YouTube - not safe any more

Mar 21, 2007 17:51

There is a thread on Kawoosh, started last summer, where we were discussing whether or not it was a good idea to be posting music videos to YouTube. Was the exposure something we, as a fandom, could withstand? Was the free hosting worth the very public venue? Would MGM take action against us ( Read more... )

rant: youtube

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Comments 27

daneffew March 22 2007, 19:52:18 UTC
I totally agree. I have been in Fandom in one form or another for over 25 years. Up until the last 10 or so years any tried to stay under the radar of the TPTB. With the advent of internet fandom, it has become blatant in your face can't ignore someone infringing on copywrite.

I am not a vidder but I have been cringing about amyone having vids on Youtube. You don't know who is watching them . It is also a snowball effect of pushing the envelope of what the studios mind and don't mind.

And the one thing they do mind is the use of images and clips. 10 years ago it was Fox coming down on sites that had images and voice clips with X-Files. Now it is MGM.

Fanish vids and fanfiction is not a god given right. Unfortunatly a lot of people think it is. It is a hobby and it needs to be low key. Not in your face and can't avoid it on Youtube.


stargazercmc March 25 2007, 12:57:01 UTC
I don't vid, but I do appreciate and enjoy the talents of those who do. That said, I think MGM's crackdown has more to do with wanting to contain control of their creation in their own playground. I base this on the site they've created ( where not only is vidding tolerated; it's actually encouraged. Personally, I wonder if this isn't a bid more to push their own site or to keep serious fandom folks in one tidy place ( ... )


brihana25 March 25 2007, 18:09:05 UTC
I tend to keep things in perspective. I know that at any time, I could get nailed for violating copyright through my fanfic.

That's the way I've always been, too. I've always said, in every fandom I've ever been in, that if someone in power asked me to take my things down, I would. I've been honored and thrilled that George Lucas and John Wells let me play with their characters, and I'm thrilled that MGM is letting me now. But I think that a large part of that "letting" was in the "keep it out of the general public eye" that fandom has always managed to do. Well, we're not out of the general public's eye any more.

You'd think they'd realize that things like vidding and fanfic only increases interest in the product. In fact, I was brought into SG-1 fandom by reading a fanfic from a particularly talented author, and I've since spent loads of money on the Stargate franchise.I'm the same way. I was browsing around looking for (of all things) screencaps from the show to prove that someone on deviantArt had used them to make a ( ... )


Vids/Fics as added value advertising proggrrl March 25 2007, 21:34:42 UTC
Very interesting chat, brihana. I just found the metafandom comm and am very curious about this topic here.

I think MGM's crackdown has more to do with wanting to contain control of their creation in their own playground. ... I wonder if this isn't a bid more to push their own site or to keep serious fandom folks in one tidy place.

You'd think they'd realize that things like vidding and fanfic only increases interest in the product.I don't vid or write fics - I'm merely a fan who relatively recently stumbled onto a ton of BSG shipvids on youtube, got on the scifi BSG board, and soon found myself down the FandomRabbitHole that is LiveJournal ( ... )


Re: Vids/Fics as added value advertising ms_3m May 3 2007, 05:58:04 UTC
[..]SciFi has not removed any fanvids from youtube that I can see, since I began watching for them last December[..]

I was just re-reading this post discussion and came upon your comment. If you are not already aware....since sometime in February, YouTube has been removing SG fanvids wholesale from their website. And it's not just Stargate that has been affected.

No notice, warnings, or comments. Poof. Gone.


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