Trying a new *Diet* day 3

Sep 23, 2010 19:36

I may be counting my eggs before they hatch but it's 7:20 and I've only used 1180 calories.
And, I worked out. Though not quite as hard as yesterday. Mostly because I'm sore. I also seemed to move slower today.
Even though I woke up three hours earlier than yesterday I still didn't  accomplish everything I wanted. Where did the time go?

So, ( Read more... )

food, health

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Comments 2

Diet anonymous September 23 2010, 17:25:15 UTC
Hey thanks for the information. I been surfing the web all day looking for so good information to start my diet and I like your article thank you. I found your article on google before I ran into your article I was read this other article similar to yours and it sound like you know what you talking about so I was wondering have you read this article if so can you tell me what you think about they information 3 Day Diets

Thanks again for the information.


NATO takes over command of military operations in Libya anonymous April 8 2011, 11:12:24 UTC
[b]NATO is taking over command of military operations in Libya from coalition forces, world media reported Sunday.[/b ( ... )


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