Aug 04, 2010 14:41

Title: Uncharted
Rating: Kind of PG-13, kind of NC-17
Warning: Fluffy smut. Slow-building.
Beta: anoncomment7
Summary: The thought of loving a man more than startles Watson. Holmes leads the way.
Previous: Chapter 1 , Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9

**Yes, it's 10 out of 12. I decided to take out a couple of chapters.

***Also, YAY! I'm back! The next chapter is already in the works, so please don't kill me for this chapter being short. I really didn't mean to put this project down for so long, especially at such a big cliffhanger. My apologies. Really.

Chapter Ten:

This was not a moment for levity; not even the sort designated for inappropriate times.

However, as slick tendrils of the most sincere mortification curled around Holmes’ stomach, he could fathom no other immediate approach that would properly mask the conflict of his inner workings.

He tilted his head slightly, asking with suitable politeness, “And you are…?”
Mary ignored the question and invited herself in. Ever dutiful, Holmes closed the door behind her and drew in a short breath to try and convince himself that all was well.
No cause for alarm, it's simply a pleasant visit from Watson's future bride.

Mary’s eyes were fixated on the stairwell. "I want to talk to him."

Right on cue, Watson emerged from Holmes' room looking miraculously tidy. The expression of blank shock didn't come until he spotted Mary but, thankfully, he was able to reel it in so quickly that only someone with Holmes’ keen perception would have noticed. Such was his hope, at least.

Watson greeted his fiancé in his usual manner, for lack of another course of action. "Good morning, Mary,"

She crossed to the bottom of the stairs. "Good morning."

He met her pointed gaze. "How did you know I was here?"

"The proper question,” she corrected in a flat, but not overly harsh tone, “is 'Why didn't I know you were here?'"

"Mary, I assure you, I can explain."

Holmes folded his hands behind his back and quietly positioned himself in a way that allowed him visual access to the doctor without being noticed by Mary. From here he attempted to silently command Watson not to speak of anything terribly revealing just yet. Caution was of the utmost necessity until Mary’s intent and knowledge had been firmly established.

"You already have," she insisted. "We've had this discussion before and I thought we had arrived at an agreement: Detective work is not a suitable occupation for a man of family."

Holmes watched as Watson's eyes flickered to his for a small instant. He shook his head once, a slight movement, and knew his message had been received.

She was entirely unaware.

"I will not put up with deception," she assured him. "Inspector Lestrade should not be privy to your whereabouts when I am not."

Holmes made a mental note to have the Inspector framed for double homicide.

“I had planned to tell you,” Watson admitted, sincerity holding his voice steady.

"Perhaps I should excuse myself," the detective suggested. "This seems to be a discourse best suited for privacy."

Mary spoke to him over her shoulder, "No need, you've seen fit to make yourself an equal part of this situation and I see no point in depriving you of your standing any longer." She turned back to Watson. "I’m left with no other option. You are either married to me or working for him-there is no middle ground. I love you, John, but I deserve a husband, not a wedded bachelor."

Watson could only watch in silence as she made her way to the door. Holmes nodded respectfully as she passed, opting to hold his tongue.

She was gone a few moments later.

Not long after, so was Watson.

fic, holmes/watson, uncharted, chapter 10

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