fic: When Finn Comes Marching Home Chapter Eight

Sep 02, 2011 08:57

Title: When Finn Comes Marching Home
Pairngs: Finchel, Quick, Tartie, and eventual Brittana, Wemma, and Klaine
Spoilers: None
Summary: Quinn talks to Puck, Santana and Kurt drool over Brittany and Blaine, and Finchel is just adorbs.

Chapter Eight

The next morning, Rachel headed into the school. She was going to wait to meet up with Finn until she had talked to Quinn. She wanted to know what was going on with the blonde cheerleader. She headed to her locker, deposited things, took some things out she needed, and headed to Quinn's locker. Quinn was looking to be in a good mood, she was whistling a song as she opened her locker. Rachel walked up, and said, "Hello, Quinn, can we talk for a second?" She hoped that Quinn would tell her something that she could use to sooth Noah, he had been so upset. He'd stayed and sung with them for a little while before he'd left to go home, since it had been getting late. Rachel's father had come home, and insisted that Finn head home, too, although he liked the boy. He thought he'd been good to Rachel.

Quinn turned her gaze to Rachel, and gave her a smile. "Hi, Rachel." She said, and then turned back to her locker. "You can talk to me about anything you want." She added, as she took books out and exchanged them.

Rachel clutched her own books to her chest. "Did you break up with Noah? Because he came to my house yesterday to talk to me and Finn. He said that you broke up with him, and he was supposed to be going steady with Santana. He said that he didn't want to. He loves you. I thought you loved him, too." Rachel said, giving her friend a confused look.

Quinn took a deep breath and turned around to face Rachel. She closed her locker as she did so. "I don't know if I was exactly in love with him, but I like him a lot, and I didn't want to hurt him. It was out of my hands. But now, I can talk to him, apologize, and we can get back together. Thanks for looking out for him, though, Rachel, I appreciate that you're such a good friend." She knew that Rachel wasn't trying to attack her.

Rachel smiled. "Good, I hope it works, he was really upset yesterday." She said, "Let's go get Finn, and then you can talk to Noah." She started down the hallway, Quinn following. She hoped that things were going to be better for them now. She was glad that Quinn was going to get back together with Noah, she liked them together. She and Noah had been friends since they were very young, and she wanted him to be happy. He was like a brother to her, they were both Jewish, and went to the same church.

Finn was at his locker with Puck when they approached. He turned as they came up and gave Rachel a kiss. "Hey, sweetheart, how are you?" He said, and there was a moment of silence. Quinn and Puck were looking at each other nervously. Finn took Rachel's hand, "Come on, let's go down the hall a little so they could talk." He squeezed her hand tightly and took her books for her with his other arm.

Quinn and Puck looked at each other, not sure who should talk first. Quinn finally ventured, "I'm sorry that I broke up with you. It was not my choice. But it's OK, because if you want to get back together, we can." She was surprised to find herself itching to take Puck's hand. She didn't know where that was coming from. Maybe she really did like him. She hoped that he would forgive her, she felt really bad for hurting him like she did. She hoped that Santana would just leave them alone now.

He was glad that she was saying these words to him. He just wasn't sure what he was going to say back to her. He wanted to get back together with her very much, he loved Quinn. He said, "How do I know you won't leave me again? I want to believe you, I love you. Even though things were so rocky with us, I do want to be with you, and I want to work things out. But how do I know that you won't just break up with me for no reason again?" He wished that he could just believe her, but he was skeptical.

Quinn lowered her head. She took a deep breath and then looked back up at him. She said, "I'm sorry, I really am. I promise, I won't leave you again. But I don't blame you if I have to earn your trust back." She took a deep shaky breath, and with her free hand fiddled with the bottom of her sweater. She was wearing a blue sweater and a straight knee-length white skirt. She was so hoping that he would give her another chance. She knew that she couldn't be with Rachel, and Puck was nice to her. She had treated him horribly, she needed to atone for that.

Puck didn't see any reason to not give her another chance, especially since they may have fought all the time, they hadn't ever broken up. He smiled and kissed her on the lips, lightly, and then he took her books for her. He said, "I'm so glad you want to get back together, babe." He led her to join Finn and Rachel, pleased as punch. "Guess who's back together." He said, giving them both a smile.

Down the hall, Santana was just joining Brittany at her locker. She grinned at her friend. "Hi, Britt Britt." She said. She was wearing jeans and a green sweater. Most girls would not dare to wear jeans to school, but Santana did not like to follow rules if she didn't have to. She usually got away with it, only if because the school was afraid of her father, who had come down to fight for her before. Her father was of the mind whatever Santana wanted to wear, as long as it was decent, mind you, was just fine. She said, "How was your date with Matt last night?" She was wondering how things were going with Matt.

Brittany smiled at Santana and closed her locker. She was wearing a knee-length full skirt that was pink, with a red short sleeve shirt and a matching sweater. She was wearing saddle shoes and tights to help keep her legs warm. She smiled happily. "It was fun, we went to a movie, and Matt took me to the diner for a burger and fries." Brittany and Matt were happy, but Brittany was starting to wonder what it would be like to be with Santana. She loved her best friend, and lately she'd been having dreams about being with her. It hadn't worried her like it should have, Brittany didn't think it was any different than dating a black boy.

Her best friend smiled back at her. Santana was disappointed that Brittany had had a good time, but she was also glad that Brittany was so happy. She leaned against the locker next to Brittany's. "You gonna eat lunch with me today? Matt can join us, I guess." She said, shrugging. Santana had nothing against Matt, she just wanted his girlfriend.

Before Brittany could reply, Santana noticed the new boy, Blaine Anderson, fighting with his locker. The lock must have been giving him trouble. Santana said, "Britt Britt, look, the new guy's having trouble." She knew Brittany was going to suggest helping him. Brittany was just nice like that. It was one of the reasons that Santana loved her.

Brittany did not disappoint. "OK, let's go help him, 'Tana." She said, as she bounced to help Blaine. She smiled at him as she approached, Santana sighing and following. "Hi, I'm Brittany S. Pierce, and this is Santana Lopez. Are you new here?" She asked, as she took the paper Blaine had written his combination on and deftly spun the numbers and opened up his locker.

Blaine looked at her in shock, but smiled. "Yeah, I'm Blaine Anderson. Nice to meet you." He gave Santana a smile, too, and she managed a half one. He was wearing nice slacks and a black sweater. He had combed his hair and it was swept off his face to the right. Santana had to admit to herself, he was really cute. She wondered if he could sing. They always needed kids for glee club. He said, "Thanks, Brittany, I was totally having trouble with that."

Kurt was watching this exchange from across the hall, his heart pounding. He had the hugest crush of his life on Blaine Anderson. He didn't know what to do about it. He hadn't even had the nerve to approach him and ask if they could be friends. He was too nervous. Blaine was so beautiful. Kurt had never seen a more beautiful boy in his life. He had closed his locker, and barely looked up as his brother and his friends joined him. He tried to look away, he knew he shouldn't be staring at Blaine. Most of the school already thought he was weird enough, and Karofsky would really pick on him if he thought Kurt liked Blaine. He gave his brother a half smile as he sighed, holding his books to his chest. He wished that he could find a girl to like. His life would be so much easier. But nope. Kurt Hummel had to like boys.

& pairing: brittany/santana, # type: fic, % rating: pg-13

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