Poll Time!

May 16, 2010 12:22

Good afternoon! Welcome to the Week 2 poll!

This week we had 38 contestants who were eligible to compete. Of that number, 22 entered their stories by the deadline. As only 19 can move on to Week 3, 3 players will be eliminated this round.

Word Counts, Genres, Ratings/Warnings, Etc.:

alphawox -- 456 words, memorandum, touch of language, sci-fi.

aurumsisters -- fiction, 338 words

ayadec -- fiction, word count: 547

azuire -- genre: prose, science fiction. wordcount: approx. 1,119.

belgatherial -- Just a little vignette.

betweenthelynes -- PG 13 - Post Apocalypse world. Continued original fic (part 5). Mentions of character death, child abuse, neglect....etc. Approx 483 words

darlinleo -- Poetry

ecrivaillonne -- Prose, 652 words

fawatson -- Fiction - General - 243 words

ice_elf-- Teen, general fiction, 1120

isabeau -- ~1400 words; fiction (sci fi ish), and I have noooo idea where this came from o.O

keppiehed -- fiction, word count: 1747; Rated PG for mature content

lacrimaeveneris -- 218 words, G rating. No warnings. Fiction.

nebula_sprout -- Poetry

niliwen -- G rated fiction, 1575 words. definitely political

pelethetart -- PG, Sci-Fi (my first ever!), 867wds

starriheavens -- rating: R, science fiction, 965 words, warnings: violence, death

subieko -- A sci-fi/romance/tragedy in 869 words.

the_malediction -- Fiction, 4,306 words. Warnings: long, abuse?

theedgeofdark -- Genres: General, Action/Adventure, Sci-Fi - Rating: T (PG-13) - Warnings: Implied Sexual Situations

thorarosebird -- 1,600 words; no warnings

unnameduntamed -- U, Fiction, Sci-fi-ish, Word count unknown - probably around 500

urb_banal -- 1000 words exactly!, Adult for violence and language, fiction

writteninsight -- G, 320 words, concrit welcome!

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Poll Week 2 Poll

Voting for this poll will end on Tuesday, May 18, at 11 pm (so that I'll have had time to catch my breath after the LOST finale!!)

reading list-weekly poll

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