FIC: Like a Fine Wine

Nov 07, 2010 14:53

Title: Like a Fine Wine (You Just Get Better with Age)
Author: insaneantics21
Pairings: Santana/Brittany, minor Rachel/Quinn
Rating: PG-13
Length: ~2,000
Summary: When Santana sees definite signs of getting older she isn't exactly happy about it.
Spoilers: None.
Author's Note: *Puppy-verse #23* Sorry it's been a while, guys. I'm trying to space these out so I can get the last one done without there being a gigantic gap.

Preceded by:
Puppy | My Girl(s) | Perfection | Decisions | Baby Love
Baby Love 2 | Slushies: The Next Generation | Little Gold Stars
Change | Baby Just Say Yes | (Not Quite) Nine Months
Double Trouble | Bigger is Better | Miracles | The Beginning
Mother's Day | First Date | Sick Day | Mondays | Nervous
Storms | Nightmares

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Like a Fine Wine (You Just Get Better with Age)

& pairing: brittany/santana, # type: fic, % rating: pg-13

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