Hi there!
Welcome to the January contest! It is great to see some new members competing!
As we have 10 contestants participating, 2 people will be eliminated when the poll closes at 6pm EST, Friday January 11.
Good luck, and happy reading, everyone!
Poll January Contest Week One Poll! ladypoetessnonfiction, 425 words
bardiphoukafiction , wc=310
niliwenfiction, 602 words
hwango100 word drabble.
pelethetartChildrens, 158wds, no warnings
cedarwolfsingerpoetry/118/no warnings
one_time_padFiction. Some relatively small number of words. It happens without warnings.
keppiehedfiction/word count: 1337/ rated: G
bluegerlbluegerl. comp. short ficlet 630 words. Rating G. mention death. JFF ficlet words 1170 Rating G ? well... yes.
hermitwolfPoem, 159 Words, No Warnings