June Mini Contest

Jun 13, 2010 19:26

Hey guys! I've been looking forward to this mini contest for several months, and I'm really excited the time has finally come!

When I was a kid, I had a subscription to a magazine called “American Girl.” It was one of those magazines meant to be inspirational and build self-esteem in young girls. Perhaps it did, but I don’t remember any of that. The thing I remember the most about my years of being subscribed, is a particular issue that had a “100 things to do before you die” type thing. It wasn’t before you die, of course, that’s a little morbid, but it was a whole list of things a girl could try to find fulfillment in their life. Or whatever. I’m not sure. Anyway, apart from naming a star (which I did) the only other thing I remember on that list that I actually did, was to write a letter to myself to open in 5 years. I got to open that letter 3 ½ years ago. I don’t remember what exactly it said anymore, but I wrote myself another letter that I can open in 2011, and I decided I’d save the first letter to read for a second time till then as well. So I can’t tell you what it said.

How to Participate:

Your challenge for the June Mini Contest is to write a letter to your future self. You may write your letter in any form you choose: a poem or song, a story or an actual formatted letter. Your future self can be however far in the future you want it to be. Tell yourself whatever you want. Tell yourself how much your life sucks or how great it is. Tell yourself what you hope you’ve accomplished by the time you read the letter again, or maybe what you wish you had done. Whatever you want.

Prizes for this contest are provided by yours truly. I took it upon myself to sew the lucky winner the most cuddly blanket I could manage. I slaved for hours over the sewing machine, with much ripping of stitches and sticking of pins. Okay, so that’s something of an exaggeration...neither event occurred. There are two blankets to choose from, and they’re approximately 30 by 65 inches in size. I made them to be used and abused, so feel free to chuck your prize in the washer and dryer and subject it to your daily life. I’m (almost) certain it will hold up to whatever you put it through. I’ll even put a one year warranty on it. If it falls apart within a year, I’ll make you a new one. (Blankets chewed on by dogs, cut with scissors by errant 5-year-olds, or trampled on by a herd of wild horses are not covered in this warranty.)

Good luck, Flamers!

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Poll June Mini Contest Submissions Poll

Submissions will be accepted until Tuesday, June 22 at 9pm, EST

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