuff going to get here?” Reid asked looking absently around his room. “I’m going to have to start clearing some space to make room for it all.” Reid saw Luke’s eyes widen in disbelief and realized he’d just verbalized his assumption Luke was going to move in with him. “What I meant is for the times you’ll want to stay over….dresser space, that kind of stuff” Reid back-pedaled.

“Reid” Luke asked in a small, tentative but tender voice “do you want me to move in with you?”

“No, of course not, I like living alone. Don’t be an idiot, that’s not what I meant.”

“Reid, do you want me to live with you?”

“I just…. I don’t…. I figured…. Are you…. What do you want?”

“Reid, do you want me to live with you?”

This time there was just silence. The only noise present was the sound of the fan from above whirling around and around. Reid closed his eyes and let out a deep breath while practicing in his head yes, yes, Yes, YES, and on the fifth try the word was spoken out loud.

Luke beamed at him. “If you want me here then there is nowhere else I want to be. I would love to live with you Reid.”

Reid flung himself back down on his bed, his back bouncing of the mattress from the force of it, the smile of relief hidden from Luke. “You wore me out…. I’m exhausted…. I’m taking a nap now.”

Luke snuggled up alongside of Reid and rested his chin in the spot on Reid’s shoulder made just for him. “You do that old man….I’ll be right here when you wake up.”


Then next week was a whirlwind. Luke went back to Oakdale to indeed pack up all the things he wanted with him in Dallas, at Reid’s. Most of the furniture would stay behind since it was Lucinda’s anyway. Some of his family even pitched in. Holden was there with Ethan the day he discovered the binders under the table legs in the kitchen.

“Luke, what’s with these Grimaldi prospectus’ under you table legs?”

Luke’s head whipped around from the other room where he and Ethan had been wrapping the chess pieces and he turned three shades of red. He ran over and took them from his dad. “Oh man… um…. please, please don’t make me answer that question.”

Holden could tell how embarrassed his son was and figured he probably didn’t want the answer so he decided it was best if they changed the subject. “So, is Reid going to be able to make it for Christmas?”

“Dr. Reid?” Ethan excitedly chimed in from the living room.

Luke smiled, although the blush in his face didn’t fade. “We think so. Since he worked Thanksgiving they are looking for someone else to take Christmas day even though he’d already signed up for it.” He added softly enough for only Holden to hear “I worry he won’t exactly be welcomed by mom though.”

“Well, she’s only one person and everyone else is hoping he will be there, right Ethan?” Who nodded his head enthusiastically from where he sat. “I know Mama is looking forward to feeding him in person.”

“She gots to make lots and lots more, otherwise Dr. Reid will eat it all and leave no pie for me” Ethan stated, clearly frightened of the prospect.

“You’ve made that abundantly clear Ethan.” Holden said. Looking back at Luke he included “your little brother can’t stop talking about how much food Reid can eat. Mama’s thinking about getting an extra ten pound ham just in case.”

Luke went over and ruffled Ethan’s hair. “Well buddy, you tell grandma that if Reid doesn’t make it she better end up with leftovers because he wouldn’t let me off the plane without some.”

Holden chuckled at Dr. Oliver’s affinity for his mother’s cooking. “Really?”

“Oh yeah…. He said something about her being the best kept culinary secret in the entire Midwest or something like that.”

“If I tell her that it will probably earn him an extra pie.”

Luke smirked “that’s what he’s banking on.”


Four days before Christmas Reid called Luke after he got home from the hospital.

“You’re ruining my life Mr. Snyder” He complained when Luke picked up the phone.

Luke giggled on his end of the line. “What did I do this time Dr. Oliver?”

“We’ve been invited to a new years eve party at Sue’s house. How the hell am I going to get out of it? This is your fault you know.”

“Aww, that’s nice. Sounds like fun. Why wouldn’t we want to go?”

“First of all, I am now a we…. I despise we people. And second, have you met me? I don’t do parties remember. The only reason I went to your damn foundation dinner was the promise of sex afterwards.”

“And I delivered didn’t I?”

“You did” Reid conceded. “What are you going to offer this time? And before you answer, it’s going to have to be off-the-charts great or there is no way I’m socializing with people I yell at on a daily basis. It’s just plain bad for the image.”

“You’re image will stay as scary as ever I promise. But I want to go. Sue has been so sweet to me whenever I’ve been there. I think it’s great she invited us. WE” Luke said with emphasis “will have a great time. I’m sure I can come up with something great to get you to agree. Can I get back to you?” Luke joked.

“You do that. And in the meantime I’m going to have to be an even bigger ass the next few days, just in case.”

“I didn‘t think that was possible.”

“You have yet to see what I’m fully capable of Luke” Reid drawled out in slow meaningful words.

The action didn’t go unnoticed. “And I can’t wait to find out Reid.”

Luke heard a deep and heated sigh come from Reid. “Now I have to pull out that damn picture of you so I can ease the discomfort you’re causing me.”

Luke blushed and sunk down into his couch, his eyes closing to half mast and other hand reaching into the front of his unbuttoned jeans. “Mind if I stay on and listen?”

This time it was Reid who let out a hearty laugh. “I love you.”

“You’re such a sap” Luke teased. “Now, shut up and get me off doctor.”


