(no subject)

Apr 26, 2009 13:07

It's been hot in DC this week, ridiculously so for April. Tempers are short, even before the sudden storm blows up, and the accidents happen, and traffic slows to crawl.

Angela went out with Brennan for a drink after work, nothing special, nothing wrong, just girltalk with her best friend (or what passes for girltalk when your best friend is Temperance Brennan).

She told Hodgins she'd be home "around eight."

Her phone rings at 7:55.

And again at 7:58.

And ordinarily, she'd answer it, but this is not a good time to take her eyes or attention off the road, or to pull over and take a call.

By the time she turns down the driveway, her phone is displaying fifteen missed calls and seven voicemail messages.

And it's 8:15.
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