Title: Truce
blueowls Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Brittany/Santana, Kurt cameo
Length: 572
Spoilers: None
Summary: “Can we please talk about the giant elephant in the room?” Kurt said, appearing out of nowhere and leaning against the locker next to Santana’s.
Disclaimer: I own nothing
“Can we please talk about the giant elephant in the room?” Kurt said, appearing out of nowhere and leaning against the locker next to Santana’s.
“Said elephant being...?” Santana asked pointedly, arching an eyebrow and slamming her locker shut.
“Your sexuality,” Kurt said with a condescending smirk.
Santana sighed loudly and crossed her arms over her chest, a foot tapping impatiently against the carpet as Ms. Pillsbury settled at her desk. Next to her, Kurt sat with his chair pulled as far away from the Cheerio as Ms. Pillsbury would allow, apparently glaring at the foot of the woman’s desk and holding a icy compress to his still-swelling nose.
“Now,” Ms. Pillsbury began softly, hands still fluttering about, “Santana--”
“Another black mark on my permanent record,” the Cheerio interrupted lazily, cracking her gum. “Big freaking deal.”
Ms. Pillsbury seemed to deflate.
“What was this about?”
“I have nothing to say to you,” Kurt snapped, shooting the Cheerio a withering look. It was unclear to whom he had been talking to, and he refused to speak further.
The entire intervention was going nowhere fast, so Ms. Pillsbury urged them to talk it out and hustled them out of her office. When they had finally left, she set about Windex-ing the uncomfortable plastic chairs they had been sitting in and wiping them down.
“She is incredibly bizarre,” Kurt said flatly as they headed back toward glee. It was most likely already over, since Kurt had had to fish through the entire abandoned nurse’s office before finding a compress after Mr. Scheu before escorted them to Ms. Pillsbury’s office.
“Why didn’t you spill?” Santana asked as calmly as she could will herself to, which was not at all. Kurt’s expression was unreadable, and they continued walking in silence for several minutes before he answered.
“Bitch that you are, I still don’t believe all of Lima needs to know about your not-so-latent tendencies until you’re ready to talk about them. Brittany’s doing a good enough job of that without my help, although none of the others believe her.”
Santana cursed explicitly as Kurt mentioned the blonde, causing a passing janitor to drop his mop, and began to jog toward the glee room. Kurt sighed dramatically and held his pace, as each footstep was already causing his tender nose to throb.
Nearing the glee room, he found the two girls standing next to the door, heads bowed close together as Santana clasped Brittany’s hands in hers. They were speaking softly, and so he paused in the hall a respectable distance away, coughing demurely to announce his presence.
Brittany’s head jerked up, eyes wide in surprise, and Santana turned, her ever-present scowl returning. Kurt found that it was hard not to find the blonde incredibly endearing. Santana was extremely lucky. If she didn’t already know it, Kurt vowed to himself that he would make her realize it.
“Let’s bounce,” Santana said to Brittany, shooting Kurt one last threatening glance as they both turned to leave. The boy pinched the tips of his thumb and index fingers together, sliding them from one corner of his lips to the other.
The Cheerio held his gaze coldly, and after a moment, managed to nod stiffly in thanks.
Kurt ducked back into the room for his bag, dusting it off and reemerging in time to see Brittany take Santana’s hand and lace their fingers together as they walked down the hall.