Title: Light the Length of August - Chapter 6: Safe Enough
Fandom: Supernatural
Character(s): Sam, Cas, Dean
Pairing(s): Gen
Word Count: 4121
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, it’s not mine. If you don’t recognize it, it still might not be mine. Any recognizable places or people have been fictionalized. I am not blind. I do not have
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Comments 2
And I am so glad, that Sam’s height and attractiveness were brought up, because he really would be striking.
Also, hope you get a bit of rest!!
How could anyone not stop and stare if Sam Winchester walked by? I don't even find people attractive like that and even I think he's just....striking is a good word for it. Add in some shades and a cane and I get unreasonable feels. There's a possibility that I'm a little weird.
You're so sweet! I'm getting a whole weekend off this week and it is glorious! There are pj's and a movie night in my immediate future.
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