Holy crap! Labor is almost as much as the part! This really doesn't seem fair - auto repair is such a racket, and now I feel bad for the lady who hit me!
did your progressive estimator actually go out and check the damage to help matrix w/ the cost? i'm also thinking about asking the same one to come and check it after - especially since i won't be able to make it to saturn til after the 6th...
Don't trust the Progressive estimators...mine was actually in the shop and she supposedly checked my car each time they gave it back to me and I had to call again and say nope they did this wrong. Progressive guarantees the work of the shop that is why they want you to use one of their guys. If the mechanic screws up they are not worried about your time to have to go and have them fix a mistake. On the 6th ask them to put your car on the rack so you can see the undercarraige and have them show you what they fixed. Also don't be scared to tug on your bumper as it should be tight to your car and not loose. The idiots who fixed mine broke a piece that snaps in and forgot a few screws so it wasn't tight like it should be and I had to make them fix it again. I mean seriously how do you miss painting a whole side of a car...my shop did...
geico is the onsite for this auto body shop. my house plans just got changed, so i'm going to make an appt for next tues morning @ saturn to check out the work modern did.
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