Stolen from everyone who stole it from other people.
a) I want to talk about how my ships and concept of shipping varies with fandom, so name a fandom and I'll discuss what I ship and what shipping means to me in that fandom.
b) I have a lot of fandoms. Have you ever wondered about one of the fandom I sometimes mention on my journal which you don't
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Comments 23
b. Who do you think I'd really love from Storm Hawks and why? :D
I do love the Speed Racer fandom for all its batshit pairings and all. For me, when I was a kid, I shipped Racer X/Speed but I don't ship it in the movie! Which makes things awkward for me when I'm reading fics in the speed racer fandom since 99% of the material that comes out is based on the movie.
AND I LOVE TRIXIE SO MUCH and I DESPAIR over the lack of Speed/Trixie fics because they weren't just. IN LOVE or LOVE kind of phase. They were best friends, they confided in each other, they trusted each other and in the end of the movie, they don't go ILU AND KISS!!! They first share a hug and the hug was like, "I'll be there for you!" sort of feeling which I loved seeing.
My thoughts on any other speed racer pairing (Tony Stark/Speed, Royalton/Speed, Yakuza Driver/Speed) are pretty much "...uh" in all honesty.
I have a weakness for Taejo/Speed though.
I also think you would love Starling but everyone loves Starling so.
B) ... I actually have no idea, pimp a fandom at me
ANYWAY, I don't ship much since everything that is canon, I like already. I would love more Phoenix/Iris, my unloved het pairing. And Ron/Desiree will never stop being sexy to me.
Yeay, Phoenix/Iris~ ♥ Truth, I wanted to app Iris for CFUD but Phoenix left. :(
Awwww maybe we'll get a new one?
B) I know nothing about Oz's canon. SELL IT TO ME.
NO SECRET that I ship Aerrow/Dark Ace. The Bickering! The subtext that's really more text! I just wish there were more people who would write the pairing decently and not make it like TRUE LOVE or BUCKET OF ANGSTS.
And speaking of angst, I find that not a lot of people write Storm Hawks for what it is! A cartoon. Admittedly, I do the same a lot for my headcanon pieces too, but I find that the leaps of logic fandom takes totally confuse me.
OTHER PAIRINGS that I wish fandom would notice. Aerrow/Starling, Finn/Junko, Piper/OTHER FEMALES, Piper/Cyclonis. I would also say Aerrow/Piper because I've yet to see a single person on the internet OTHER THAN MYSELF write this pairing properly.
...Oh yeah. I didn't mention it since people might take me seriously like last time.
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