Title: Day One
Pairing: Brittany/Santana, mention of Quinn/Rachel.
Rating: I've no idea, so I'll say PG-13 just to be safe. Let me know =)
Summary: Set after "Sectionals". After the so-canon-phonecall Santana can't stop thinking about Brittany. One-shot.
Disclaimer: I don't own them, Ryan Murphy and FOX on the other hand... Made for fun (and to avoid doing actual work XD)
Spoilers: Only that bit from Sectionals.
Author's Notes: My first complete fanfic EVER. I did this really quick at work (a friend of mine was saying she wanted some Brittana so I wanted to give her some =P), so it might not be very well written, plus, english is not my first language.
“Sex is not dating, sex is not dating, sex is not dating” Santana kept repeating the words in her head… she was sure as hell she had always felt that way… she could have sex with everyone and not feel anything, never wanting anything else from the other person. But this time it wasn’t her, it wasn’t her voice she was hearing say those words. Something about the way that Brittany confirmed what the Latina said, something about the fact that was Brittany who seem so sure about it… made her sick on the stomach.
From that day on, having sex with Puck wasn’t the same, having sex with any boy or girl wasn’t the same, she wasn't having fun anymore, she was tense and all she could think of was one thing: Brittany’s words, Brittany’s face, Brittany’s mouth as she said those words... Brittany. Having sex with her wasn’t the same either, she took care of 'Brit' now, she wanted the blonde to enjoy, to be happy. Their sex wasn’t about Santana anymore, it was all about “her” Brit.
After a couple of weeks, she had stopped having sex all together. She only did Brittany and didn’t even let her to be the other way around. She was falling in love and she didn’t even knew it until “day one”, as she likes to call it.
Day One began at the school cafeteria, the Glee kids were all having lunch (along with the rest of school, but who cares?) and suddenly Quinn stood up in a table and began to sing “The right kind of wrong”, and sang every single verse watching passionately at Rachel. That was the day they all found out they were girlfriends, and the fact that Quinn didn’t care about anything or anyone else and did that, made Santana melt a little, she knew right there and then… if Quinn and Rachel could be an item and be THAT cute, she could have a girlfriend too, in fact, she really wanted one. A very blonde, very innocent one.
So that night… when she had Brit all to herself… they started kissing, but in a way they've never kissed before, as always Santana set the rhythm, but this time it was slow and sweet, pure sweetness. The latina broke the kiss, stared in the blonde girl eyes and finally said it with a smile… “I don’t wanna have sex with you anymore”
That was all she wanted to say because she thought the meaning behind those words was clear… but seeing the sad look on her girl’s eyes, she had to explain, because let’s face it, we’re still talking about Brittany… “I wanna date you”.
The End.