Lucinda and Dr. John Dixon stopped by the cottage two days before Christmas. They wanted to share the news that John had decided to accept the Memorial Chief of Staff position Bob offered him. Lucinda informed Luke he would have to vote to approve him because she wasn’t allowed. Bob had sited a ridiculous conflict of interest or some such nonsense. They also had other news to share.

“I don’t know if you heard my dear grandson but Christopher Hughes has been found.”

That made Luke’s heart stop. Please be alive, please be alive. “Where was he?” Luke asked.

John answered. “Well, from what Bob told me after Chris was rushed into the emergency room, he was found unconscious at the Wagon Wheel Motel on the edge of town. He’s in bad shape. He’s been placed on the top of the transplant list with U.N.O.S. but there’s no telling if he will get a new heart in time. You, young man should have contacted me as soon as you found out.”

Luke noted there wasn’t much anger in the accusation. “I know Dr. Dixon. You’re right, I should have. I just felt so bad for Bob. I knew Chris was always selfish, but I really thought if his dad confronted him, it would be the wakeup call he needed.”

“Let Chris’ stupidity be a lesson to you. Listen to your body and get the help you need, as soon as you need it.”

“Trust me, Reid has made that fact abundantly clear to me.”

“Ah yes, Dr. Oliver, I’m sorry I’ve yet to meet your friend. I hear he’s a fine dedicated surgeon, top in his field as a matter of fact.”

Lucinda walked over and hooked her arm around John’s elbow. “The two of you are quite alike” she mused, patting his cheek. “Except that he’s younger, far better looking and has the hots for my beloved grandson.”

John laughed “you see why I’m so crazy for this lady now don’t you?”

Luke laughed as well. “She and I certainly share a type.”


Reid landed in Oakdale on Christmas Eve….Christmas morning actually since it was 12:05 AM when the wheels touched down. He was exhausted but pleased to be standing outside the front door of Luke’s cottage. When they left for Christmas at the Snyder farm in the morning, the cottage would go back to being Lucinda’s again and Reid wondered if they would ever spend any more time there. Reid took out the key he’d hung onto since that first morning after Ethan’s accident and let himself in for what could very well be the last time. He looked around and realized he would miss the place. He’d told Luke he was lousy with sentiment but he couldn’t help but want to hang on to the memories they had created there. He pocketed the key, no intention of giving it back. Even if he never used it again, it was a tangible link to falling in love for the first time. His lifeline to happiness, signifying just how far he’d come since October. Calling himself an emotional fool, he made his way to the bedroom and saw Luke curled onto his side, sound asleep. Love…. who would have ever guessed that picking up my phone and letting Richie Rich under my skin would alter my entire life. Reid quickly undressed and slid in behind his boyfriend, cradling his semi hard erection into Luke’s ass and applying just a little bit of pressure.

“Hmmm” Luke moaned, instinctively pressing back, grinding himself against Reid. “You made it.”

“I did.”

Luke rolled over and grabbed the back of Reid’s head pulling until their lips were together, open and accepting. He pulled back with a sigh. “Missed you…. Just think, we get to spend every night together just like this from now on.”

“You’re such a sap” Reid teased. “Now, shut up and kiss me you idiot.”

Luke didn’t need to be told twice. He leaned back in and brought their lips together gently and with great affection. He tilted his head and slipped his tongue into Reid’s mouth. Luke wrapped an arm around Reid’s back and leaned over moving partially on top of Reid so their bodies were closer together. Luke enjoyed the soft wet feel of Reid’s lips under his. Kissing Reid’s mouth was very close to his favorite place to occupy his lips. He’d admitted to himself and of course Reid already knew his favorite place was wrapped around Reid’s cock. Luke knew giving head was something he was pretty good at considering it was almost the only thing Noah would let him do without complaining too much. The big difference now was that it felt right, not forced and never rushed. He sucked Reid off for pleasure, not as a means to an end.

After making out for a bit, his head instinctively started the slow decent toward his boyfriend’s stomach, licking and nipping along the way.

“You’ve had a long… hard… day doctor…let me relieve some of that built up tension.” Reid let out a soft moan as Luke took his cock into his mouth and went to work doing what he did best. Reid’s hand automatically went to Luke’s hair, massaging and pulling as Luke’s head bobbed up and down, his mouth riding Reid’s erection. When he released Reid from his mouth, the doctor let out a whimper of protest.

“Make love to me Reid. I want to feel you inside of me.”

Reid flipped them over and settled himself between Luke’s open legs. If asked again to repeat the following words he spoke, Reid would deny saying them ‘til his dying day. “I’ve made love to you every time we’ve been together Luke. I will continue to make love to you from now until the end of time.” Reid coated a couple of fingers with Lube. He stretched Luke slowly, building the pleasure for them both until Luke was open enough to receive what he was asking Reid for. Lying under Reid, glowing from the look of innocence and arousal that brought the doctor to his knees, literally and figuratively, Luke looked so exquisite Reid couldn’t stop the syrupy crap that continued to come out of his mouth. “I love you Mr. Snyder” he confirmed again as he slowly slid inside Luke’s ass until he’d buried himself completely. Reid moved in and out of Luke feeling the inevitable release start to coil in his loins and hoped the end of time was a long, long, way away.

rating: nc-17, fan fiction, !author|artist: broncotvgirl, luke/reid

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