True Blood

Sep 01, 2010 20:51

Ok, maybe it's because I'm on season 1 (2?), but does anyone else find Bill just a bit...skeevy ( Read more... )

true blood

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Comments 7

unbridled_b September 1 2010, 12:27:35 UTC
Hee. I'm totally the opposite of just about everyone in this fandom. I find Bill completely adorable and Eric doesn't do it for me at all. I like Eric's character, but I just don't see the sexual appeal at all; he has a gorgeous body but his face is just kind of "meh" to me. Whereas Bill has the blue eyes and the dark hair and the rugged good say nothing of his tragic past. *dreamy sigh*

Yeah, I'm in the extreme minority in this opinion, but that's cool. It just means there's more of him for me. ;)


briochick September 2 2010, 00:29:01 UTC
Well, you have fun with him. lol. I think it's the name that really has me biased. Bill? Really? Bill. bill. Ooooh, No. I think I'm rather biased against single consonant names for vampires.
Me liking Eric's character is actually out of character for me. I usually go for the dark rugged types. But where as you see Bill as rugged I see him more as...haggered.
I'm of the personal opinion that she should just go out with Sam and have done with it. lol.


unbridled_b September 2 2010, 13:15:37 UTC
I could get on board with a Sam/Sookie pairing; Sam is all kinds of adorable. But really I don't really care who Sookie is with as long as Bill gets plenty of screen time. I only 'ship one couple on this series, and Sookie plays no part in it. ;)


briochick September 2 2010, 15:10:16 UTC
What pairing do you 'ship? Tell me it's not Bill/Lafeyette. ;)


unbridled_b September 2 2010, 15:46:27 UTC
You're still on season one, right? I was afraid of spoiling you because the pairing doesn't occur until season two. But if you really want to know ...

ETA: It's definitely not Bill and Lafayette! :P


briochick September 2 2010, 15:59:58 UTC
hehehehehe. Good.
Yeah, I'm in season 1. But, I don't mind being spoiled. I read the back of books all the time. ^_^


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