Anyone know owt about Wales?

Oct 13, 2008 19:21

I'm considering the prospect of going for an MA/PhD in English Literature at Cardiff University. This not a post about zomg what should I do, visas, passports, planes(!!!)...I'm a British citizen, getting a BA at an American university and have looked into similar programmes in the UK before ( Read more... )

studying in the uk

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Comments 56

cetrati October 14 2008, 00:13:50 UTC
Those tattoos scream either "I'm a skin head, fuck off" or "Take the piss out of me", those will be the 2 average reactions I expect.


englishmann October 14 2008, 00:42:58 UTC
Well, I have hair and don't dress like a skinhead, so people are welcome to think that...however untrue it is. The only reaction I've gotten that I wasn't too fond of was a Crystal Palace supporter who told me they were clearly Rangers FC tattoos, even though I said they weren't. Everyone else has either not said a word or has really liked them, and I spend time in England at least once a year.

But, yes, I do expect some degree of what you've mentioned, though I have not experienced either to my face.


englishmann October 14 2008, 00:44:31 UTC
I should add that I'm also a girl, so a bit of the skinhead connotation is derailed there, as there are female skinheads, but they are not very common.


slloyd October 14 2008, 00:18:12 UTC
All the signs in Wales are bilingual. I would imagine the people in cardiff are either bilingual themselves or just speak only english.

You would have no trouble getting by in Cardiff.


englishmann October 14 2008, 00:48:30 UTC


deke October 14 2008, 00:26:20 UTC
Since Cardiff is in South Wales, more people speak English than Welsh. Even today, I think it's still near 75%/25% in terms of native English/Welsh speakers. You certainly won't be alone in not knowing Welsh and, since all the official signs are bilingual, you'll probably pick up a smattering of Welsh just living your everyday life.


englishmann October 14 2008, 00:47:13 UTC
Gotcha. Thank you.


deke October 14 2008, 03:26:22 UTC
I've heard your story before but I don't remember the exact details (I'm a friend of lady_t_220 and sort of pseudo-family of House W) but you are a dual citizen, right? Were you raised in the US or can you do a passable American accent? Because the people in Cardiff are very friendly to Americans, in my experience. And this gives me the opportunity to drag out my old story about the two nice ladies from Cardiff who cornered our bus driver when they got off and wouldn't let him get back on the bus until he promised not to let me off in some Godforsaken part of Swansea unless there was a taxi (or tacsi in Welsh ;) ) waiting for me. I never once had a communication problem in South Wales.

Also, I noticed someone below me mentioned Rosetta Stone. I have the Rosetta Stone Level 1 Welsh. I have to say I'm not that thrilled with it. It gives you the basics, sure, and you can hear native speakers, but it's not very comprehensive. I could see learning a lot from the language classes that have all three levels available, but Welsh has only the one. You' ( ... )


englishmann October 14 2008, 23:53:10 UTC
LOL. Heard my story...

Yes, I'm a dual citizen. I was raised here and have a hybrid accent; I sound English to Americans and Britons who don't know me well, and I sound like a weird in between to those who do. But, yes, I can hide one side or the other rather easily.

Let me get back to you on the Welsh. I got an e-mail from the university today, and it's looking better and better. If I get in and decide to do it, then I'll definitely take you up on the offer. :)



teididh October 14 2008, 01:04:38 UTC
No help for you, but wanted to say your ink is very pretty ( ... )


englishmann October 14 2008, 01:06:19 UTC
Thank you. I have another sitting tomorrow for him to fill in another piece of the outlines. :)

How is the Rosetta Stone? Is it worth all the money?


teididh October 14 2008, 01:19:13 UTC
Woof, looking back over that, please excuse the grammar. I had a four-year-old jumping on me, and should have known better than to hit 'post' before proofreading. :)

Ooo, how exciting! I can never sleep the night before new ink. It's like waiting for Santa...except that Santa has illustrated skin and often facial piercings.

I can't say for sure on Rosetta Stone. It IS a great program...very thorough and extremely well thought out. The pacing is challenging but not daunting, and the semi-immersion method is very effective for retention, in my experience. I'm way impressed with it overall, and would probably say it's the very best learn-at-home program I've ever seen. But I got mine at a deep discount, and being a -broke- language nerd...I'm not sure if I would have necessarily paid full price. The BBC site for Welsh is pretty cool, though, and there's a very encouraging amount of Welsh media available online.


englishmann October 14 2008, 01:26:12 UTC
No worries.

I haven't much of a choice, haha, as I have to be up early to teach. Plus, I've already got more of my leg healing at the moment, and not doing so very well, so I'm kind of in between being desperate for my new ink but also not looking forward to more itchiness and awkward walking. :)

Thanks for the tip and the link. Appreciate it!


aggybird October 14 2008, 02:52:10 UTC
I'm a Yank who ended up at the University of Glamorgan for a year, so I spent my fair share of time in Cardiff. It's a darling, quirky, brilliant city and I'll have a crush on it forever. It's got a great mix of modern convenience and old-fashioned charm and the people there were always friendly as can be. Sometimes a little too friendly (drunk rugby fans, I'm lookin' at you). But the shopping is great, you can find delicious places to eat, and everything fun in the city is pretty much in walking distance. (It's a bit of a long walk from Cardiff Central to Cardiff Bay, but it's still lovely ( ... )


englishmann October 14 2008, 23:54:23 UTC
Love the bit about the cars on the weekends! NICE!


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