Walk The Line

Oct 21, 2012 21:25

Walk The Line

Cowritten with: majincammy

Summary: In the wake of a horrific accident, Arizona's sinks into a deep depression where not only Callie, but Sofia also fails in rekindling her love for life? Despite agonizing pain and the realization is she losing it all, can Arizona overcome in order to save everything she loves?

Rated: Mature

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fic: walk the line, fic: callie/arizona, fic: grey's anatomy

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Comments 6

Can't wait for an update... jshawfan October 22 2012, 02:03:49 UTC
Whoa... in a 'this is angst, pain, darkness at its finest' kind of way. You can feel the pain and torture coursing through Arizona and I can completely picture her and the PT going at it like you all depicted here. Arizona is a mess of despair and understandably so. She feels like she's lost everything and has to basically start from scratch. Even with Callie and Sofia physically there, when your world is turned upside down it's very hard to see the good sometimes... it's like tunnel vision... dark with a flicker of light that you aren't sure is real or not. Is it light or just an oncoming train? Sounds like she thinks everything is a train and she's just waiting for the next crash... maybe Callie to lash out or leave. It's almost like she's egging it to come on bec she thinks that that is the next thing that should happen or maybe she wants to happen bec she feels like such a burden or failure. Hopefully Callie goes with her heart but if she goes with her head, and Arizona truly "loses it all" then maybe that will be the catalyst ( ... )


Re: Can't wait for an update... majincammy October 22 2012, 02:37:02 UTC
Thank you so much. Seriously, feedback like yours is just... really wonderful to read. We're trying really hard to portray the story as realistic, but still in character. It's really awesome to know that people get it and why it's so dark. There is light at the end of this tunnel, it will come, but Brittany and I are dancing in the dark right now. :)

Thank you again!


funkyshaz57 October 22 2012, 02:10:46 UTC
Woah I'm truly loving this story a lot! And I don't do angst but I do when it's written like this! This is epic. Sad, heart breaking but really wonderful. The emotions of both Callie and Arizona are overwhelming but so palpable. I feel for Callie , how hard it must be for her to try and keep everything together on her own especially months after the crash...walking on egg shells around her wife, not being able to talk to her. It can't be easy. I'm hoping that even though she just heard Arizona say some really sad things that this might be the match that Callie needs to light the fire within and start kicking Arizona's ass into wanting to live ( ... )


majincammy October 22 2012, 02:34:44 UTC
Comments like yours make me feel stupid about being so depressed from lack of comments on my own stories to the point I don't really write anymore. Especially the fact that you're enjoying the story so much, given how much you dislike angst!

To be honest, I was kind of surprised that Brittany and I are so close to canon in the way we wrote Arizona, but I'm glad that canon is being realistic in her recovery. It's a situation that most people will never be touched with, not even through extended family, so I was worried. Thank you for taking the time to read and really give amazing feedback. I'm honored and so very thankful. :)


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majincammy October 22 2012, 14:36:50 UTC
Thank you for your kind words. It's just me though. More often than not, Britt is pushing me to continue and to do more. It's pretty much how this piece came about. And really, thank you so much, it's really nice to know the work we're putting into the story shines through and the readers not only like it, but they get it. :D


awesomegreys October 22 2012, 15:30:08 UTC
Great painful heartbreaking angsty fic. High quality writing like always and an original plot starting from the canon plane crash. Both my girls in character. My heart is cut and is bleeding for my favorite characters and couple ever but I can't give up in reading what already have all the elements to be such a beautiful story. So you have my appreaciation too (for what it worth) and I'll lean into the pain and enjoy the ride while waiting for the end of the dark for a new beautiful light my girls are able to shine again.
Great job.


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