Unfortunately for both Tai Huang and Elizabeth, there are two Navy men right outside, who quickly take them prisoner.
Norrington is not taking part in the battle, but then, an Admiral generally doesn't. It's all but won, anyway. He looks up quickly as the two emerge and are seized.
Norrington is not taking part in the battle, but then, an Admiral generally doesn't. It's all but won, anyway. He looks up quickly as the two emerge and are seized.
"Tow the ship. Put the prisoners in the brig. The captain shall have my quarters."
"Thank you, sir," she replies, eyes cold. "But I prefer to remain with my crew."
Even if they don't want her.
"Elizabeth!" he says, almost desperately. "I swear, I did not know."
Implacable, Elizabeth pulls away and slowly backs into her crew, continuing to eye Norrington's uniform with angry disdain.
"Well, now you do."
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