I'm going to be out of town next weekend (I'm actually flying to San Francisco to see a screening of Brokeback at the Castro Theater!!!), so this is a two-week challenge I'm calling Beginning-Middle-End, and there is only one context this week.
All icons must fit LJ standards. Submit icons as screened entries to this post following the posting standard prescribed at the bottom.
Challenge 84: Beginning-Middle-End
You must make a set of three icons symbolizing the beginning, middle, and end of something. It can be Jack and Ennis's time on the mountain, their entire relationship, Ennis and Alma's relationship, or it can have to do with Jake, or Heath, etc. The possibilities are endless. The three icons must also be a "trio" in that they must visibly match each other in style enough so that they look like a set.
[X] Any images are allowed.
[X] Brushes, textures, and animations are allowed.
[X] You may submit up to four sets of three for this challenge.
Always ask if you have questions.
Also, I hope no one is having trouble making icons for lack of images. I have full caps of the movie plus some deleted scenes and many other images, so if you need something, ask, and I'm quite sure I have it. Have fun!
Banner maker still needed :)
Posting Format:
Challenge: (A or B)