Title: Sworn Setting: between FFX and X-2 Theme + Number: (35) Marked; (66) Serious(ly); (68) Brotherhood/sisterhood; (79) Making the best of it; (88) Long (time)Claim: Rikku
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I just wrote a longwinded appreciative review of all the many facets of this piece that felt exactly right, from the shells being "soft" despite not being soft and Valefor's breezes, to the very natural and characteristic interaction between these two individuals, to the Al Bhed customs and Yuna's combination of letting go and holding on. Then my computer froze.
I guess I'll just say that this in amazing, subtle, quiet piece with exquisite insight into Rikku and Yuna, one of the better snippets of fanfic I've read.
Lovely. You capture their voices accurately and distill their persons so precisely --"soft steel" can only be Yuna.
I like the exploration into this side of the Al Bhed culture. I like how Rikku holds it to herself as a personal vow and yet there's a hint of ancient superstition evident --"she does not want any of them to escape and make bad magic".
And I love the idea of swearing on a plait. And while I don't normally recommend aurikkus, I wonder if you've read this http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2095147/1/ --it has another incidence of Al Bhed hair growing in it, strangely enough. :)
I'm sorry to admit I borrowed the idea of "swearing on a plait" from some really, really bad ancient-Rome fiction I read once. It was of course used in a religious context, whereas I just made Rikku mildly supersticious (did I spell that right? :P). Somehow the concept of writing a drama-piece about a haircut amused me greatly XD
Yeah, well, it totally bunnied me for a short chaptered fic about Yuna "embracing" her Al Bhed side and how this brings about the changes we see in X-2.
Comments 6
I just wrote a longwinded appreciative review of all the many facets of this piece that felt exactly right, from the shells being "soft" despite not being soft and Valefor's breezes, to the very natural and characteristic interaction between these two individuals, to the Al Bhed customs and Yuna's combination of letting go and holding on. Then my computer froze.
I guess I'll just say that this in amazing, subtle, quiet piece with exquisite insight into Rikku and Yuna, one of the better snippets of fanfic I've read.
I like the exploration into this side of the Al Bhed culture. I like how Rikku holds it to herself as a personal vow and yet there's a hint of ancient superstition evident --"she does not want any of them to escape and make bad magic".
And I love the idea of swearing on a plait. And while I don't normally recommend aurikkus, I wonder if you've read this http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2095147/1/ --it has another incidence of Al Bhed hair growing in it, strangely enough. :)
I'm sorry to admit I borrowed the idea of "swearing on a plait" from some really, really bad ancient-Rome fiction I read once. It was of course used in a religious context, whereas I just made Rikku mildly supersticious (did I spell that right? :P). Somehow the concept of writing a drama-piece about a haircut amused me greatly XD
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