1, OMG! Why do they keep getting into such positions? Never stop, guys. I was watching Mirror, Mirror last night, and there's this point where M!Spock is unconscious and Kirk picks him up to put him on the sickbay bed, and OMG, as he's picking him up, his had goes right for his crotch! My first thought... well, my SECOND thought, was OMFG, Brittany needs to screencap this!
Comments 11
Of course I love 1. I mean... guh... large objects... I'll be in my bunk.
random comment: I just realized that I haven't uploaded the smart ass Spock icon you made me. I was going to use it. That's why I noticed. *facepalm*
I love the basement one. So true and so funny!
Brilliant and awesome as always!
1 and 3 were totally worth the discomfort of laughing with cracked ribs!
Also, can put bid on that dungeon, y/n?
P.S. - Aw, how'd you crack your ribs, hon?
Oh, some idiot decided that the staircase was the PERFECT place to store their soda can. *grumble* Stupid idiot is stupid.
Hey, you should link these to the K/S comm.
PS- Where is your next Analyzation chapter???
Ooo, linking this to be the K/S comm would be awesome!
...and I would do that...how...?
Thanks to the Bad Timing Fairy, my beta sent me the corrections during the clump of hours of my day where I couldn't get to the internet. ::facepalm::
I have it now, though, and I'm just about to go through and make the changes. It'll be a late post, but it will definitely be up in about an hour. =)
...and I would do that...how...?
Make a post on the K/S comm advertizing that this comm exists and is full of K/S goodness, probably.
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