Title: 240 Glee Main St. (2/?)
Author: pri_rage
Rating: PG
Pairing: Rachel/Quinn and Santana/Brittany. Mentions Finn/Quinn. Eventually/Possibly Artie/Tina, Kurt/Finn.
Disclaimer: Characters not mine, just borrowing them for a bit.
Spoilers: AU Glee. No spoilers.
Word Count: 1554
POV: Brittany
A/N: Since I don't have anything to do ever, I'm not gonna give more options about POVs, cause I don't have the patient to wait and do nothing until enough people give their opinion.
A/N II: This is a little less funny then last chapter. There is some sad stuff, but nothing that will require tissues.
One day, Santana Lopez will be mine. And we will cuddle all day!)