I am 25

Dec 05, 2008 13:38

So, it's my birthday today.  Yay!

Today's not so bad, and this week's been alright.  Teaching does get easier the longer I do it.  And, I feel good to be able to invest myself in...people.

In a funky mood today but I've been sick and I'm pmsing and I've had some odd dreams lately.  Anyway, hoping to shake that by tonight.  I'm supposed to go out ( Read more... )

blog, birthday

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Comments 4

dreaming_col December 5 2008, 06:17:12 UTC
Happy birthdaaay~! (even if it's only, oh, 16 minutes into the 5th here... *shrugs*) ^_^


briochick December 5 2008, 06:20:37 UTC
thank you!!!!


unbridled_b December 5 2008, 17:04:26 UTC
Happy birthday! :)


briochick December 6 2008, 02:21:02 UTC
thank you!


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